Saturday, 11 January 2020

#J53. Sidney. The Miserable Musician. The Music Store. "Report #4."

Saanitch Peninsula. 

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

Saanitch Peninsula, 
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Saanitch Peninsula, Sidney.

Sidney. Little Old Sidney By The Sea.

The Miserable Musician. The Music Store.

A Complaint Against Victoria, Sidney And Deep Cove.

This report is about a similar attack that took place in A Store That
Sold Musical Instruments that was located "In A Similar" area as The
Old Fashioned Book Store.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, knew The Music Store myself and would
    go to it occasionally to do business with the man who owned the
    business side of The Store and who was always on The Music
    Stores Premises running The Music Store Itself.
2. When I was investigating the other attacks in The Music Stores
    "Similar Area" I went into The Music Store to do some business
    with them.
3. The man who ran The Music Store immediately talked with me in
    a very concerned manner about how his store was broken up badly.

Readers this gets very serious right here.

4. Also The Music Store owners friend was also beaten up very badly.
5. The Music Store owner's friend was a man who did run The Music
    Store for the owner of The Music Store when the owner of The Music
    Store was out of The Music Store for some reason.
6. Also some customers who were in The Music Store were beaten
    somewhat and were pushed around and about in The Music Store quite
    badly enough to make serious mention about what did happen to them.
7. The owner of The Music Store just stepped out for a quick lunch "And In
    Walked The Ruff Gang" who did attack everything and everyone in The
    Music Store.
8. The owner of The Music Store was not touched at all because he was out
    for lunch when this attack did happen.
9. The damage to the musical instruments in The Music Store was quite a lot.
10. The owner of The Music Store and his friend and all customers who did
      come to know about this attack became very afraid that there would be a
      recurrence of that attack and that everyone would get hurt all over again.
11. The owner of The Music Store and his best friend and all customers could
      not identify anyone in The Ruff Gang who did make this attack against The
      Music Store.

Readers: Beware, it was believed about this attacked neighborhood that one of
               The Ruff Gang who did attack this area in general was dressed in a
dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical styled
guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.

This happened about the year 1967 Anno Domini.

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