Saanitch Peninsula.
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
Brentwood, Sidney And Deep Cove,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Saanitch Peninsula, Brentwood, Sidney
And Deep Cove.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, found a place, "Location"
that members of The Notorious Swimmers Gang
were using to feed human being to sharks at.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do call this Notorious
Swimmer's Gang Act of feeding living human
beings to sharks "Shark Poo Through Feed Up."
Readers: The Notorious Swimmers Gang do commit A
Lot Of Sadism Murder by feeding Living Human
Beings to sharks all over The B.C., Coast.
Readers: One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was out walking
about and saying hello to some of The Swimmers
Gang and there right in front of me was a large shark tied up
by its tail by a mono filament fishing line.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had to step back and get out
of the way of that very big angry shark or I probably
would have been eaten myself.
Readers: The Members Of The Notorious Swimmers Gang
told me to literally jump and run for my life and to
get right away from that great big angry shark or it would
definitely attack me and eat me.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do remember this Shark Poo
Through Scene happening to me right well.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do remember right exactly
where this Shark Poo Through Scene took place at
in Deep Cove, at the end of The Saanitch Peninsula.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do call This Feeding Of People
To Sharks, Shark Poo Through Feed Up, because should
a large, big, bad shark get a biting hold onto you it will most
assuredly chew you up and swallow you down and it wont be
many hours and That Big Bad Shark that did eat you will defecate
your Literal Poo Remains right out of its anis into the salt water.
Some of your Literally Pood Out Remains will drift away in the
water currents and some of your Literal Remains just might settle
down to the bottom of the ocean floor. At any rate That Great Big
Bad Shark did get to eat you right from its teethy mouth right
through its entire body length and did Poo, Defecate, You Right
Out into the salt water. In other words you went right through The
Full Length Of That Great Big Bad Shark. Therefore I, Murray S.
Fenwick, do call this Sadism Of Feeding Human Beings To Great
Big Bad Sharks, Shark Poo Through Feed Up.
Readers: Should A Proper Court Of Law want more information
about the exact location and The Swimmers Gang's
People's names I will be only to glad to give this information over
to The Proper Legal Authourities.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do recommend to all people, regardless
of who you might be, to stay right completely away from This
Sadism Shark Poo Through Feed Up Scene because it is always very
dangerous to be around. Any person could very easily lose their life by
being killed by The Great Big Bad Shark Attacking Them. To man handle
That Big Bad Shark is very difficult. A person could also very easily
drowned by being involved in That Big Bad Sharks Capture. There are
many Cons, Negative Things, that can go wrong when a person is trying
to capture and look after That Great Big Bad Shark that can very easily
bring about your own personal death.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
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