Sunday, 1 December 2019

#L102. Victoria. Atomic's Ruin Land. Short.

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. 

Atomic Compounds Have Ruined Nanaimo's 
Real Estate.

The Atomic Factory in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada,
"Has Ruined Nanaimo's Real Estate, Land."
Friday, 23 December, 2011.

Readers: This Report is written to "All Real Estate Workers" and to "All
                Other People."

This is "A True Report" about how "Real Estate" becomes of "No 
Value" once it has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds."
"Real Estate" becomes totally of "No Value" and in all cases a burden
to society once it has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds."
Readers: Now a little change here: I hope that you and other interested
                people will be able to get this report from your nearest "Real
Estate Store" in the near future.

This is "A True Report" about how "Real Estate" becomes of no value
once it has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds." Real Estate
becomes totally of "No Value" and in all cases a burden to society once
it has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds." Also this report is 
written to help All The Mental Health Hospitals and All Other Types 
Of Hospitals to more clearly understand the very serious trouble that
does happen to people once the people have been hurt by "True Atomic

Readers: For Example: "The Human Body" can literally fall apart once it
                has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds."

Readers: For Example: "Human Mental Health" can be very seriously 
                ruined once the person has been exposed to "True Atomic

1. This Report" can be applied to "The Whole World In General." It
    is about Atomic Problems that have happened.
2. "This Report" actually pin-points some of this problem to a certain
3. "This Report" deals with the problem of "Very Bad Real Estate."
4. "This Report" is honest about "The True Value Real Estate" has
    and how to be honest to the public about this Atomic Problem that
    does "Totally Ruin Real Estate Value."   
5. "This Report" also will tell you how to deal with this Atomic Problem
    with The Real Estate Values by simply joining ourselves, yourselves,
    together in groups and fighting politically in various ways to promote
    Truth and Right in honest dealings with The Real Estate Sales Values.

Readers: A word of warning.
               I give you a word of warning right here
and it is.
Readers: Because I am in The White House
               I have great influence in doing public things.
Readers: I would like to give you a good word here
               and it is, let us do Real Estate Values on the up and up.
Readers: I saying this another way.
                Let us do Real Estate Values Honestly,
especially when we are dealing with Atomic Polluted Lands.

Readers: These explanations of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk
                Dictionary are to be held in direct opposite example against
the wrong way that a lot of what is called "Real Estate" in British
Columbia, Canada and other places on the earth, where the properties,
the houses, the trees are evilly corrupted and falsely represented.

Readers: "This Part Of This Report" is about the true meaning of
                "Real Estate."
                THE TRUE VALUE of "Real Estate."
"Real Estate" that has an actual TRUE VALUE in money currency
of today.

Readers: Following is Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk
                Dictionary's explanation of "Real Estate."
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary:
"Real Estate:" land, including whatever is made part of or
                       attached to it by man or nature, as trees
                       houses, etc.

This very important dictionary explanation of words, properly
understood, is differently applied to the true value of what is
modernly called "Real Estate:

Let us look once again at very important dictionary explanations
of words, in order to properly understand these words in their
proper context.

The next word is "real"
Funk and Wagmalls Standard Desk Dictionary:
"real: 1. Having existence or actuality as a
             thing or state.; not imaginary: a real event. 2. not
             artificial or counterfeit; genuine. 3. Representing
             the true or actual, as opposed to the apparent or
             ostensible: the real reason. 4. Unaffected:
             unpretentious; a real person.

the next word is "estate"
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary:
estate: 1. A usu. extensive piece of lands
                property or the residence built on it. 2. One's
                entire property and possessions.

Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary explains
THE TRUE meaning behind the words "Real Estate," as,
1. something very positive
2. means definitely business with good intentions
3. definitely meaning to deal with purchasers of property etc.
    with proper non-pretentious non-counterfiet but
    genuinely representing the true or and actual value
    of, "real estate", property

Readers: Thank You
                Murray S. Fenwick

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