Thursday, 19 December 2019

#L77. Victoria. Policeman Of Victoria Murdered Near Patricia Bay Highway And Island Highway Heading North.


Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 

Another Murdered Policeman,
Near To The Patricia Bay Highway
And Island Highway Heading North. 

This is a report along with several reports about policemen getting murdered.
Also in this report along with all of these similar reports I do not take a second position
of importance in these murder situations and this is because I did survive being murdered
myself. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am just as important as The Murdered Policemen were
important and maybe even more important than them because God's Goodness allowed me
to live to tell these very sad stories and to definitely try to do some good things by publicly
speaking this out in order to help stop The Policemen from getting murdered again.

Readers: Here we go "AGAIN" on and on about such terribly serious reports as these ones
                are that did happen right here in British Columbia.

Readers: Good men are dead.

Readers: Good women are left bereaved of their loved husbands.

Readers: Children have to grow up in wrong home environments because their father, "The
                Policeman" was murdered.

Readers: All types and all financial classes of people do find out about this kind of murder
                taking place and do not like being where this is happening at and therefore do go
                elsewhere to make their investments. Therefore The Province of British Columbia
                does lose business and this does go against not only The Province of British
                Columbia's Better Business Ideals but it also does go against the Country of
                Canada's Better Business Ideals!

Readers: This kind of negativity is very seriously spoken against by me right here. This kind
                of negative "Public Bad Scene" does in an adverse way affects everybody badly.
                Everybody suffers from this kind of criminal "Murder Scene" going on.

Readers: Well here we go Readers. This is number 1 "Murder Scene" of The Policeman.

1. This report is about the murder of a policeman.
2. As far as I do know it was a policeman who was murdered not a police woman.
3. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was living in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, near to where
    The Island Highway goes north on Vancouver Island.

Readers: I am leaving out of this report  exact names and addresses through out this report
                because it is not allowed to say the truth in Canada about some of these types of
                "Bad Scenes." A person might get charged by someone through what is called
                The Court Of Law for including them in this report on The Internet. Readers: In
                Canada right now The Court and People Charging Other People Etc. is way out
                of balance to what it should be and is definitely "A Very Negative Worldly Force"
                that should never have been allowed to become "The Negative Organization" that
                The Courts and The Lawyers Etc. have made themselves to be.

4. I lived right where the murder took place at.
5. I remember the name of the place that I lived in when and where this murder took place
6. I do know the street name that the house was on where this murder took place at.
7. I remember everything about this murder,"The Policeman Scene."
8. "BUT" The country of Canada does not want me to say it out loud right here.

Readers: Therefore prepare for this.
               1. The Police do not mind me speaking out publicly "AGAINST" them,
                "The Police" "BEING MURDERED." The police might not like the way that I,
               Murray S. Fenwick, does go about my speaking out "AGAINST" them "BEING
               MURDERED." The police, though, do appreciate me trying to get the criminals
               WANT TO GET MURDERD." I do know that the police do appreciate what I am
               doing on their behalf. Therefore the police do not say anything at all against what
               I am doing.

Readers: Some of my writing here can get pretty hard to believe but it is the truth.
               Therefore Readers prepare yourselves for this one.
               2. Outside of Canada, where it's allowed, I, Murray S. Fenwick, am going to try to
               have arrested the people who I do believe have shot down, killed, the police. I will
               do my best in that country, be that country, what ever that country may be, to have
               those murderers who have gone on a holiday, become a tourist etc., gone travelling
               abroad, charged in that country for committing murder of the police.

Readers: It is true that a murderer will at times also commit another murder in the country that
                they are touristing in. Well come out of it what may?

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does not put down the way I do things just because I have
                crossed a border crossing. I think that Just Maybe I'll Get Results In Another
                Country against the murderers of the police.

Readers: Do remember that this report about this murder case is very short. It can be written
                out full length should "The Courts" ask for the full report.

Readers: This is, "In Short", what I know about that specific murder case. There are a lot of
                other people who do know about this specific murder case and therefore know
                things about this murder case that I do not know myself.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was living with my family in a large house in this district of Victoria.
2. A lot of other people lived in that specific house also.
3. There would be at least about 100 rooms in that house.
4. Those 100 rooms would hold enough people to say that "MAYBE" there was 400 people
    living in that house at that time. That is men, women, boys and girls, children, babies and
    dogs and cats? ??? ??? ??? Everybody from Victoria to Sooke to Sidney to Brentwood
    lived there, here. I say what a house location to be the centre of A Large Illegal Drug
    Dealing Business.
5. This murder took place about the year 1975 Anno Domini. This date can and might have
    to be altered.

Readers: The following man whom I call Big Fats in this writing definitely is a killer to
                some alarming degree because of his criminal back ground.

6. A guy, man, came from across town and he did move into this big house with his wife.
7. I will call this guy "Big Fats."
8. Big Fats was an illegal drug user.
9. Big Fats was an illegal drug seller.
10. Big Fats was a street kind of a person.
11. Big Fats was in a Big Illegal Drug Gang.
12. Big Fats had studied Karate for a long time.
13. Big Fats's job in The Big Illegal Drug Gang was he used The Karate
      that he had learned to beat up young women slaves with to get them
      to have sex with men customers who came to the gang to buy illegal
      drugs and who wanted to have sex with a young slaved woman.
14. Big Fats would pretend that he was a nice guy.

Readers: "BUT"

15. Big Fats was not a nice guy.
16. Big Fats was very very mean, and ruthless in his actions="ILLEGAL DRUG
17. Big Fats was slippery in his manner of conversation and was always
      sliding himself about the whole house. If Big Fats wasn't "Big And Fat,
      No-one In The Whole House" would ever have noticed him. Every time
      someone blinked their eyes Big Fats Slid By=The Drug Buy! !!! Big Fats
      was like A Ghost's Shadow about the whole 100 roomed house!
18. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      People were beat up and possibly killed from being beaten in some of the rooms! !!!
      Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."
19. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      People were beat up in the parking lot area! !!!
      Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: The next Big Fats "ENCOUNTER" was very
                seriously criminally enacted against people! !!!

20. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      People were beat up in many different ways! !!!
      People were beaten by someones fists! !!!
      People were beaten by someones kicking them! !!!
      People could have been killed with knife attack! !!!
      People could have been shot dead by guns! !!!
      People were beaten up badly inside of cars and trucks, then
      pulled out of the cars and trucks and further beaten up! !!!
      These people tried many avenues to escape but could not escape! !!!
      These people were trapped somehow! !!!
      These people even tried to escape from this terrible criminal attack
      by literally breaking down the walls of the large house in order to
      run off and also tried breaking through nearby windows in order
      to escape the terrible criminal assault, but could not escape The
      Karate attack of "BI G FATS"?! ?!?!?! ...

Readers:This time the wounded people, possibly dead people,
               were all thrown into quite large garbage cans! !!!

Readers:You must remember,
               Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

21. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      A set of very nice Indian Women were beaten up
      on a corner of the large houses earth grass property.
      This type of beating was greatly spoken out against.
      Everyone in the large house and about the large house's
      property tried to find out who did do this beating up of
      this Indian Women Set. No-one could figure out who did
      do this terrible criminal act.
      Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

22. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      Readers: It is very difficult to deal with the following sexual rape
                     scene that did happen because of the way that "SNEAKY"
                     Big Fats did do "The Devil's Things."
                     I, Murray S. Fenwick, did know of a woman who did rent a
                     room in This Large House Too. She simply went to another
                     room in The Large House to pick up some just delivered
                     groceries and it does look like Big Fats beat her up, down and
                     all around and then did sexually assault, rape her! When that
                     woman did complain to Big Fats about him sexually raping her
                     Big Fats simply shouted that he was beaten up also and left
                     out cold, unconscious, on the rooms floor. To me the sexual rape
                     scene does seem to be true but Big Fats's statement about being
                     also beat up and knocked out does not stand up under not even
                     very little of an investigation. It does look like Big Fats did do,
                     commit, this sexual rape scene of that woman.
                     Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
                Everybody who did live in The Large House did know that in
                "The Mindless Mind" of Big Fats concerning the raping of women
                should he want to do so he would go right ahead and sexually
                assault her. Big Fats was completely "Mindless" in his "Mindless
                Mind" as to "The Negative Results" that does result from his sexual assault.
                Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

23. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      Readers: There was some kind of a positive person in The Very Large House
                      who did take it upon himself to be The Manager Of The Very Large
                      House. This self made manager type of a person had a wife who Big
                      Fats did not like. Big Fats decided to and did hit her upon the head and
                      shoulders with a block of wood the size of her rocking chair. The self
                      made managers wife was in a beat up sick way laid up for at least 6
                      weeks The woman was very beaten up and hurt from this physical attack
                      and once again no-one could prove at all who did beat her up. If a person
                      did study Big Fats's "SHADOWY" movements about The Quite Large
                      House that person would become convinced who beat her up. It was none
                      other than Big Fats "HIMSELF" who beat her up! The beating up of this
                      woman made a lot more trouble in The Large House than one would think
                      would come out of it. While people looked and went about for the person
                      who did commit this terrible "Woman's Beating" people shouted about this
                      beating both far and wide. This "Woman's Beating" is exactly what Big Fats
                      would do and was proven to do all over town! The woman could have been
                      permanently injured, crippled, and killed dead!
                      Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

24. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."

1. The following negative scene is so very criminal that a lot of people did go
    about investigating it. This next negative scene that does contain "You Know
    Who," "BIG FATS," groups of Born Again Christian People had gathered
    together and had bought for themselves A Nice Old Red Brick Church. Along
    with the purchase of The Church Building those groups of people also got the
    land that The Old Red Brick Church Building sat upon and one, two or three
    nice old red brick two story houses that were called The Churches Mans. Just
    how many nice old red brick two story houses came with the purchase of The
    Church I do not know. ... ?
2. After The Church People had bought The Church they set to cleaning The Church
    and also cleaning and redecorating The Churches Mans.

Readers: You guessed it. Big Fats showed up.

Readers: I do not know if Big Fats was at The Church site to work or not to work but
                I do know that Big Fats was present at The Church site.

3. As usual Big Fats did not stay in one place.
4. Big Fats scurried about all through The Church and all through The Mans.

Readers: This is very important to know.

5. Big Fats traveled all over the grounds that did belong to The Church but then also
    Big Fats did travel all over the neighborhood. Big Fats was scurrying about in every

Readers: The following has to be written very carefully.

6. Someone did come to The Church site with a large gas can that was filled with a
    type of gas that would gas therapy a person into "BECOMING AND BEING LIKE
    A CAVEMAN APE" should that person inhale that gas into their lungs.
7. There might have been more than one gas can filled with the same type of gas. Maybe
    two or three gas cans.
8. These gas cans were not the normal little gas can that domestic trailers use nor were
    they the size of can that are used for houses.
9. These gas cans were larger in size.
10. It would take a strong person to move just one of those cans around and there were
      three of them to move about in order to used them.
11. Those were the actual gas cans that were used to gas people in both The Church and
      in The Mans.
12. Just "EXACTLY" how the person or persons did connect these 3 gas cans up with
      The Church and The Mans I do not know.

Readers: I will give a little example of what might have happened here when the innocent
                people were gassed in "BOTH" The Church and in The Mans.

13. Someone or some people might have been wearing a gas mask=gas masks and just
      opened up the door that led to The Church and to The Mans and then just opened up
      the cans valve which would release the canned gas into The Church and The Mans
      "OR" someone or some group of people might have had a hose and hooked the hose
      up to the valve which was on top of the gas cans and then put the hose into The Church
      and The Manse and then opened up the valve on the gas tank which would then have
      allowed the canned gas which was in the gas cans to be released into The Church and
      into The Mans.

Readers: You guessed it.

14. A lot of innocent people "BOTH" in The Church and in the Mans were "Illegally
      Gassed" by someone, who knows who?

Readers: This "ILLEGAL GASSING" was done more than one time, "OR," The
                Church and The Mans were Illegally Gassed at different times. I might
                need an addition here? I think I am just one person about this case here
                and that there could be some additional information for the sake of,
                clarification, about this case right here made.

Readers: I just must say this more than one time because of "OVERALL" what took
                place here.  "THAT IS."

15. Those gas cans were quite large and they were full of gas and were quite heavy.
      It would take quite a strong person or a set of persons to move them about. "THIS
      FACT" was proven out when those gas cans were gathered up and put together in
      one place for pick up.

16. I do know that people did say: This is just for example: That yonder young little sneaky girl
      just might have done this "Illegal Gassing." I, Murray S. Fenwick, am saying this for "The
      Good Well Being Of The Innocent." Did you ever think about the weight and size of just one
      of those gas cans and that it would take quite a strong person or a strong set of people to
      move them about and that yonder young little sneaky girl is just to small to do this kind of a

Readers: From my being a member of that Church's Congregation at that time I do know that
                some Church Elders, "OR WHOEVER," went about blaming people or that yonder
                young little sneaky girl who never did like being in Church for this "Illegal Gassing"
                of The Church and of The Mans. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say, "MAY THE GOOD
                LORD SPARE HER SOUL," and those other ones too who were falsely accused.

Readers: You guessed it. Big Fats had to be questioned.

17. Big Fats answered about the same to this questioning as he had already answered to many
      other serious questionings that had taken place all about the town.

Readers: Big Fats' answer to the first question is seriously taken to be the truth.

18. Big Fats' First Answer Is: I, Big Fats, and other people, Illegal Drug Users, were trying out
                                               the canned gas for "Illegal Drug Reasons" to see how intoxicated
                                               we could get off of inhaling that canned gas and we all including
                                               me, Big Fats, all passed out on the lawn where those gas cans
                                               were located.

Readers: Big Fats' answer to the second question has been found to be not acceptable.

19. Big Fats', Second Answer Is: I don't know how it happened but I, Big Fats, woke up in
                                                     The Mans, on the top floor, knocked out. I, Big Fats, woke
                                                     up from being knocked out "LIEING BODILY," across
                                                     other people who had been knocked out also.

Readers: You had better look at this seriously. All the while "The Illegal Drug People"
                and "Gas Cans" were in this area and this area right here covered more of an area
                than just The Church and just The Mans and just The Church grounds. It covered
                a large area in this immediate area of this municipality. A lot of "Illegal Drug People"
                got married right here in this area. That is both men and women who were into
                "Illegal Drug Trade." There became "An Illegal Drug Attack Scene" in this area
                of the municipality and a lot of people were hurt by being drug and gas attacked
                and woke up in bed with "An Illegal Drug Addict As Their Wife Or Husband"
                who they did not even know.

Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
Readers: There was "ILLEGAL DRUG ASSAULT" in The Church! !!!
Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
Readers: There was  "ILLEGAL GAS ASSAULT" in The Church! !!!
Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
Readers: There was "SEXUAL ASSAULT" on The Church Grounds! !!!
Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
Readers: There was "SERIOUS TROUBLE MAKING" in this part of the municipality! !!!
Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
Readers: There was "CRAZY ILLEGAL DRUG AND GAS MARRIAGES" taking place! !!!
Readers: You must remember that Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

Readers: Should this questioning have continued, right here, we have a serious inquiry about
                "HOW COME" you, "Big Fats Were Found=Caught," possibly committing sexual
                assault in The Mans. You said that you, Big Fats, were just "LIEING BODILY" across
                both men and women who had been knocked out by  gas attack in The Mans? ???
                Also the gas cans had been moved to be right at The Mans' door. Also you, Big Fats,
                were strong enough to have moved those gas cans by yourself. Also for you, Big Fats,
                this questioning did get rather long for you to go through and for you, Big Fats, this
                questioning of you got rather pointed for you to stand up under and was released off
                of you.

20. Big Fats' Third Answer Is: I, Big Fats, do not want to talk about the gas cans anymore! !!!

Readers: Big Fats' third answer was said by Big Fats in such a convincing manner as to end the
                inquiry with Big Fats right now and to make sure that in the future there was no further
                inquiry with Big Fats either. In other words Big Fats simply said, that I, Big Fats, is not
                the guilty person you are looking for. I, Big Fats, am not him, therefore go away from
                me, get gone, get lost! !!! I, Big Fats just said it, get lost man, get gone! !!!

Readers: Big Fats' attitude pertaining to this inquiry that was aimed at him was blunt rude
                enough to end the inquiry and to further end it in the future also! !!!

Readers: We all now go back across town to "The Large House."

21. Big Fats was "AT THE DOOR."
      At "The Large House" it became known to me that there was different kinds of trouble
      beginning to happen on the large house property where the children played at the swings
      and slide, at the children's play ground area, that was allotted for the children's play yard.

22. I talked with a woman about the trouble and made arrangements with that woman to go
      with her to the playground about "The Hour" that the trouble that had began and was now
      "REGULARLY" taking place.

23. I agreed with the woman to try to analize the trouble and to figure out a way to stop the
      trouble making.

Readers: I do know from talking with the woman and from observing the trouble and from
                talking with some of the young people who were present at the play ground that this
                trouble making at this playground was severe and that it affected everybody in the
                whole area and far and wide. The whole area and far and wide knew about this
                severe trouble making that was now taking place right here on "The Large House's

Readers: You do need to know now too that this children's allotted play yard contained now
                since this trouble began people of all ages and descriptions of back grounds and these
                additional older people came from both all over the immediate area and far and wide.

Readers: Everyone of the people now involved in the children's play yard knew who I was.
                This fact was very not normal that they all knew me, Murray S. Fenwick, who I was.
                I, Murray S. Fenwick, with my own knowledge does believe that I never met any of
                these people before this very hour of this very day in all of my life.

Readers: This supposed to be Happy Little Children's Play Yard now plummets off very
                quickly into a dark abyss of terrible criminal crimes that were taking place in The
                Little Children's Play Yard Instead of hearing the fun and laughter of little children
                coming out from The Little Children's Play Yard there was severe trouble there and
                severe trouble in the air.

Readers: The people knew me. They demanded, and I do mean demanded, me to go home
                and get my Bible and bring it back to the children's play yard in order to read the
                sick people there some consoling scriptures. This I did do.
Readers: The people knew me. They demanded that I kneel down in the children's play yard
                and seriously pray for their souls to be helped and to be saved by Christ God. This
                I did do.

Readers: The people knew me. They demanded that I lay my hands onto them while they were
                there in the children's play yard and pray for them that Jesus Christ does heal them.
                The sick were sitting on the children's swings and were standing up and were kneeling
                down and etc.. This I did do.

Readers: The people knew me. They demanded that I do these acts of The Christian Faith for
                them. This I did do.

Readers: I do mean that the people there in the children's play yard demanded that I do that for
                them.The people there in the children's play yard did seem to me to be in a state of
                severe spiritual, mental and physical break down.

Readers: To me the run down people in the children's play yard did seam to me to be run down
                drug addicts who were in this children's play yard area to get drugs that they were
                addicted to.

Readers: These people did appear to be stressed out very badly.

Readers: I do believe that if I had not agreed to give those run down derelicted people some of
               The Christian Churches Acts Of Mercy I do think that they would have negatively
               attacked me and somehow beat me up very badly.

Readers: Some of the people who did know me asked me politely to stop praying for them now.

Readers: Some of the people who did know me shouted at me to stop praying for them now.

Readers: Some of the people who did know me asked me politely to leave the children's play
                grounds and go home, with a nice tone in their voice.

Readers: Some of the people who did know me shouted at me to leave the children's play yard
                now and go home.

Readers: Everyone who came to The Children's Play yard got beaten up by somebody. Even the
                children were punched down into the dirt and hurt by somebody.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did quietly leave the children's play yard and went home.

24. Readers: The derelict drug addicts who now came to The Children's Play Yard because
                      of drug abuse in their lives had not grown up properly spiritually, mentally and
                      physically. Those drug addicts were very small in their bodies. They appeared
                      to be about the size of 9 year olds. They seemed to me to be any age up to about
                      20-23 years old. This pertains to both men and women. They seemed to come
                      from homes that did not look after them properly for some unknown reason to me.
25. Readers: I talked with the woman about what I did think should be done about this scene
                     of drug addicts etc. who had come to The Children's Play Yard. I talked with the
                     woman at length and very seriously what could be done.
26. Readers: I have to say this right here that "The Sobriety" of "The LARGE House" was
                     none existent. I do not know if there had been any "Sobriety" about "The
                     LARGE House" before I moved into it or not. I do know for certain though
                     that when I lived in "The LARGE House" that there was absolutely no
                     "Sobriety" what-so-ever about the place. There was an "EXTREME" amount
                     of trouble in and about the immediate area of "The LARGE House." This
                     negative statement of mine right here cannot be said enough but in this short
                     report I do hope that enough is enough that this is enough.

Readers: You guessed it: Big Fats was "AT THE GATE."

27. Readers: Quite soon I found out that someone had phoned the police about this=these
                      drug addict's invasion=invasions  of the children's play yard=yards.
28. Readers: I was told that the police station did answer the phone call and did say that
                      they would send a policeman over to "The Large House" to investigate the
29. Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, spent days waiting to hear about the policeman's visit.
30. Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, spent weeks waiting to hear about the policeman's visit.
31. Readers: The following is about the death of the policeman.
32. After a while people talked with me about the policeman's visit.
33. Word had got around that the police had been informed about the trouble making that
      was happening in The Children's Play Yard.
34. Word had got around that the police would soon be coming to investigate the trouble
35. I do not know who did kill the policeman but it was talked about quite a lot and decided
      that The Bad Hand Gun Man who-ever He was would kill the policeman.
36. It is believed that it was a gun shot from a hand gun that did kill the policeman.
37. Quite a large number of people did see the policeman get killed because everyone
      in "The Large House" and also all around about did show up at The Children's Play
      Yard to welcome the policeman into the place, the investigation site and to talk with
      him about the troublesome case.
38. The murder plan of The Bad Hand Gun Man is following and the people saw him enact
      all of it including the killing of the policeman with the hand gun shot.
39. What The Bad Hand Gun Man planned to do was he planned to shoot down and kill
      the policeman as soon a s he arrived. He planned not to wait one minute from the time
      the policeman arrived to shooting him down.
40. The murder plan was like some murder plans that are made by a hunter or hunters when
      they murder another hunter by gun shot in the woods by shooting him among some trees
      and saying that they thought he was a bear or a wolf etc.
41. This, "The Bad Hand Gun Man," did do. He personally asked the policeman to have a
      little look around in the shrubs and trees to that were right adjacent with The Children's
      Play Yard in order to get an idea, understanding, of The Children's Play Yard and its
      immediate area.
42. As soon as the policeman did do this little walk into The shrubs and tree The Bad Hand
      Gun Man did shoot him down and did kill him by hand gun shot.
43. This killing of the policeman, in this manner, was done to the policeman as soon as he
      did arrive at The Children's Play Yard's troublesome scene.
44. This hand gun shooting of the policeman was done so very quick by The Bad Hand
      Gun Man that the other people present were astounded as to this happening. You see
      Readers there were a lot of people present at the policeman's murder and not all of
      them knew anything about The Bad Hand Gun Man's intensions of shooting down the

Readers: Basically everyone present was very shocked over the shooting of the policeman.
                The information that I got did convince me that not many people did know in
                advance that The Bad Hand Gun Man was going to literally shoot down, that is
                kill, the investigating police man. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not know anything
                at all, in advance,  about the intended murder of the investigating police man.
                The Bad Hand Gun Man basically shot down and killed the investigating police
                man as soon as the investigating did arrive at The Children's Play Yard. The
                investigating police man did ask a few questions and did only begin his look
                about, his investigation, when The Bad Hand Gun Man shot him and did kill him
                when he just had started his walk about the shrub etc. The Bad Hand Gun Man
                shot the investigating police man as though the police man was a deer that was
                walking about shrubs etc. during deer hunting season.

Readers: There were a few additional statements about the policeman scrambling about
                in the thicket, looking about, just prior to him being shot down and killed but
                what I have written down here is about what did take place. It was even said
                that the policeman looked nice like a deer that was walking about in the shrubs
                and trees,  that was seeing, picking its way around and through the forest carefully.

Readers: It was planned by the people who did want the policeman murdered to kill the
                policeman in like manner when someone kills someone in a false hunting accident.
                People at times murder someone when they are out in the wilds on a hunting trip.
                The murderer will shoot down "The Innocent Person" and then say that they thought
                that "The Innocent Dead Person" was a bear in the thicket or a deer and that someone
                did shoot "The Innocent Person" by accident. This is called a hunting accident. This
                way of going about and murdering "The Innocent Person" is done all of the time. For
                certain the murderers of "The Innocent Policeman" in this case did plan the murder of
                "This Innocent Policeman" the exact same ways.

45. The policeman was supposed to have been shot right straight through the face by The
      Bad Hand Gun Man.

Readers: The following statement has to be made right here and in the following parts of
                this report I intend to explain why.

46. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was at work when the policeman was shot down. I was nowhere
      near this hand gun shooting of this policeman. My job, that is the job location, that I was
      located at was definitely quite a long ways away from this killing off of the murdered
      policeman's death location.
47. I, Murray S. Fenwick, had to prove my location at the time that the policeman was shot
      down over much, so much in fact that there is going to be an inquiry over knowing
      where Murray S. Fenwick was located when the policeman was shot down and just why
      this over much proof of Murray S. Fenwick's location had to be proven out so many
      times and with so very much authority that had to be signed onto his location statements.

Readers: The following negative, false,  murder accusation against Murray S. Fenwick is
                written down here as best as I can remember it.

Readers: You must remember that the negative, false, murder accusation against Murray S.
                Fenwick is as false as false can get and is therefore inaccurate in its content of
                darkly dreamed up information. All I can do is tell the negative story as best as I
                can in this here report but you  Readers must know that this information is false.
                I will simply do the best that I can do here.

48. The reason that I, Murray S. Fenwick, had to prove out so very many times where I was
      located at when the policeman was shot down and killed is because I was falsely accused
      of killing the policeman by shooting him in the face with a hand gun.
49. There was quite a lot of people who did falsely accuse me of this murder.
50. I do believe that Big Fats was one of the false accusers.
51. This large group of false accusers got together and decided how to accuse me of this
      murder of the policeman.
52. This large group of false accusers wrote up quite a large false report about me and
      how I went about committing the murder of this shot down murdered policeman.
53. This large group of false accusers even had me approaching the murder site and
      lieing down at times on the ground in little depressions in the ground quite nearby
      the murder location as I approached the murder sight in order to commit the murder
      of the policeman.
54. The large group of false accusers then had me approaching the, to be killed,
      policeman at a fast walking pace almost at a slow running pace.
55. The large group of false accusers then had me shooting the policeman in the face with
      a big hand gun, when the policeman was amongst the trees and bushes etc. walking
      carefully about while he was investigating The Children's Play Yard Case,  which did
      kill the policeman. This is the hand gun shot that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was accused of
      killing the investigating policeman with. This is why I, Murray S. Fenwick, does know
      how the investigating policeman was shot down dead. I got this killing information
      from my false accusers and a little more information about the killing of the murdered
      investigating policeman. I got this information after the investigating policeman was
      murdered, killed.
56. This large group of false accusers had "The False Report" all written up and delivered
      their false report to the police station quite quickly.
57. This large group of false accusers had the false murder case, report, all signed sealed and
      delivered to the police station it seamed to me within about 5 minutes after the policeman
      was murdered.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am not joking one little bit about being falsely accused
                for committing the murder of this policeman by a quite large group of people who
                did take their false report and give it to every police station in Victoria and then also
                they did give their false report to The Parliament Buildings in Victoria also.

Readers: "The False Report, Word", about Murray S. Fenwick committing murder of the
                policeman got all over Victoria in 5 minutes of time. This lieing gang did cover
                Victoria with their lieing report in 5 minutes of time.

Readers: It took a lot of my, Murray S. Fenwick's, and "OTHER PEOPLES TIME", to
                straighten this lieing report scene out, at least what could be straightened out,
                and because of the ways that "The False Accusers" did accuse Murray S.
                Fenwick with "The False Murder Report" I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that
                not very much of Their False Accusations could be straightened out.

Readers: This murder case and other murder cases are being very gradually put right
                back onto Murray S. Fenwick's, "False Accusers" own kitchen table tops and
                put there with notes enough about themselves having to answer for "The False
                Report=Reports" that they have Legally Sworn Out Against The Innocent
                Murray S. Fenwick. Also they have to answer for these committed murders

Readers: Therefore who were the large negative gang members who did all this false
                report stuff against "THE INNOCENT MURRAY S. FENWICK?"

Readers: AND!

Readers: Who was it that shot down "THE INNOCENT POLICEMAN, OR THEM

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, have written up in my blog and have spoken to enough
                people in government jobs and in police stations etc. that I am going to "Turn
                These Tables Around" from the negative false lieing accusations that "THE FALSE
                found out by the law, caught by the law, apprehended by the law, and dealt with
                properly. Their judgement will depend on the country that they are subject to over
                these, such, murder issues, charges.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do whole heartily warn Big Fats and all the people who are
                in Big Fat's Gang that I, Murray S. Fenwick, am in the process of "Turning These
                Tables Around" and that I am now:

                Murray "Standing At The Door."
                Murray "Standing At The Gate."

Readers: I for warn "The Investigators" to be very careful when they do approach "These False
                People Who Have  Been Going About Falsely Accusing The Innocent People" about
                these murder and other issues and about serious trouble making because every person
                involved here is in a quite large notorious gang and would not even hesitate shooting
                you, "The Investigator," off.

Readers: Therefore, " I DIRECT THIS TO THE INNOCENT,"  your own murder, death,
                "STANDS AT YOUR OWN DOOR."

Readers: I believe that it is the right thing to do to write down here the names and addresses
               of the people who would seriously have got involved in the shooting of the policeman.
               1. One of them is Big Fats himself. He is very easy to locate. He could be found in the
                   large house or about the city of Victoria any time.
               2. There is one family but many members in the family who I do know in their past.
                   They certainly would shoot the policeman down. Every one of them was a burned
                   down drug addict by the time they were 15 years of age. They can be found very
                   easily in and about the large house and other places very easily.
               3. I say this very carefully. I do know of people who were living in The Large
                   House who did have through their Christian Church friends very serious
                   connections with people who were involved in illegal hand gun scenes. I do
                   not know if these people were involved in this hand gun killing of this killed
                   innocent policeman though. I do believe that a serious investigation about
                   illegal guns owned by this Christian Church crowd is definitely in line with
                   an overall investigation. Readers: This here statement does go around a lot
                   of very large areas.
               4. In general people who did live in the large house could be brought into the
                   inquiry and asked the question if they knew anyone who did frequent The
                   Children's Play Yard during the time of trouble making.
                5. You could investigate the burned down drug addicts who did come to The
                    Children's Play Yard during this time of trouble making.
                6. I believe that "FOR CERTAIN" you could talk to the self made manager and
                    his beat up girl friend about the whole overall trouble making scene.

Readers: Therefore, "I DIRECT THIS TO THE INNOCENT," your own murder, death,
               "STANDS AT YOUR OWN GATE."

Signed: Thank You Very Much.
             Murray S. Fenwick

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