Sunday, 12 January 2020

#J48. Sidney. The Fiery Furnace Through Out Time. The Burning Humans Into Ashes.

Saanitch Peninsula.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Saanitch Peninsula, Sidney.

Sidney. Little Sidney By The Sea.

The Fiery Furnace Through Out Time. 
The Burning Humans Into Ashes.
chapter 1

The Old Testament Book of Daniel
and The Image of Gold and The Fiery Furnace
this sequence of old history events took place in the 6th century

in The Old Testament Book of Daniel in chapter 3 is written an
account about human crimes about the burning up of people into
ashes in a fiery furnace. In this chapter of scripture from The
Old Testament Book of Daniel we can see that The King
Nebuchadnezzar was involved in throwing people into a fiery
furnace while they were still alive in order to kill them and dispose
of their bodies by burning them up into ashes.

In The Old Testament Book of Daniel in chapter 3, verses 5-6 this
truth about King Nebuchadnezzar is clearly brought out and said in
the scriptures set forth below.

The Bible used for this reference is The Living Bible, 1971 edition,
Tyndale House Publishers.

In The Old Testament Book of Daniel
in chapter 3 in verses 5-6 it is written
verse 5: When the band strikes up,
you are to fall flat on the ground
to worship King Nebuchadnez-
zar's golden statue; verse 6: anyone who
refuses to obey will immediately
be thrown into a flaming fur-

please take note: this burning of human beings in the fiery
furnace did take place in a public scene

chapter 2

Summitview Public School
6551 Main Street
Stouffville, Ontario
Canada, L4A-5Z4

where burnings of both whole and cut up
human bodies took place at during I955

In Summitview Public School in Stouffville, Ontario, Canada,
people were also involved in throwing human beings into the
schools furnace and burning them up into ashes. One day I
caught people doing this and I was going to go to the people
who were the actual people who did the burning of the human
beings and ask them just why they were burning people up but
some older boys in the school told me very firmly not to approach
the people of the town about this matter or they would probably
throw me into the fiery furnace also. I was about 8 years old
when this happened. The older boys actually shoved me around
in the basement of the school until they got their message
through to me and I knew well enough not to persue this matter.

I do not know who was in charge of this burning up of people in
Summitview Public School furnace room at this time.

I was so young when this took place that I was almost still in diapers

As far as I know the people who did this burning up of people in The
Public School's furnace room might have been ordered to do it by the
town itself.

to get to the furnace room of Summitview Public School you had to
go down into the basement of the school in the boys end of the
school and then down once again into the cement gym of the school
and then across the gym to the far corner of the gym to a door
that led to the furnace room itself. This area did also contain
the cement bunker that did hold the coal supply for the furnace

please take note here: this burning of human beings in the schools
furnace did take place in a government "Public" school building

Summitview Public School
6551 Main Street
Stouffville, Ontario
Canada, L4A-5Z4

where burnings of both whole and cut up
human bodies took place at during 1955

chapter 3

at the age of 14 I moved from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada, to
Sidney on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I started
school at North Saanitch Secondary School and one of the first
things i found out was that people in the school, that is the
students, were throwing both alive and murdered people into the
schools furnace and burning them up into ashes.

1. i went about the school and investigated this case and found that 
    this was true
2. i also found out that for certain the schools seniors whose
    name were Mr. Dedicated and the schools Prefects whose
    names were Mr. Many did try to stop this burning up of 
    human beings in the school's furnace. They were complete 
    failures at stopping this kind of trouble. I know that they put 
    forth many efforts at trying to stop this trouble but they could 
    not stop it at all.

during my investigations about this terrible scene that had gone on
for quite a long time the people who were committing this terrible
offence did try to kill me and then burn me in the school's furnace.
For some peculiar reason unknown to me these criminals did not 
quite get to kill me and did not quite get to burn me alive either. This
attack against me was so close to getting me killed and burned and
then just caught and thrown alive into the furnace to get rid of me
that some of the gang that was involved in this crime did think that
the rest of the gang did get to kill me and burn me or just burn me
alive to get rid of me. Parts of this bad school gang were very
surprised to see me still at school and in other places about town
still alive and well and still walking around. After my investigations
this burning up of people in the schools fiery furnace did go on for
quite a spell yet. Remember that the schools seniors could not get 
this stopped. 

because i was knew at this school i did not know many people and was
unable to identify people who were involved in this but some people
that i did know who were involved in this crime were The Swimmers 
Gang. They were a young teenage set who attended North Saanitch 
Secondary School who lived in Sidney. The Swimmers Gang was also 
involved in many other murder crimes. Their names will be brought up 
at times in some "Proper Canada Court Proceedings" who are at the time 
investigating my reports here.

Readers: please take note here: this burning of human beings, whether alive
or dead, in the schools furnace did take place in a government "Public"

chapter 4

The trouble making place is named Government House.
Government House is located at, Government House, 1401 Rockland
Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8S-1V9

Government House is where burnings of cut up human bodies took
place at during 1975

 Readers: In Walks The Weasel!
1. in walks Mr. German General (A Weasel) a past middle aged German man 
    who was born and raised in Germany during The Second World War years
2. The Weasel had been raised by someone like The German Gestapo and just
    maybe it was The Gestapo itself who really did raise The Weasel up, at any
    rate it was them or someone like them. The Weasel and his father were Still 
    German Officer Staff in this branch of German affairs during World War 2.
3. one day it was found out that people were burned up into ashes in the
    furnace room that was located in the basement of Government House.
4. people were chopped up in the furnace room and thrown into the furnace
    and people were delivered to Government House in boxes about the size
    of apple boxes that they had been put into after being chopped up
5. the people who were delivered to Government House in these apple boxes
    were also put into the furnace and burned up into ashes

Readers: Now pertaining to proper investigations.
               Obviously, they who-ever they were, did not want to investigate the

Readers: The immediate following statement is "The False Investigation."
after a mild small walk around of investigations, a very small
investigation indeed, it was said that no-one knew anything about
the burning up of people in the furnace of Government House, and
that being said was to be the end of all investigations on that
subject. The officials who ran Government House did say and did
put this statement publicly out.

Readers: Now pertaining to proper investigations.
               Obviously, they who-ever they were, did not want to 
investigate the case.

Readers: There was never "A Proper Investigation Done."

Readers: I want you to know right here that Government House is "A Public 

Government House
1401 Rockland Avenue,
Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada, V8S-1V9

Readers: Was where many burnings of cut up human bodies took place at 
                during 1975

1. because of The Weasel being raised up by The Gestapo
2. because of The Weasel's very poor job performance
3. because of The Weasel's terrible attitudes on the job
4. also The Weasel could not be trusted in some other ways like food delivery
    that had been given by The Chef of Government House for The Grounds
    Keepers which was to be taken to The Grounds Workers lunch house. The
    Weasel was  caught hiding the food and eating it by himself. By doing these
    kinds of things and many other things from odd fellow things to very serious
    criminal acts against people right there on Government House Grounds The 
    Weasel did prove to a lot of people who were sincere about running The 
    Government House Job properly, that he, The Weasel, could not be trusted or 
    used properly on the job in any way

Also The Weasel did have access to Government House when no-one else did
and he would roam all over Government House very peculiarly "At All Times."
This access to The House is looked at very seriously because if you are looking 
seriously at solving these cases you have to look for who could have been at 
these cases and The Weasel is one person who definitely could have been at these
cases and that comes from him having access to The House. The Weasel had this
access to The House i do know. Just why The Weasel was given this access to The
House I do not know. This access that The Weasel had to The Government House 
has always been and still remains a mystery to me.

Readers: Get this right now straight right here. 

5. because of The Weasel's wife being allowed to cook in one of 
    Government House's kitchens where the boxed up bodies could have
    been delivered to and received at into Government House and then
    delivered to the basement for burning
6. because The Weasel did have some kind of knowledge about this
    goings on. This has been proven true to me. That the Weasel did 
    know some things more about this burning into ashes human bodies
    in Government House than other people did know.

i think that The Weasel and his wife and their family should be
arrained on a charge suitable for this inhuman criminal offence.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that The Weasel and The Weasel's
wife and The Weasel's family should be brought right immediately
into A Court Of Canada and seriously investigated for being involved
in These Government House Murders and in These Government House 
burnings up into ashes human bodies in the furnace of Government House.

people all about Government House and Government House Grounds did
become alerted to this serious burning of human beings into ashes in
Government House furnace room. They did lock all entrances and barred
all entrances like lower windows etc. Unfortunately still those boxes did
come through into Government House. There is only one place that these 
boxes could have come into Government House and that was through the 
kitchen where cooking and the receiving of culinary goods were carried on 
as regular, usual, work details. This is the location where all kitchen goods
were to be received at and were received at. ...

unfortunately this burning of people in Government House did go on for
quite a long time and this was the proven truth

Readers: Remember: this burning of human beings in the fiery furnace
                did take place in "A Public Building Named Government House."

Readers: Take note. A writing change in this report is coming up right here.

Readers: Now i am going to bring into this terrible case mention of a lot of 
                other people who could have been involved in this case

Readers: The whole murderous lot of them I call "The Fat Rich Boys of 
                Victoria." There is a very obvious reason why I call them "The Fat 
Rich Boys of Victoria" and I want you to take note of them right here and 
Readers: Remember them.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, Will, "Not Shall," give "The Fat Rich Boys of 
                Victoria" a proper write up in another report and you Will, "Not Shall,"
have to read that report to understand why I have called them "The Fat Rich 
Boys of Victoria." They are very crazy and very murderous.

For the rest of my life I, Murray S. Fenwick, Will, "Not Shall," never be able to 
write them down enough. ... 

Readers: The following writing is not a different report. It is the same report
                but with changes in it. I, Murray S. Fenwick, thought that in this
report, overall this specific report, it is better for me to just simply carry on
this report in this manner.

Readers: This report is about Government Employed People who are mainly 
                working in The Victoria Area. This report is definitely about more 
than just one person. This report is a continuation of the previous report about 
The Fiery Furnace.

The Person=Persons ,Clasp=Clasps, of Government House which is located on 
Rockland Avenue and other Government Buildings that are located through-out 
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, which does include The Parliament Buildings 
that are located in the down town area of Victoria.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, went to work one day at Government House that is located on
    Rockland Avenue.
2. The weather in Victoria was very nice and sunny and a lot of flowers were up a smiling
    at me.
3. I was at work early and when work hours came along the job foreman called all of us
    workers together and "DESIGNATED" each and everyone of us a job to do for the rest
    of the nice day.
4. My job for the day was to cut and clean the road border of number 2 lawn.
5. Off I went to do my job to "GOD THE LORD JESUS CHRIST" and the foreman.
6. After awhile a very elderly woman who was hired to work on the grounds as well as the
    men came to where I was working and started to work along side of me.
7. Whether the woman was supposed to work along side of me or not was the business of
    the foreman and the business of the woman.
8. After a little while, and before coffee time, a young man "Ill Known For His Illegal
    Drug Use" also came to where I was working and did work along side of me.
9. Whether "The Burned Down Drug Addict" was supposed to work along side of me or
    not was the business of the foreman and the business of "The Burned Down Drug

For protection of "The Innocent Reporter And All Other Innocent," now enters in The 
Random House Dictionary.
The word to be looked up in The Random House Dictionary is "brace."
brace: something that holds parts together or in place, as a clasp or clamp.

Readers: Saying it this way. I could call "The Burned Down Drug Addict" whether or 
                not "The Burned Down Drug Addict" was a male or female does not matter, 
The Brace of Government House and all other Government Buildings in Victoria, which 
does also include The Parliament Buildings Themselves.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did know that The Brace was once again on "ILLEGAL
                DRUGS" and was not working at The Brace's allocated work station. The Brace
simply seemed here on the job but not to do The Brace's Job but simply to enjoy looking 
at and smelling the nice flowers and what-ever else The Brace did decide to entertain ones
self with that lovely sunny morning at Government House and all of the other lovely sunny
mornings and days that The Brace showed up for work but did nothing.

Readers: The Brace did nothing but what The Brace's brainless brain led The Brace about 
                to do.

Readers: The Brace did, accomplish, no work what-so-ever.

Readers: Because of the indifferent manner in which The Brace of Government House
                did have about his job and the fact that he would often drive off of the property
when he was supposed to be on the job working The Brace did cause a lot of confusion 
for everyone.

Readers: The Brace did drive away from his "DESIGNATED" job and literally right out 
                of the "DESIGNATED" work area with a government truck. I say that this 
should never have been allowed to be done.

Readers: People that The Brace was supposed to be working with were abandoned and 
                could not carry on with their "DESIGNATED" job because at times it took 
more than one person to do the "DESIGNATED" job.

Readers: Because The Brace did drive literally away from the job sight completely, 
                brought about confusion to everybody including the foreman because the truck
and the needed equipment that was carried about in the truck from "DESIGNATED" job 
to "DESIGNATED" job was carried away from the "DESIGNATED" job site to who 
knows where down the road.

Readers: This list of serious on the job trouble making that The Brace of Government 
                House did cause to take place has no end. The Brace's trouble making goes on
and on and could be written up this way or the other way.

Readers: At any rate. The following trouble making that The Brace of Government House
                did commit is what this small, "But Important," report about The Brace's
conduct is about.

Readers: Although this report about The Brace=Clamp of Government House is short, 
                which for certain it is, "This Small Report Does Have A Very Big Meaning In It."

Readers: Just read on as to what The Brace=The Clasp=The Clamp of Government House
                did do when he had the opportune time to destroy the lives of very important
Canadian Human Beings and The Nation of Canada.

The Brace had a girl friend who's name was La-De-Da...
The Brace's Brainless Brain did illegally drug think "Let Me Once Drug, Swing It Up With You." 
The Clasp's girl friend did live in Vancouver.
The Clamp did use illegal drugs on himself and on his girlfriend.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that this was very bad to do. In Canada this is classed as a criminal act, offence.
Readers: Did you know? that The Brace's girl friend had a sister named La-De-Da-Da...
                The Brace's Brainless Brain did illegally drug think "Let Me Twice Drug, Swing
It Up With You."

Readers: The Brace of Government House did illegally drug The Sister Named La-De-Da-
                Da... and did drug it up with her in His Brainless Brain for quite some time

Readers: The length of time that The Brace of Government House did drug The Sister
                named La-De-Da-Da... was a long enough period of time to ruin The Sister La-
De-Da-Da's brain. I do not know exactly how long a time it was.

Readers: After The Brace of Government House had used The Sister La-De-Da-Da... a 
                whole lot sexually he then threw The Sister named La-De-Da-Da... away from
himself as though she were a torn up into bits junk heap and drove away from her
Imagining His Drugged Crazy Brainless Brain Life Away.

Readers: It was known that The Brace of Government House was finding it hard to hold a
                steady job because of his illegal drug habit.

Readers: Just one other scene that The Brace of Government House was involved with
                right to the full extent of it was, "HE THE BRACE OF GOVERNMENT
HOUSE," would fly in an airplane to The Islands of Hawaii and participate in the following Show-man-ship Public Events.

Readers: What The Brace of Government House would do is he would use illegal drugs
                and then with others like himself literally jump off of "AT LEAST 300 FOOT

Readers: This jumping off of cliffs was something that was done by certain Hawaiian

Readers: The Brace of Government House thought that this was A Tremendous Event and
                in his brainless brain did take illegal drugs until he did talk himself into jumping
off of the same cliffs that The Hawaiian's Jumped Off Of.

Readers: Now that these things have been said I will get on with The Brace of Government
                House's Mane Scene Event.

Readers: The things that I have just written for you to read are just to  get you warmed up
                for The Grand Finally of what The Brace of Government House really did do and
what People Like The Brace of Government House really do get themselves involved with
when they have been allowed to use criminal drugs like The Brace of Government House 
has been allowed to use and still does use.

Readers: Here we go!... This report could be classed as The Main Drugged Theatre Act Of 
                All Of Canada's History Or For Certain For The Date In Our Canadian History 
When This Crazy Drug Act did take Place. This drug attack act took place in the 19th. 
century about in the years of the 1960's Anno Domini. 

1. One day when I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "DESIGNATED" the job of cutting and
    cleaning up the borders of number 2 lawn and "The Girl" worker came to work with 
    me and then The Brace of Government House, for what-ever-reason, came to work 
    with me as well, The Brace of Government House did say publicly the following 
2. The Brace of Government House did talk quite openly and a lot about the time=times
    that he had illegally drugged his girl friend's sister into sleeping with him and having 
    sexual relationships with him.
3. The sister named La-De-Da-Da... was literally a young attractive virgin girl who stayed
    at home all of the time.
4. The Brace of Government House did gain access to sister La-De-Da-Da... through her
    own sister named sister La-De-Da...
5. This horrifying scene that The Brace of Government House did make by criminally 
    attacking both of these two attractive sisters took place between Victoria and
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This drug attack did take place in just one

Readers: At least for this short report right here these two locations do stand out 
                predominant in this terrible story and can most successfully be placed into this
report as I have put them into it. Sure I do believe that there are other places in and out of 
The Province of British Columbia that were locations for The Brace's criminal activity in
this particular case but for this, my report, right here, I do believe that the names of these
two predominant places are all that is necessary to get a  proper investigation under way
against The Brace of Government House, Rockland Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia, 

6. What The Brace of Government House did talk to me and the woman worker about this
    sunny day and for about the next 4 or 5 days is the following.
7. The Brace of Government House did tell the woman worker and myself all about his
    attack against sister La-De-Da-Da...

Readers: I am always putting in here into this report the woman worker being present 
                with me when The Brace of Government House did talk a whole lot about his 
criminal assault of sister La-De-Da-Da... because the woman worker is definitely a very
good witness against The Brace of Government House along with myself. This witness
idea right here of mine always did stand up in my, Own Mind About This Down Case, as
something that cannot be over looked in a real court case that could and should be brought
against The Brace of Government House for his criminal assault of sister La-De-Da-Da...

Readers: Now enters another person into this illegal drug assault case that happened to
                sister La-De-Da-Da... who did become directly related to sister La-De-Da-Da...

Readers: This other person who now enters this criminal picture is very important in
                Canadian History and therefore this report, in my mind, has to be written up into 
The Internet of the whole wide world.  

Readers: Hopefully The Canadian People will charge The Brace of Government House for
                his terrible offensive crime that he did commit here.

Readers: This very serious criminal offence did take place right in Government House, 
                on Rockland Avenue, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did report this case before, at about the time that The 
                Brace of Government House did talk loudly about "This, His Criminal Offense."

Readers: What happened in this criminal relationship=relationships that The Brace of
                Government House did bring to pass is the following.

I.  Because of sister La-De-Da-Da's... past drug induced relationship with The Brace of
    Government House and by her being the blood sister of her own sister La-De-Da... 
    the drug attacked sister named La-De-Da-Da... was at times visiting her sister La-De-
    Da... in and about Government House and The Parliament Buildings and buildings in 
    Vancouver and in the places through-out the rest of The Province of British Columbia, 
2. Because sister was now allowed to visit her friends in Government House she was in 
    Government  House when she met the man who did become important in Canadian 

Readers: It is going to be very shocking to you who the man was that became important in
                Canadian History that sister La-De-Da-Da... did meet.

Readers: I ask you to sit back in your chair and hold on for this one. That is the naming of
                the person who sister La-De-Da-Da... did meet in Government house.

Readers: This naming of this person who became important in Canadian History and by 
                the facts that are provable did take place against him will answer some very 
hard questions to answer in our, that is your's and my own mind, about the poor quality 
of this man's abilities of the running of The Country of Canada.

Readers: Here it is. This is the name of that criminally attacked man. Did you Readers
                know that the man who did make important Canadian History was none other
than The Then Present In Office In Ottawa Parliament Buildings The Prime Minister Of
Canada "HIMSELF." The Prime Minister "HIMSELF" did get introduced to sister La-De-
Da-Da... right in Government House, on Rockland Avenue, in Victoria, British Columbia, 

1. When The Brace of Government House saw this acquaintance start up he immediately
    moved in on The Prime Minister with all illegal drug attack in his brainless brain. The
    Brace of Government House had all drug attack against The Prime Minister of Canada
    loaded up into his brainless brain like a vicious loaded gun. The Brace of Government
    House wanted to kill The Prime Minister of Canada and or at least down him seriously
    by illegally drug attacking The Prime Minister.

Readers: This is just how deadly dangerous this situation did instantly become.

2. The Brace of Government House, through his past illegal drug sex attack relationship
    with sister La-De-Da-Da... did gain access to close quarters meetings with The Prime
    Minister "HIMSELF."
3. After The Prime Minister of Canada was with sister La-De-Da-Da for awhile He thought
    that she would make Him a good wife.

Readers: It was not long before The Prime Minister of Canada got married to sister La-De-

Readers: Now in the shadows of these "Two People" The Brace of Government House
                remained a hidden insane "Brainless Brain" Factor of very potential serious trouble making.

Readers: Now this trouble making of The Brace of Government House spread itself out
                from the total illegal drug destruction of sister La-De-Da-Da to the total illegal
drug destruction of The Prime Minister of Canada.

Readers: The illegal drug destruction of sister La-De-Da-Da did take place and had taken
                place before she had ever met The Prime Minister of Canada.

Readers: The Brace then did attack The Prime Minister of Canada with illegal drugs and
                did ruin Him.

Readers: This illegal drug destruction of The Prime Minister of Canada who is The First
                Man In Canada, and the illegal drug destruction of The Prime Minister's New
Wife who is The First Lady In Canada can be proven out very easily very conclusively.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did try to bring this whole illegal drug assault case against
                The Prime Minister and against The Prime Minister's Wife into A Supreme Court
Case in Canada before and my case was turned down by none other than, I Say, The Low
Down British Columbia Governor of Canada, Him, The Dirty Despicable Man Himself!   

Readers: The Brace's illegal drug attack against The Prime Minister of Canada and against
                The Prime Minister's New Bride did ruin those two people.
Readers: Those two ruined people in their very big job position being none other than The
                Prime Minister of Canada did then ruin their own job which was so very big that
it did ruin all of Canada.

Readers: The illegal drug attacked ruined Prime Minister and His wife La-De-Da-Da then
                had a family of ruined drug addicts and it took a lot of ruining to do this but this
ruined drugged family that The Brace of Government House did shadow about did ruin
also The Gold Economy of Canada.

Readers: There are a whole lot of people in Canada and in other nations who will read this
                report with great interest because that particular Prime Minister and His Family
were well liked through-out The World in General and a lot of people always wanted to
know just what it was that went wrong with, for, them and Their Country and for Their
Countries Gold Economies.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does still believe that The Brace of Government House
                should be brought to proper Canada Supreme Court Case Trial for his illegally
attacking The Prime Minister of Canada.

Readers: This is some little additions:
This little addition here is really two little additions about Government House itself. A
Reader, person-persons will need to know about these two little additions here to come to
a proper understanding of just exactly what went on, took place, at Government House.
Whether or not The Government House Case will ever become fully understood I do not
know but these two little additions here are vital to know for The Reader-Readers.

Readers: this little addition right here does start to unravel a truly negative murder
                situation that has been in Victoria for many a year. The total unraveling of
                this murder scene will have to be done at The Judgment Seat of Christ
                Himself! ... Thus said, I am doing my best to show you Readers what has taken
                place at "YOUR GOVERNMENT HOUSE"! ...

1. Unfortunately there has been a lot of murder trouble at "The Present Government

Readers: Did you know? That there was "1","JUST" "ONE NOBLE CASTLE" and 1 
                Government House on Government House Grounds before The Present Day
                Government House that today does still exist on Government House Grounds.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that The Noble Castle named Cary Castle was
                The First Noble Castle to stand on "Noble Castle Ground" not Government,
                Government House Grounds! ...
Readers: There is a difference right here in writing and talking things up by using 
                "NOBLE NAMES" and "Poor Boy" Government Names, that have been
                dreamed up by Back Sliders=Run Aways from The Church of Jesus Christ,
                who are called Parliaments Parliamentarian Poor Paper Dollar Bill Boys for
                they have left the true riches being God behind for a career in making a lot of
                paper money, and have fallen even into the flames of Hell Itself by intentionally
                lighting fire to The Noble Houses=Plural in many difficult ways. I, Murray S.
                Fenwick, does say that those Run Aways are The False Dollar Bill Creeps! ...
                These False Money Creeps do not even earn for their own thin dollar little 
                selves Honest Golden Forty Niner Gold Bullion! ... 
2. The First Castle to stand on Castle Grounds was "CARY CASTLE"! ... 

Readers: Take note here that The First Government House was called by A Nobility
                Name which was Cary Castle! ...

3. Cary Castle was built about the year 1860.

Readers: It has been taught for a long time now that "Accidental Fire" burned down Cary
                Castle and now people "Accept and Believe" that Cary Castle was accidentally
                burned down somehow? but Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does not believe
                this "FALSE TEACHING" to be "TRUE AT ALL". ...

4. Cary Castle was thought to be burned to the ground by accidental fire in the year
    1899? ...
5. Now "THE CASTLE"---"""WAS GONE"""! ...
6. The New Government House was built in about the year of 1903.

Readers: "READERS GET THIS," The New Government House was never named
                any Noble name but became know by The Name of Government House 
                "ONLY"! ...

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that "ROTTEN BUREAUCRACIES" did
                "ILLEGALLY BURN DOWN" Cary Castle in order through crime establish
"THEIR ROTTEN BUREAUCRACIES" in A Government House somewhere.  

Page 1.
Dear Readers: This report is a mere little scratched note about serious murder gun scenes
                         that I, Murray S. Fenwick, have been falsely accused of. Should this overall
false gun murder case that I, Murray S. Fenwick, have been repeatedly accused of go to The Supreme Court of Canada, I can then add to this report what is needed in The  
Supreme Court of Canada. This report is a collection of reports that I have written up in order to start to deal with a problem that has developed from people falsely accusing me of having loaded guns and committing murder with them and with other murder weapons also. 

This particular murder case took place "Inside Of The Parliament Buildings" that are 
located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did work for The Government of British Columbia,
                Canada, in The Department of Public Works. I was located at Government
House, on Rockland Avenue, in Victoria. I worked there everyday. I was attached to 
The Gardeners who did look after The Government Public Grounds in and about 
Victoria. My home base was at Government House when this murder took place.

1. I was never located for work at The Parliament Buildings in Victoria, in all of my life.
    I was asked on one, just one, occasion to help deliver some flowers to The Parliament
    Buildings from where I was located for my work which was at Government House, on
    Rockland Avenue. I was sent from Government House with a group of Gardeners to
    deliver flowers to The Parliament Buildings. We transported the flowers from 
    Government House to The Parliament Buildings in a set of trucks, called The Flower

2. While the work Gardener Gang that I was attached to was delivering the flowers at The
    Parliament Buildings a man was shot down dead by gun fire, "In A Room In The
    Parliament Buildings Themselves." I do not remember the exact date of this murder case
    but is took place about the years 1976.

3. I was proven at the time of the gun shot taking place that "I, Murray S. Fenwick, Was
    Not Even In The Parliament Buildings," that "I, Murray S. Fenwick, Was Outside Of
    The Parliament Buildings," attending to my designated job at or inside of a flower van,

4. Regardless of my location when that death dealing gun shot was fired off The 
    Parliament Building's, "Cheap Paper Money Parliamentarians," Falsely accused me
    anyways for committing this murder.

5. It was later proven that "Those Cheap Paper Money Parliamentarians" do hate me,
    Murray S. Fenwick, because I am A Christian and they, "The Cheap Parliamentarians,"
    do hate Christ's Born Again Church."

Readers: Readers you just have to read this one.
                "GET THIS"
                This next statement is just one of the heights of The Parliamentarians 
                Negative Mental States, thus called by The Lord Jesus Christ's Church.
                The Cheap Paper Money Parliamentarians do try to build themselves up in life
                Parliamentarian Back-Slider from The Truth, The Christian Church and The
                Temples, fall down terribly negatively in life. Even The Back-Slider 
                Parliamentarian,s lack of just natural goods like the mere metal called 
                "TRUE GOLD" not just Their Lack Of Paper Money but "TRUE GOLD" 
                does prove this terribly broken down Back-Slider life of The Back-Slider, The
                Parliamentarian, does live. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am here speaking of The 
                Lord Jesus Christ Being The True Gold. 

Readers: The Parliamentarians who did witness this murder that happened right in front of
                "Their Back-Slidden," "Worldly Eyes," "RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR BIG
                BUILDINGS," thought that they themselves were Higher Than God and Bigger
                and More Important Than God, that they themselves, drummed-up, and 
                immediately held a court case against The Church Man Murray S. Fenwick.
                Those Parliamentarians "Knowingly," falsely accused Murray S. Fenwick and
                condemned him to die. Their crazy court case was begun and over with in five
                minutes of time. Those Parliamentarians hated The Christian Church and
                therefore falsely blamed Murray S. Fenwick for committing that murder.

5. Those "False Parliamentarians" first wanted Murray S. Fenwick beaten very badly to 
    the extent of braking his bones and in other ways wounding him very badly in order 
    that he looked like a bloody mess.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, right here would like to remind The False Parliamentarians
                that I have been in 3 different militaries and do know how to shoot guns back at
                "THE HATED, ENEMIES OF LIGHT SOLDIER'S" Right At The Darkness 
                Enemy Soldiers! !!! Darkness Soldiers who do fight against our True Country! !!!

6. Those "False Parliamentarians" then secondly wanted Murray S. Fenwick to be gun shot
    down dead in the hallway that led to the room where the murder had taken place in.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, right here would like to remind The False Parliamentarians
                that since I left The Military Regular behind I have copiously enough attended 
                two different gun schools and have graduated from both of them in knowledge
                how to shoot guns correctly, properly enough. Also I, Murray S. Fenwick, does
                "HATE" The Soldiers Of Darkness who do fight against our True Country. I,
                Murray S. Fenwick, does think that The False Parliamentarians have gotten
                themselves in front of a rifle gun firing squad. 

Readers: From my military work I even know how to handle a real life military battle tank
                fully loaded out! !!! Readers: Do not over look this here statement.

7. Those "False Parliamentarians" then thirdly wanted Me-Myself-And-I, Murray S.
    Fenwick, literally hanged up until dead in the middle of the hall of The Parliament 
    Buildings to be on exhibit for all people to see.

Readers: I have thought a closer thought and "At Least" what I think should be done in 
                this situation when I put some careful thought into this murder scene, overall
                murder situation=situations=,"PLURAL MURDER SITUATIONS," is The 
                Bible is full of all kinds of different ways of getting rid of such Trouble Making
                Murderers and I, Murray S. Fenwick, am all for getting rid of them all.

Readers: Now Readers just read the following, number 8, and you will see for yourselves
                how crazy The Back-Slidden False Parliamentarian Mind Really Negatively Is

8. Those False Parliamentarians decided on just nailing the hangman's rope in the middle
    of the open doorway, onto the upper part of the door jam, that led to the room where the
    man had been murdered and then to "ONLY HANG" the now condemned Murray S.
    Fenwick on that there hangman's rope until he is, was, dead. 

Readers: A lot of people found out about this murder scene right here and came running
                to the immediate area of the murder scene itself. Remember Readers that this
                murder scene took place right in the middle of The Parliament Buildings 
                Themselves. A whole lot of people were in Those Parliament Buildings when
                this murder scene took place and hundreds of people became quite close by the
                murder scene location itself to try and find out why this murder had taken place
                and who was the murdered man and who did commit the murder etc. !!!

9. The False Parliamentarians involved in This False Murder Accusation against Murray
    S. Fenwick were very seriously proven wrong in Their False Accusation against Murray
    S. Fenwick, by the hundreds of people present, but never-the-less Those Back-
    Slidden False Parliamentarians still attempted to have me hanged right in the middle of
    The Parliament Buildings and right then in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of 
    people. Those False Parliamentarians did still go ahead with Murray S. Fenwick's 

Readers: It did take quite a lot of people who came running to the murder scene site to 
                stop Those False Parliamentarians from carrying on through with "THEIR
                EXECUTION" of The Innocent Murray S. Fenwick. !!!

Readers: The people came running to The Murder Site to see with Their Own Sight 
                The Murder Scene Itself. "Those people did see with their own Sight, On Site 
                Crazy Paper Money Parliamentarians in A Loud Mouthed Frenzy, an Optical
                Sight that went beyond the norm of Sights, Cite Citation."

10. After quite a long time, like 2 hours, of "HASTLE" by, from, people called The False
      Parliamentarians with Their attempts at trying to Execute Murray S. Fenwick, it was
      believed by all other people present that The False Accusers new perfectly well that 
      "They Were Falsely Accusing Murray S. Fenwick," but The False Parliamentarians
      still did persist in trying to go through with "The Hanging of Murray S. Fenwick," 
      anyways. It was thought that The False Parliamentarians were trying to kill someone,
      anyone, just you or I will do, as a substitutionary death that would help to take
      pressure off of someone or the real murderer from "Being Hanged Themselves" for
      the committing of this murder.

11. After a few hours I, Murray S. Fenwick, and The Gardeners, got into The Trucks, The
      Flower Vans, and returned to Government House. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say right here that you Readers have to read the

Therefore Readers: Just look at this.

Readers: You have to know that because of where this murder took place at and 
                where and how and who did make The False Parliamentarian Accussations
                against Murray S. Fenwick, that The False Parliamentarian Trouble Making
                "INSTANTLY" traveled, became known, right from the murder scene room
                where the man was shot down at, right to the top of The Victoria Parliament
                Buildings. That, The I, Murray S. Fenwick, was found guilty of committing 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say right here that a lot of serious trouble making 
                can come out of "THOSE FALSE PARLIAMENTARIAN'S FALSE MURDER
                STATEMENTS AGAINST Murray S. Fenwick." I, Murray S. Fenwick, does 
                demand a very serious Supreme Court Of Canada hearing on this issue.

Readers: Other nations might be looking for These Very Parliamentarians for committing
                sins, crimes, also in their countries. These Very Parliamentarians might be 
                picked up, arrested, when they do go abroad for some reason=reasons. 

Readers: I want you to remember that this report is about a real murder issue and 
                depending just where Those False Parliamentarians are apprehended At, 
                and tried in The Supreme Court At, depends of the types of sentences that 
                will be given out to them.

The writing that follows is another murder report.

Young Indian Women Murdered.
There is more than one report here.

This report is about the murder of Young Indian Women on The West Saanitch Road,
on The Saanitch Penninsula, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Readers: This murder scene took place not long after I, Murray S. Fenwick, 
                moved from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada, to Sidney, The Saanitch Penninsula,
                Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.These murders took place in 
                about the years 1961-1962 Anno Domini.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was taken to The West Saanitch Road where "JUST SOME" of 
    those murders of those Young Indian Women took place at. I was taken there from
    Sidney in a couple of cars that were loaded with people.

2. I got out of the car and stood on the side of The West Saanitch Road waiting to see 
    and to talk to some people there.

Readers: Up to and including this very moment in time I knew nothing about those
                murders of The Young Indian Women even taking place. I knew nothing at all
                about why I had been taken from Sidney to The West Saanitch Road to "JUST
                ONE" of the areas where a lot of Young Indian Women were shot down, 
                murdered by "Gun Fire." I knew nothing at all as to what was going on.

3. Suddenly I was taken by some Indian men to a little beyond the road ditch and stood
    beside a large log that lay on the forest ground at the back of John Dean Park. The
    large log did lie close to parallel with The West Saanitch Road, this or that.

4. Suddenly, A Young Girl I Named PF, who I knew quite well and who knew me quite
    well was bodily dragged to about the safe spot as I was. Just a little different spot that 
    is all.

5. The West Saanitch Road is quite a big road and a lot of people travel on that road. 

6. All of a sudden there were a lot of cars stopping and a lot of people getting out of 
    their cars and asking a lot of questions. Also a lot of people started to run all over 
    the place. A lot of people scurried in every direction. A lot of people did ask all 
    kinds of questions in every direction all over the place.

Readers: The following statement is no joke.

Readers: All of those people suddenly found out all together and at the same moment 
                of time what was going on here. I for certain did not know what was going
                on yet. 

Readers: This "BUSTLING ABOUT" of all those people was no joke. They wanted to 
                find out what this great big traffic hold up was all about?

Readers: Therefore Readers it was suddenly found out, became known, what was 
                going on right here.

Readers: What was going on, had taken place here, is the following.

7. "THE MURDERER," or "SOME OF THE MURDERERS," whose name=names
    will not be made public in this report at this time, did lie about my nice friend also
    who was the little girl I had named PF, who they stood at the log with me. They also
    lied about Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick, for being the person who did 
    contrive, plot the murder of, all of The Young Indian Women, and who did also 
    commit the murder of All Of The Young Indian Women along with "My Girl"
    that I named PF. "The MURDERER" and "MURDERERS"  did lie and did 
    say that I, Murray S. Fenwick, and "My Girl" who I named PF, did plot the murder 
    of and did kill all of The Young Indian Women off along with the help of a 
    group of people. 
8. Both "My Girl" who was my young friend and I were to be shot down by the people,
    collectively, in general of that area, who lived in that area, of The West Saanitch

9. The people in the stopping cars soon got into the act of what was happening right 
    here to "My Girl" who was a young teenage  pretty girl and I and stopped us from
    being shot down.

10. Then the people who did stop in their cars and with The Local Indians soon did 
      prove by matter of investigating "The False Accuser=Accusers" that "He=They"
      alone did shoot down Those Young Indian Women. It was not known up to this 
      very moment who did shoot Those Young Indian Women down but in general
      the people present who did live in the area and the people who did stop their
      cars did prove who did this murder scene of Shooting Down The Young Indian

Readers: The following is  just one way that Those Young Indian Women were killed.

Readers: You have to know that the killing of Those Young Indian Women was quite
                large and that the killing of The Young Indian Women took place over a 
                number of years.These killings did not take place in just a couple of minutes
                of time. It took a few years to accomplish the killing of Those Young Indian

11. What "The False Accuser=Accusers" did do was he=they got themselves a rifle 
      gun=rifle guns and then because he=they are classed as insane nuts people all 
      of their lives simple did run all over that area shooting down The Young Indian
      Women and for sure other areas shooting down The Young Indian Women. 

12. The Falsely Accused Teenager Little Girl, "My Girl And I," were ordered to 
      get back into the car=cars and we were driven back to Sidney.

13. The False Accuser=Accusers never did, "EVER", get properly charged by A Court
      Of Law for committing the murders of Those Innocent Young Indian Women.

Readers: Every one of The Accuser=Accusers were proven seriously crazy, nuts, insane,
                "CALL IT WHAT YOU WILL," by the communities that they came from.
                Some of them were proven nuts by the age of 4 years of age. 

Readers: Just read my report in my Blog Set Here about "The Town's Examples" and 
                you will see who some of the people were who did kill Those Young Indian

The writing that follows is another murder report.

The Murder of Young Indian Women.

Readers: You must remember that in this overall murder report that there is certainly 
                more than one murder report written here.

Readers: We will now go to another date and to another place here.

1. We  will just go along The West Saanitch Road. This time we will go in the 
    direction of the area called Deep Cove.

2. While driving along The West Saanitch Road we will come to the road named 
    Alec Road.

3. Alec Road is shaped like a horse shoe. Like a curve.

4. Alec Road begins at The West Saanitch Road and does curve in towards the back of
    John Dean Park and then curves back to The West Saanitch Road again.

Readers: There was a shooting down of The Young Indian Women right at where
                Alec Road joins The West Saanitch Road and up in along Alec Road a little.
                Readers: This happened at both ends of Alec Road.

5.  The dates of this murder of The Young Indian Women are about the same as the 
     first report about the shooting of The Young Indian Women and The False
     Accusers trying to get me and the pretty, young, "My Girl" shot down "In Their 
     Place." About the year 1961-1962 Anno Domini.

Readers: On one occassion I was in this area at this date and I did hear gun fire going
                off but whether or not it was the actual gun fire that was repeatingly taking
                the lives of The Young Indian Women I do not know. "FRANKLY," I, Murray
                S. Fenwick, do think that it was, but I cannot prove it at this time.

The following writing is another murder report.

Young Indian Women Murdered, "AGAIN"

Readers: There is more than one report written up here about the murder of The 
                Young Indian Women. I, Murray S. Fenwick, can assure you of that 
                 being true. ... I am talking about the whole report here right from the
                 beginning to the end. This overall report does show to my Readers
                 that there were many different occassions when The Young Indian
                 Women were shot down.

Readers: We will now go for a short drive in the other direction along The West 
                Saanitch Road towards the area named Brentwood. As we drive slowly 
                along we come to the other end of Alec Road right where Alec Road does 
                join up with The West Saanitch Road.

Readers: There was a shooting down dead of The Young Indian Women right here
                in the location of where Alec Road does join The West Saanitch Road and a
                little up into, along, Alec Road and in this, general, local area. 

1. The time of this murder of The Young Indian Women was about the same time as 
     the murder of The Other Young Indian Women which was about the years 1961-1962
     Anno Domini.

The following writing is another murder report "Scene."

Readers: At a later date, I, Murray S. Fenwick, was involved in a terrifically bad 
                gun shoot out right here at about the middle of Alec Road. This meeting 
                of Alec Road and The West Saanitch Road also had a couple of bad 
                shoot outs at this location.

Readers: I will explain this gun shoot out right here.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am an actual Eye Witness to this shoot out. I was 
                about as exactly on the sight as you could be when this shoot out took
                place. I watched with my own eyes every bit of it.

1. This gun shoot out took place about the year 1964 Anno Domini.

Readers: This is another murder report right here. !!!
                There is a little bit of my investigations written in with The Parliamentarian
                Police from The Victoria Parliament Building's, Investigations Report.  
                Murray S. Fenwick's private investigations, additions, are noted by his name 
                initials preceding the additions. Thanks Readers.

1. This gross murder scene took place right on little old Alec Road.

2. Should a person drive on to Alec Road, and this time it could be a person entering
     Alec Road from either end, you would have to go to about the middle of short little
     old Alec Road to where this murder scene took place at. M.S.F. says "More than
     one of The Murder Gang=The Swimmers Gangs and Others lived directly across
     the street on little old Alec Road."

3. This murder scene took place about the same time as the other murder scenes took 
     place in this immediate area in the years of 1961-1962 Anno Domini. This exact
     murder scene took place about the same time but a year or two later on about the 
     years 1963-1964 Anno Domini. There were other shoot out scenes very local to this
     exact location but a little bit different in exact location and time. Thank you Readers.

Readers: This murder scene was in two pieces. These two murder scenes took place in
                exactly the same location and within minutes of each other. First a lot of 
                Young Indian Women were shot down. Then within minutes several car loads
                of Parliamentarian Police from The Victoria Parliament Buildings were shot
                down as they parked their cars and did step out of their automobiles.It was all
                men who were killed in this second murder scene. I, Murray S. Fernwick, says
                that every man present was definitely shot down to death.

4. As far as I know every one of these young men came from The Victoria, British
    Columbia, Parliament Buildings. M.S.F.: I do believe that the true identity of the 
    murdered young men was never fully known. I do know that it is possible though
    that these murdered young men were the children of The Victoria Parliament 
    Building's Parliamentarian's "THEMSELVES."

5. There were about 10-15 young men killed right here. Maybe up to the number of
     25 young men were killed right here instantly.

6. As far as I know the murdered young men were the children of, "CHEAT&CHEAP=
    PARLIAMENTARIANS'", who were in The Victoria Parliament, "PAPER MONEY
    BUSINESS," Buildings.

7. All of them were killed in the same "MOMENT OF TIME."

8. Every one of those parliamentarian young men were killed by rifle gun fire.

9. Everyone of those parliamentarian young men were killed right on the same spot.

Readers: After The Parliamentarian Police Investigations as to, just who and just why, did 
                someone kill off our sons, The Following Parliamentarian Police
                Investigations Report was growled out publicly enough in The Victoria 
                Parliament Buildings.

10. It is believed that someone stopped Our Parliamentarian Police Car=Cars on Alec
      Road and gave the driver=drivers of Our Parliamentarian Police Cars directions as to
      where to park Our Parliamentarian Police Cars.

11. Our Parliamentarian Police Cars were sent "FULL SPEED" into The Alec Road 
      areas to investigate the insane murders of The Young Indian Women. M.S.F.: This 
      number 11 statement is what is believed as to why The Victoria Parliament
      Buildings Young Men were in that local area. The Victoria Parliament Buildings
      Young Men were dressed up poorly in odd police uniforms. It is publicly known
      that The Victoria Parliamentarians "THEMSELVES" go about all over the place
      dressed up as they please, with different types of dress attire on. Sometimes people
      do not even recognize The Parliamentarian who is inside of the costume that they 
      are wearing about like a gadabout. This time The Parliamentarian's Young Men were
      shot down for gadding about like policemen. ??? Says M.S.F. 

Readers: There is quite a large murder scene taken place right here that has never 
                been understood very much.

12. As soon as Our Young Men who were sent to the local area of Alec Road got out 
      of Their Parliament Police Car=Cars at Their designated parking place they were
      shot down. M.S.F.: Says "True." The Parliament Building's Police did not know who
      shot down The Parliament Building's Young Men. M.S.F.: Says "True". Then M.S.F.:
      Says: The Parliamentarian's Young Men were shot down by The Swimmers Gang
      and Other Murderers who were with The Notorious Swimmers Gang 

13. M.S.F.: Says: These Murder Gangs were in this area of Alec Road committing
      murder of The Young Indian Women. Some of them literally lived or for certain
      visited other Murder Gang Members "Right On The Spot Of This Quite Large
      Murder Scene."

Readers: I have a few of my own private ideas as to why I, Murray S. Fenwick, do
                think, believe, that this murder scene took place for. I have decided to keep
                my own private thoughts about the whys-and-the-where-fors about this 
                double murder case to myself until this particular case does go to serious

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

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