Sunday, 8 December 2019

#L86. Victoria. Camp Meaford, Ontario. Murray's Army Life Too. Murray Used As Experimental Soldier. Page 1.




Murray's Army Life Too. #2. "A Continuation."



this is part  of very secret top knowledge that I am not making known to anyone except those who must know these things about my case

this writing is about the death of a whole school full of people, the students and a lot of others

I. I will begin  this story by saying we are in the trucks heading towards Camp Meaford
2. We arrived at Camp Meaford and were sent to our barrack block where we settled in and then went to
    the mess hall for supper
3. After we were at Camp Meaford a day or so we were told by The Camp Commander of our troop
    that  there was and still is very serious danger in Camp Meaford for our health and our very own lives

the following is what the very serious problem was
this is very secret knowledge aand could  not be spoken about  to anyone but because we were
Canadian Army Troops Regular and in Camp Meaford which was right on the sight of this terrible
problem we were told what it was

4. what the terrible danger in Camp Meaford was  is  Military Canada  had brought into camp what was
    called  The Atomic Cannon  For Research Purposes  And  For General Fireing It Off

5. the gunners who were responsible for the placement of The Atomic Cannon did a good job on
    concealing its where abouts

it was quite interesting where they hid this Atomic Cannon

where they hid it was right at the end of the parade  square there was a natural ground fall off right at the
end of the parade square that could not be seen from ther parade square itself. You had to go to the end of
the parade square and look down to see where the end of the parade square went to. There I saw The
Atomic Cannon Sitting
please remember: the troop Commander did ask me very individually to keep my eyes and ears open and
investigate what ever might be of disterbance in Camp Meaford  and I did do this especially with the

movements of this Atomic Cannon

6. I"ll  write this up later but my doing what The Troop Commander told me to do got me into so much
    trouble that I almost died, well got killed, doing it . The military truth is I was not supposed to be any
    where near The Atomic Cannon but because of the severe trouble in  Camp I was ordered tp keep a
    sharp eye and ear on The Atomic Cannon

7. by my observing The Atomic Cannon I did  observe the crew that did run it  and I  did manage to get  a
    lot of information about What Was Done In Camp  And About  Camp With The Atomic Ca

8. it was soon proven to me that The Atomic Cannon was definitly one of the things that did cause a lot of
    trouble in and about Camp Meaford


this is a continuation of what happened to me in Camp Meaford
it will take a few pages to tell this story

this part is about The Atomic Cannon

I. when I was looking at The Atomic Cannon  the troops who kept The Atomic Cannon in good repair
    and who fired it off found me quite near it and looking at it
2. The Atomic Cannon Crew quite quickly beat me up very badly
3.  they hit me behind the head many times
4.  the back of my head and the back of my neck hurt very badly
5.  they got me down onto the ground and did kick me also
6.  well eventually they knocked me out
7.  they then dragged me off of the parade square aand layed me face down in tank tracks in the road that
     ran past the parade square
8.  by placing me in this location was an attempted murder against me because battle tanks and other
     vehickles were ussing the road
9.  eventually some paeople found me and dragged me out of the tank track aand off of the road
I0. they finaslly revived me back awake again
II.  I was partly carried because I was so abeat up that I could not stand up properly or walk properly
I2. I was taken into the mess hall for supper and the commander in charge of the mess hall got very
     mad that I was in the mess hall
I3. what had happed to me is it is true I got beat up awful bad but also because I was so near The
     Atomic Cannon and because I was put face down into the tank tracks I was literally immersed
     into The Atomic Compounds that were being used in The Atomic Cannon and also Spilled Atomic
     Compounds that were spilled about the immediate area of The Atomic Cannon as well as I was
     generally in the area of an Inernational Spill Of Atomic Compounds that had definitly taken place
     in the exact area where I was located

     please remember: I was assked sto be in this location by The Troop Commander

I4. I was literally covered by Atomic Compounds all overa the place
I5. The Commander in charge of the mess hall would not have me in the mess hall because of my
      being so contaminated by Atomic Compounds
I6.  somehow I would have contaminated the hall and the food
I7.  I was immediatly ordered out of the mess hall
I8.  I was immediatly carried out of the mess hall and next door by the senior troops who saved my life
      and when they got me next door they stripped off my clothes anad washed me down in the shower
I9.  then I was led back to the mess hall
20. there was then another terrible fight about me being in the mess hall but The Mess Hall Commander
      did decide to let me into the mess hall and toi have soimething to eat
2I.  The Mess Hall Commander would not let me be in The Mess Hall on my own though and the
      senior troops did stay with me and did help me about having my supper
22. also I had to sit at the back of the mess hall
23. I was terribly beaten up, I was not allowed to do anything in the mess hall what-so-ever I Was
      Near Death


I. by being in Camp Meaford and by being in close to and observing the troops who were busy about
   The Atomic Cannon I did come to some knowledge of what The Atomic Cannon Crew  was doing
   with The Atomic Cannon Itself. The following is just a little bit of what was done with The Atomic

the killing of of the school people

2. one thing that The Crew did sshoot at with The Atomic Cannon was a school. The school was a
    normal public school
3. the pblic school was located quite a long ways, about 27 miles, from where The Atomic Cannon
    was stored
4. the school was located quite close to the fence of Camp Meaford itself
5. the fence of Camp Meaford was also part of the public school fence. That is how close the public school
    was to the fence of Camp Meaford. Sometimes people will usae the same fence as their property
    dividing line. This is what the situation was herewould be moved to vaarying distances and position
6. The Atomic Cannon would be shot at the school from where it was stored . This is very unusual
    bu;t because of the terrible mental health facts that do accompany atomic compounds this terrible
    display of Atomic Gun Fire Power does take place with Atomic Gun Crews. Also The Atomic
    Cannon would be moved to varying distances and positions to the school and fired off aat the school
    as well
7. sometimes The Atomic Cannon would be taken quite close  to the school aand fired off at it

this report in ways is written up in a manner that might seem disjointed but it is a report on the
movement of The Aatomic Cannon in Camp Meaford and is written this way because this is how
crazy an Atomic Gun Crew does things after they have been hurt badly with mentally ruining
atoimic compounds. Jobs dseam very hard for these people dto do and a bad job peraformance does
show up up their work programs very quickly

The Killing Of The School Took Place And Was Disasterous

the following is exactly what The Atomic Cannon Crew did when they killed The Public School off

8. after the first firing The Atomic Cannon at the school and killing the students and the teachers off
9. the Atomic Cannon Crrew did go throw a hole in The Camp meaford fence that was also the
    school fence, The Atomic Crew made this hole in the fence, and did collect up all of the dead
    people and did just haphazardly throw them away in varying places in road ditches as their burial
    Also The Atomic Cannon Crew would blow up piles of dead  people into Atomic Dust in order
    that the dead would not be found by proper authorities.this was done a lot in order to hide what
    really did  go on in Camp Meaford  by The Atomic Cannon Crew. They would simply aim The
    Atomic Gun at the piles of the dead people and shoot them with it and the dead piles of people
    would disappear completely
I0. then The Atomic Cannon Crew would lie in wait for more people to come toi the school and
    watch for these people to arrive and then The Atomic Cannon Crew would open gun fire with
    The Atomic Cannon again and kill all the school people off  once again
II. The Atomic Cannon Crew did this very act repeatedly
I2. there came to be about 259 people killed at the school
I3. the school teachers were killed, the school students were killed, investigators as to what was happening
     at this school were killed, visitors were killed

this is a real murder case held against The Atomic Cannon Crew


this is still about The Atomic Cannon

I. The Atomic Cannon Crew also did fire off The Atomic Cannon all over Camp Meaford which did
   Atomic Polute Camp Meaford
2. then The Atomic  Cannon Crew did fire off The Atomic Cannon in all directions
3. they fired The Atomic Cannon at people standing nearby Camp Meaford
4. The Atomic Cannon Crew did fire off The Atomic Cannon at nearby barns and other buildings like
    houses and garages
5. The Atomic Cannon Crew did ffire off The Atomic Cannon of in all directions all over the place

now I think is a good time to say this

I was close about The Atomic Cannon and yes I did get poluted because of it but I think was worse I
was also near to The Atomic Cannon when it was fired off and being in The Atomic Cannons blast area
I did get another type of injury too

please remember that I was asked to investigate any situation that might cause a disterabance in Camp
Meaford. My troop commander ordered me to do this. This is how I got so close to The Atomic Cannon
in the first place. The Atomic Cannon was definitly stored in a location which was definitly out of bounds
for our troop but because I was ordered to investigate any form of disturbance  I with full knowledge
did enter a restricted area.
Because I was ordered to investigate like I was this restricted area was no longer out of bounds to me.
But this is how I got caught inside of this restricted area and got so badly beaten up. That is beat up by
being punched down and kicked and poluted by Atopmic Compounds and by being shot down by The
Atomic Cannon itself when it was fired repeatededly off

6. after this terrible beat up I could not dwalk straight or stop myself from walking forward properly or
    walk backwards properly and when I would reach across a table for a mere salot shaker I would
    collapse onto the table. This condition lasted for about dsix months. This is the direct result of  what
    The Atomic Cannon experience in general did to me

this is about the burial of the killed school people
I. not all of the killed school people were taken in military trucks and thrown into ditches somewhere
2. some of the dead were brought into Camp Meaford through the hole in the dfence
3. when they were dragged into Camp Meaford they were put into small piles like small hay stacks
4. then The Atomic Crew would lower The Atomic Cannon Gun onto these small hay stacks of dead
5. The Atomic Crew would then fire off The Atomic Cannon at these dead school people
6. the result of this procedure was the dead school people would disappear into dust and the dust would
    blow away in the winds made by The Atomic Cannon
7. The Atomic Crew would then go to the school and make faces and point fingers at the investigators
    and say "you will never find a dead body of those school people on Camp Meaford grounds. You
    can look all yoou like and you will never find one of them in here."
8. The Atomic Crew would then say mocking things to the living investigators who were not killed by
    The Atomic Crew by shooting them down with The Atomic Cannon

The Atomic Cannon Crew did this in a manner so bad dthat it was very bad to witness the depravity
of these their actions. But I did see this and did experience this mistreatment of  the school people and
others. The killing mess dthat this Atomic Cannon did make was beyond human belief


this is a little more as to how I got into this  Atomic Mess

I. it is true that I was veray badly poluted by The Atomic Cannon and what went on around about it
2. but also a young officer in The Canadian Army who was just made an officer and who had just
    graduated from school did seem to go nuts, that is lose his mind, at this veray time in Camp Meaford
3. the young officer did illegally steal a battle tank and did hook up a trailer behind it which was full of
    some kind of cans that were filled with Atomic Compounds of one description or another
4. the young officer did drive the battle tank onto The Camp Meaford parade square and with his own
    intentions in his mind did dump out The Atomic Cans all over the place
5. the young officer did this dumping out of These Atomic Cans all around about Camp Meaford
    Parade Square, like the road that I was laid down into the tank tracks of
6. also there was some talk that the young officer did dump out These Atomic Cans quite a long ways
    away as well
7. the young officer did also run the battle tank into the door of tghe hanger right by the parade square
    and knock it aside and drove the tank into the hanger and did dump out The Atomic Cans in the hanger
    as well
8. the young officer did run the battle tank into several vehicles and then did generally wrteck the place
9. finally The Canadian Army men in Camp Meaford got into some vehicles themselves and did run them
    into the battle tank in several different ways and did stop the battle tank from moving about
I0. The Canadian Army men then got the young officer out of the battle tank and locked him up in a private
II. The Canadian Army men then went about trying to clean up this really big Atomic Compound Spill
     that had just happened

when my own troop commander ordered me to investigate the troubled scene in Camp Meaford I
walked directly into this Atomic Mess. I was beaten up and thrown bodily right down into it

I do believe that this young officer did dump out The Atomic Cans all over Camp Meaford. This is a
huge area. This cannot be over looked. I believe that it took up to 3 severe knock-out gas attacks
to knock out the young officer who stole that battle tank and also the ramming of the vehicles to
finally stop the young in the stolen battle tank. I was also hurt in this gas attack.


I. I was literally left beaten up right face down in Atomic Compounds that the young officer had just thrown
2. on top of this I was put in a road track where armour vehicles drove throw on
3. this placing me into this track of the road was also an attempt on my life because should an armour vehicle
    have come driving along, which they did, I definitly would have been run over and killed
4. I was definitly picked up bodily and dragged forth out of this road track which armour vehicles were
    were using and given help to servive

in this case I had to be very seriously revived

5. the following is part of the reason
6. true I was awfully beat up by The Atomic Cannon Crew

but worse yet

7. the young officer who did steal the battle tank was finally stopped by The Army hitting him off with
    I believe gas attaack at least 3 times
8. The Army released gas in the aarea where the young officer was located with the battle tank and the gas
    did knock out the young officer anad the battle tank quite soundly
9. but also I was ordered to investigate this type of scene by The Troop Commander so I was also in
    the area where The Army released this gas attack against the young officer and the battle tank
I0. therefore I, trooper Fenwick, was also knocked out by this gas attack

this gas attack was seriously done, but I say very hard to prove
I do not know what kind of gas was use
I was knocked out by the gas but I was also beat up by The Atomic Cannon Crew

how serious this knock out and beat up and Atomic Contamination was to me, trooper Fenwick, I do
not know but this should be very carefully looked into

it soon became known that this Atomic Spill right here was very serious. Camp Meaford was definitly ruined
because of it

this Atomic Spill right here soon became known all the way to the nation of Scotland

please remember also that vehicles of various sizes and derscriptions were used to stop this young
officer in this stolen battle tank by ramming into it, therefore all of these vehicles are also Atomic
poluted along with the rest of Camp Meaford

chapter 3

this terrible scene has to be put into Top Secret envelopes for several reasons, just one is that The Atomic
Cannon was used in this scene

before I begin this scene i will tell you the following
i was told along with the rest of the troop that we had to remain absolutly silent about this scene or we
would be killed off by The Canadian Military for revealing this scene to other people. We were told that we would be dragged right back into Camp Borden and very possibly taken right to where this scene took
place at and shot down was

I. we were told one morning that after breakfast we were to go out into a remote area of Camp Borden
   for a Newspaper Talk of some sort
2.we were told that the Newspaper Interview was very important and that there  was going to be very
   important people at it
3. well after breakfast the trucks showed up and we got into them with quite a lot of gear to demonsrate
   some things of The Canadian Army Regular to these Newspaper people and to The Very Important
   People who were to be the main part and most important part of this Newspaper Interview
4. some of us were issued "blank firing attachments" that were to be put on to the end of our rifle barrels
   in order to shoot them off safely at the Newspaper Interview
5. others were issued different kinds of targets to be set up in the local area of the Newspaper Interaview
6. others were told how and where and when to run and march about the local area of the Newspaper
the following is what happened

7. after we were a ways along our journey to the Newspapers local area where this very Important
   Newspaper Interview was going to take place we were told that a lot of trouble had happened to the
   Newspaper Interviewers and to The Very Important People who were to be interviewed
8. we were told that there was very serious gunfire in the local area
9. we were told that there was gas of different types released in their local area

we were told that this situation was very serious

I0. upon our arrival to this local area our troop was divided up into three groups of about I0 troopers
    per group
II. we were ordered to stand at attention and listen to orders
I2. i was immediatly ordered to change my group to number one groupexplain
I3. the groups were called group I, group 2 and group 3
I4. i was then ordered to take a lead position in the front of number I group and prepare to run into the
    immediate area of where the Newspaper Interview was supposed to take place at in order to find out
    what was going on in there

before beginning the next step in this terrible killing scene i have to explain the lay of this land

I. the trucks stopped behind 3 hills and we got out of the trucks there
2. we were divided into 3 groups there, etc.
3. where the trucks stopped at were behind a hill 3 small hills
4. there were 3 small hills right here with a small flat spot in the middle of number 2 and number 3 hill
5. the flat spot is where the Newspaper Interview was to take place at
6. also different types of gas were used in this murder scene, you will find this out when you read this write

the time came when the troop commander said OK i will now send you forrward into the trouble zone

I. the troop officer ordered number i group to run into the flat spot where the Newspaper Review was
   to take place and try to find out what was going on in there
2. in we went,on the run
3. over the first hill we went
4. up and over the second hill we went
5. then part way down the second hill i, troioiper fenwick, ran into some kind of gas that knocked me out
6. about as fast i got back up to my feet again but with some difficulty ran with the rest of group I to the
    flat spot
7. the troop commander arrived when we did
8. one trooper shouted to the troop commander to watch out for trooper fenwicks health because he was
    just knocked down by gas
9. the troop  commander shouted to me "are you all right fenwick"
I0. i shouted back "yes i am all right"
II. it was all the troop commander could do to stay standing on his feet he was also affected by the gas
I2. the troop commander ordered us to spread our selves out into a fishing net type of grid and hold our
I3. the troop commander then ordered some of the group 1 to start searching around immediatly
I4. the troop commander ran every direction to try to find out what was going on
I5. i was once again was hit by drifting gas and knocked out, i collapsed flat onto the ground on "The Flat"
     that was now code named "Alive"
I6. bullets started being shot off in all directions
I7. the troop commander called for group 1 to follow him immdiatly right out of this "Alive" location
I8. i was left behind knocked out or dead by the drifting gas, and blowing up home made bombs
I9. bullets were fired off everywhere on Flat "Alive"
20. after the gun fire stopped the troop commander ran the group 1 back into Flat "Alive"

21. more searching went on in all directions


before we even arrived there were two other military regular army units in this location

one of these military units was simply called a Dark French Army Unit
i do not know what the other unitwas except that i do have reasons to believe that it was this unit
who had The Atomic Cannon with them. They did stay out of this immediate flat
code named "Alive" and did seem to hold an area secure from the murderers who had come
in to Camp Borden to make a lot of trouble by committing a lot of murder

1. as we arrived on this flat code named "Alive" The Dark French
    Unit was already there picking up the dead people who had
    been murdered by the murderers who had come in to Camp Borden
2. this Dark French Unit had put the dead people into trucks and had
    them hauled away for burial
3. when we arrived there was still a lot of pieces of people
    lieing about, all around
4. there were peoples hands lieing here
5. there were peoples arms lieing over there
6. there were pieces of peoples bodies lieing around
7. there were peoples parts blown up into the trees
8. the Dark French Unit had to climb up into the trees and pull
    down the blown up people
9. the Dark French Unit had to also leave the flat code named
    "Alive" when the bullets started to be shot around
10. the Dark French Unit did also return to flat "Alive" after
      the shooting stopped and did continue to pick up the pieces
      of the dead and put them into burial trucks

all of a sudden this shooting started all over again

at this point of this scene i was once again on my feet and
doing my duty when this awful shoot out started up again but
i got hurt again and this time it was by a thrown very large
stick of dynamite. I was blown through the air a little ways and
landed upside down in a fox hole. I went stiff as a board
11. the group  thought that i was dead and left me there to be buried
      in the fox hole that i landed in
12. once again the troop commander called Group 1 out of the flat
      code named "Alive" and left me as dead behind. I was left dead in the fox hole

i got this information by being on the flat code named "Alive"
both by eye witnessing it but also by talking to the troop
after we were back in camp

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