Saturday, 11 January 2020

#J52. Sidney. The Miserable Musician. The New Government Building. "Report #3."

Saanitch Peninsula.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Saanitch Peninsula, Sidney.

The Miserable Musician. The New Government Building.

A Complaint Against Victoria, Sidney And Deep Cove. 

There was "A Brand New Government Building That Had Brand New 
Statues" placed just out side of its main doors in the same location where 
The Old Fashioned Book Store was located.

1. This building was "A Brand New Building" built by "The Government" 
    to be used for a certain kind of work.
2. Outside of the main doors were "A Pair Of Nice Statues."
3. "Those Statues" were brand new.
4. Some gang of people did go directly to "Those Statues" just about the first day
    that "The New Building" was opened for work and did "Ruin Those Statues."
5. People came out of "The New Building" and did "SHOUT FALSE ACCUSING
    STATEMENTS" at most everyone on the main streets of Victoria, where "The
    Statues And The New Building" were located, for ruining "The Nice New Statues."
6. Quite a large number of people were literally ran, thrown, right out of the
    immediate community area where "The Nice New Building And The New Statues"
    were located.
7. There was a lot of shout around trouble took place for that ruining of those "New

I do know that the gang that did the damage to "Those Nice New Statues" were never
identified or caught in any way.

The damaging attack against "Those New Statues" was done about the same time that
The Old Fashioned Book Store was wrecked.

Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked neighborhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack
this area in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him
a full bodied classical styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.

The attacking of "Those Nice Knew Statues" in this generally attacked area of Victoria
took place in the year of 1967 Anno Domini.

This damaging scene took place in the year of 1967 Anno Domini.

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