Saturday, 11 January 2020

#J54. Sidney. Sidney And Nanaimo Do Hate Each Other. They Always Did. "AND MORE!"

Saanitch Peninsula.

Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Saanitch Peninsula, Sidney.

Sidney And Nanaimo Do Hate Each Other. 

Readers: It does Seem As Though That Sidney 

And Nanaimo Always Did Hate Each Other. "AND MORE!" 

This report is about how to kill, "All Of Nanaimo And More," with just one cheap attack.

1. One day I was standing on the sandy beaches of Nanaimo and a woman from The White
    House walked up to me and said to me that she was just visiting. She had just arrived in
    Nanaimo and was walking about to straighten her legs out from the long plane ride from
    The District of Columbia, U.S.A..
2. She talked with me about "The Big Atomic A Bomb Complex" that had been mysteriously
    built in Naniamo.
3. My friend talked for a awhile and then she talked about the very dangerousness about the
    bomb complex and how easily it is to blow this Nanaimo atomic bomb complex up.
4. My friend said that the atomic bomb set is still alive and active this day of 1982 Anno Domini
5. My friend said that because of the way this atomic bomb set is made it is called by a certain
    name and is classified as a certain class of atomic bomb.
6. My friend said this atomic bomb has to be catered to all of the time.
7. Then my friend said that this catering to this atomic bomb is what makes this specific atomic
    bomb so very dangerous.
8. It turned out that there are a number of things that have to be done for this atomic bomb on
    an ongoing basis. Some atomic bombs are like that. It is this having to cater to this atomic
    bomb that does make it so very very dangerous.
9. My friend told me that some of these atomic bombs that have to be catered to will blow up it
    they are not catered to.
10. Then my friend told me that this atomic bomb right here in Nanaimo is one of those most
      dangerous atomic bomb complexes that will blow up if it is not catered to.
11. Just one catering to this atomic bomb in Nanaimo is the fact that it has to have a lot of
      food fed to it on a continuous basis.
12. All a person needs to do is to stop the food from the store that is brought to the atomic
      bomb in Nanaimo in order that the atomic bomb can have a meal and the atomic bomb
      in Nanaimo will blow up.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am not saying what kind of food is fed to this particular atomic
                bomb that had been built in Nanaimo but my saying that this particular atomic bomb
has to have its meals on a regular basis is true. Should you starve this particular atomic bomb
it will blow up.

13. Also should a person place just one good stick of dynamite right  beside that good tasty
      meal that is fed to that atomic bomb in Nanaimo then that atomic bomb will also blow up.
14. These atomic bombs can be peculiar things and this one in Nanaimo happens to be one
      of them. It would take a week or a week and a half but the atomic bomb in Nanaimo would
      blow up, from having a hunger fit, without being fed  its nice delicious meals and snacks
      on a continuous,permanent, ongoing basis, in order to be kept in a happy healthy state
      just like everybody else has to be kept. Happy healthy and strong.

15. The amount of nice tasty meals that are being fed to that big atomic bomb in Nanaimo are
      a lot and all of those meals are costing Nanaimo plenty of money.

Readers: The Lady from The White House spoke on.

Readers: A Report. Does Naniamo hate Sidney? ???
                A Report. Does Sidney hate Nanaimo? ???

Readers: The answer is yes. These two communities do hate each other.
                The answer is yes. Nanaimo does hate Sidney.
                The answer is yes. Sidney does hate Nanaimo.

Readers: The Lady from The White House spoke on.

The Lady from The White Said: Dear Murray My Friend,
1. It is a known fact that by certain debri found around about this atomic bomb in Naniamo that
    someone has tried to blow more than Naniamo and "Sidney By The Sea" right off of The Old
    Worlds Map. It also became known to my friend The Lady that someone has used this very
    atomic bomb right here in Naniamo to scare people with and by scaring them that person did
    get money out of them because of an illegal threat basis. By doing that scare scene on those
    innocent people "That Someone" did commit a criminal act. That scare money could well have
    been many different types of worthy articles as well.

Readers: You have to read other postings of mine right here in my blog to understand the
                devastating explosive fire power Of This Great Big Atomic Bomb In Nanaimo.

Readers: This Great Big Atomic Bomb that was built in Nanaimo is really big. It is one of The
                Biggest Most Dangerous Atomic Bombs that are in the world today.

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