Sunday, 27 October 2019

#O18. Blaine, Washington State, U.S.A. "Atomic Train Blows Up."

Blaine, Washington State, United States Of America.

Atomic Train, "Blows Up," "Melts Down," "Breaks Down,"
And Causes Pollution Problems. This Took Place In Blaine,
Washington State, U.S.A.

One day when I, Murray S. Fenwick, was visiting Blaine
A Friend Of Mine Named Miss Secretary told me, talked
to me, and showed me A Burned Down Atomic Train that
was located right in the middle of Blaine.

Readers: The type of Atomic Train engine that was burned
               down was a steam train.

Readers: This Atomic Steam Train was at one time the
               power unit that did run an entire Atomic Factory.

Readers: This Atomic Steam Train Atomic Factory is Simply
               Huge In Its Power Potential for running An Atomic
Factory with.

Readers: Just think for a moment how many train cars that A
               Steam Engine Can Pull Along A Rail  Road and you
will get A Very Accurate Idea Just How Powerful A Steam
Train Really Is.

Readers: Then just apply your thoughts about The Power
               Capabilities that The Steam Engine is most assuredly
capable of producing and apply The Steam Trains Power
Potential to running something else like An Atomic Factory.

Readers: Steam Train Engines are applied to run A Lot Of
               Different Things. Steam Train Engines do not just
run A Train Of Train Cars Along A Rail Road Track.

Readers: Steam Train Engines do put out A Lot Of Power.
               For Certain Steam Trains are used to do A Lot Of
Other Kinds Of Jobs With.

Readers: The Atomic Factory That Was Located In Blaine
               had to have A Lot Of  Very Big Manufacturing
Capabilities to justify putting A Steam Train into running
That Atomic Factory.

Readers: The Steam Train Engine does cost A Lot Of
               Money to design it and to manufacture it. Also
it does cost A Lot Of Money To Run It.

Readers: As usual The Steam Train Engine and The Atomic
               Factory that was located in Blaine "All Fell Apart
And Did Break Down" as Atomic Factories Do.

Readers: When An Atomic Factory does "Break Down Badly
               It is At Times Called An Atomic Melt Down."

Readers: Some times An Atomic Factory even blows up
               and does disappear because it does disappear with
The Atomic Explosion And Everything About The Atomic
Factory is Changed Into Atomic Dust And Is Blown Away
With The Atomic Winds That Are Created By The Atomic

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does Whole Heartedly Say
               That The Atomic Steam Train, Atomic Factory, in
Blaine has to be Very Pointedly, Very Seriously, Studied in
order to prove just what went on with This Atomic Factory
And Just What Exactly It Was That Did Go Wrong With
The Atomic Factory In Blaine, Washington State, U.S.A.

Readers: Because I, Murray S. Fenwick, was talked to very
               carefully and at great length pertaining to Blaine's
Atomic Factory Issue, By The Secretary, I do know some of
The Very Important Things That Did Happen Around About
Blaine's Atomic Factory whether Blaine's Atomic Factory was
Running Or Broken Down.

Readers: Just take A Good Comprehensive Look at The
               Chernobyle Atomic Factory, Plant, in The Ukraine
and you will see what can happen when Blaine's Atomic
Factory Blew Up And Did Break Down.

#O19. Calgary. Atomic Problem. Medical Thalidomide Problem.



The Atomic Problem. The Medical Thalidomide Problem.

#O20. Golden, B.C., Canada. An Atomic Plant Blows Up.


Golden, British Columbia, Canada.

Golden made An Atomic Pollution Problem.

Murray: Remember The Columbia River.

Readers: One day when I, Murray S. Fenwick, was 17 years
               of age I went to The Town Of Golden, British 
Columbia, Canada. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not go to The Town Of
               Golden by myself. I went to Golden with a friend
of mine, a man.

Readers: The year that I went to The Town Of Golden was
               1964-1965 Anno Domini.

Readers: My friend and I walked into The Town Of Golden.
               We did not have a car or bus ride to get us there.

Readers: My friend and I walked on the main street of Golden
               right to the centre of The Town Of Golden.

Readers: As soon as my friend and I did arrive right at the centre
               of The Town Of Golden some people who did live and
who did work in Golden came walking right up to my friend and
I and in a very friendly manner did talk to us.

Readers: The people who were citizens of The Town Of Golden
               were very friendly to us. Those people were very nice
people indeed.

Readers: Those people of The Town Of Golden spoke to us about 
               their nice Town Of Golden and told us to have a nice visit
in their Town Of Golden. 

Readers: Right here and before those very nice people of The Town
               Of Golden left off talking to my friend and I, Murray S. 
Fenwick, there was a Very Serious Change To The Negative That 
Did Take Place In The Town Of Golden. This change "In Attitude"
that took place in Golden that day took place right before my and
my friends very own eyes. We found it hard to believe that what did 
happen, from The Positive Attitude To The Negative Attitude, really
did take place right before our own eyes and very quickly.

Readers: There was all of a sudden shouting and hollering going 
               on from people of Golden who came walking out of the 
shadows of the trees etc. and the buildings of The Town Of Golden. 
These people shouted and hollered at The Friendly People to start
"The Inquiry" that they were supposed to talk with us about.

Readers: The very nice people who were citizens of The Town Of
               Golden talked to me that they have no alternative now
than to talk to Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, and to my 
friend about a few important things.

Readers: The nice people said to me that the people of The Town
               Of Golden who were shouting and hollering all over The
Town Of Golden did want to know if I and my friend had ever 
been to The Town Of Golden "BEFORE."

Readers: The Nice People from The Town Of Golden told me, 
               Murray S. Fenwick, that they did know from talking to
me that I had never been to The Town Of Golden "BEFORE."

Readers: The Nice People told me that they did not have to talk to
               me any further about other questions that were serious 
questions too because I, Murray S. Fenwick, had never been to
The Town Of Golden before.

Readers: My friend said to The Nice People Of The Town Of 
               Golden that he had never before been to The Town 
Of Golden.

Readers: The Negative People of The Town Of Golden would not 
               stop their shouting and hollering about and demanding 
much more serious an investigation into My, Murray S. Fenwick's,
life and into the life of my friend.

Readers: Finally The Nice People who were citizens of The Town 
               Of Golden finally told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, and my
friend what all this shouting and hollering and demanding of very
serious investigations was all about.

Readers: What happened in The Town Of Golden is The Town Of
               Golden did have Literally A Real Atomic Factory In The
Town Of Golden. The Atomic Factory was located right down 
town, right in the centre, of The Town Of Golden. Unfortunately 
someone or some group of people did Negatively Attack The
Atomic Factory and did wreck The Atomic Factory Completely.

Readers: The Nice People from The Town Of Golden did tell Me,
               Murray S. Fenwick, that there was right now a lot of 
very serious trouble with The Atomic Factory and that The Atomic
Factory was right now running out of control and there was a lot
of Atomic Pollution happening from it since The Atomic Factory
was Illegally Negatively Attacked And Did Not Work Right Any

Readers: All of the citizens of The Town Of Golden who were 
               going about shouting and hollering their heads off and
demanding more of an investigation just wanted to know if I,
Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, if I was The Criminal 
Person who did sneak into The Town Of Golden recently and
did Negatively Attack And Ruin The Atomic Factory Of Golden.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, told The Nice People Of The 
               Town Of Golden that I most assuredly was not The
Criminally Minded Person who did ruin The Atomic Factory 
Of The Town Of Golden.

Readers: The Nice People told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that they
               did believe me that I definitely was not The Criminal 
Person who did Negatively Attack And Ruin The Atomic Factory
Of The Town Of Golden. 

Readers: And The Negative People of The Town Of Golden did
               still go about shouting and hollering their heads right
off and demanding a more full investigation into My, Murray S. 
Fenwick's, life and into my friends life.

Readers: "GET THIS."

Readers: Remember that My, Murray S. Fenwick's, friend did say
               that he had never been to The Town Of Golden before
this nice sunny day in Golden.

Readers: Somehow my friends talk lines and story telling etc. that
               does pertain to the investigation does, to me, not add up
correctly enough.

Readers: How I, Murray S. Fenwick, did come to be walking with
               my friend into The Town Of Golden "PERPLEXES ME."

Readers: There is something right here about my friends talk lines
               and why he wanted to go to The Town Of Golden that is
not right in my mind. 

Readers: I do believe that My, Murray S. Fenwick's, friend that did
               walk with me into The Town Of Golden that day should be
further questioned about The Criminal Dereliction Of The Atomic
Factory In The Town Of Golden. 

#O21. The Middle East. The Dead Sea. Huge Atomic Bomb.

The Middle East. The Dead Sea. 

The Atomic Bomb In The Dead Sea, 

In The Middle East.

Dear Middle East People, People of Africa and People of The Whole Wide World:

this part of this report deals with a gas problem that does exist in
The Middle East but is unknown. This most serious gas problem
is the result of a Huge Atomic Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea
in the middle 1950's. There is poison gas that leaks from the bomb
and might be the original cause of some of the trouble making that
does exist in The Middle East

i will say this very short in this report here but in some ways i can
stretch this poison gas problem out a mile if i want to

no matter what is investigated and said i am right about poison gas
being released by This Huge Atomic Bomb

Readers: the following statement is why i am absolutely right:
1. a leak developed in the bomb
2. the leak was found surfaced and was more of a dangerous leak
    than atomic people even thought would happen. These atomic
    people were people trained in atomic work
3. it is considered dangerous to approach this pool of atomic
    compounds that did leak from the bomb because of poison gas
    that rises from the surface of the pool of escaping compounds
4. there was a pool of liquid like atomic compounds made from
    the leak, leaks, that did happen to the atomic bomb and from
    the surface of this pool of atomic compounds gas does rise
    off of and goes drifting around in the winds in all directions

This is the absolute truth and no matter what is said after
investigations take place this remains the dangerous truth.
Why i say this statement is because at times people do lie
about investigations.

the people who told me this are the very people who put this big
atomic bomb into The Dead Sea

this poison gas leak is only one leak, there have developed many
leaks in this Dead Sea Atomic Bomb

i will write up right here the information about this atomic bomb
as we go along here

1. this leak surfaced not far from the actual location of The Huge
    Atomic Bomb
2. this pool of atomic compounds is right near The Dead Sea
3. a hole developed in the atomic bomb and the leaking atomic
    compounds found a crack in the rock etc. for escape and did
    surface quite nearby
4. this pool of leaking atomic compounds is quite large and can
    be found very easily
5. for certain the gas etc. from these leaking atomic compounds
    is very dangerous. They are classed very dangerous by the
    atomic people who put the atomic bomb into its installation
6. this atomic compound pool is no joke, it is there very real in
    life and considered very dangerous
7. i do not understand just how this works over all of the atomic
    bomb possibilities. I'll say this first. The leak in the atomic bomb
    makes the atomic bomb more dangerous. Whether the danger
    is increased when the bomb blows up or while the atomic bomb
    remains sitting there i do not know. The leak creates an unbalance
    in the atomic bomb and that is why it is said to be more dangerous.
    But just where this danger fits in i do not know
8. this pool of leaking atomic compounds was investigated very
    carefully and then abandoned because of loss of hope of
    correcting this big problem

this atomic gas problem has been leaking and in other ways has been
about the area of The Dead Sea Bomb since the 1950's

this atomic gas does drift about in the winds and does not break down
easily this type of gas does stay about a long time

There will be more than one write up about toxic gas in this report. In
general this one is very important because it deals with atomic gas
Information about atomic gas was held in secrecy by the military and

1. there has been a lot of research on types of gas that could
    be used in very different types of gas warfare
2. i know that there are many different types of gases in the
    world in general
3. i know that there are more types of harmful, to man, gases
    about in the world in general than any government or people
    know about. It is because people lock up this knowledge
    and call it secret information.

I believe that my following statement about atomic gas is correct
because it was told to me by the person and the people who ran
Programs for The Americans that were very important Programs.
Upon pertinent request I can supply the name=names of the
person=people involved and the names of their programs etc.

1. atomic gas is lethal to the extreme
2. it is known to be so very deadly that you cannot inhale even
    one breath of it or have the gas touch even your hand even
    one single time without you running extreme risk for your
    very own life
3. atomic gas causes cancer and other related serious diseases
4. atomic gas stays in a cloud all by itself
5. atomic gas does not spread out in the air
6. If winds come along the breeze will just blow a cloud of the
    atomic gas about. The atomic gas will move about but will
    not break up.
7. this quality of atomic gas staying together is considered
    extemly dangerous because should wind blow the atomic
    gas about the atomic gas remains in the wind all by itself in
    the form of its own cloud. Then should it come into contact
    with a human being because of its staying together qualities
    there is usually enough of a cloud of the atomic gas to kill
    the human being off. This cloud of atomic gas can very
    easily kill a human being off and also a complete town can
    be covered by the atomic gas cloud and killed off just as
8. atomic gas is considered very dangerous to the extreme

Readers: Another fact about atomic gas is its long life.
1. atomic gas stays together in its own cloud form for at least
    24 to 28 months of time
2. Atomic gas is extremely dangerous for long periods of time,
    when, after, it is released to the general atmosphere and gets
    blown about in its own cloud form with its killing potential for
    so long a time.

atomic gas is very deadly
atomic gas has a long life expectancy

this part of the report deals with a very long crack in what i
will call "The Continental Rock." That is the actual rock that
is the foundation of the continent

1. another leak in the atomic bomb did take place
2. this specific leak travelled very quickly for about 3,000
3. this leak took place in a very short span of time
4. this leak across the continent was investigated very
    carefully and then abandoned
5. because of the nature of the crack in "The Continental Rock"
    it was believed that the atomic compounds that did leak into
    that crack could not be gotten out of the crack in the rock
    at all
6. all thought of removal of this atomic compound leak was
    completely abandoned
7. there are many dangers in this leak happening
8. for example this leak can bring about water polution
9. for example this leak could release atomic compounds
    across large areas of farm lands and pollute the land with
    atomic compounds and ruin the land for further farm use

also said here: should the atomic bomb go off, that is explode,
the explosion will follow "The Continental Rock Crack" and
explode also along this line as well. This means a huge explosion
will take place along this "The Continental Rock Crack." This
is very dangerous

this "Continental Rock Crack" is very well known by the atomic
people who installed the atomic bomb. It has been mapped out
very carefully

this "Continental Rock Crack" is considered very dangerous and for
certain the atomic compounds do surface at times and this surfacing
of the atomic compounds is also classed as very dangerous as well

Readers: This part of the report deals with "A Atomic Polluted Lake."

Readers: For what ever reason The American Atomic Program and The
               American Space Program decided to amalgamate, to make one
program instead of two. Therefore The American Atomic Program And
The American Space Program have been for a long time now been called
The American Atomic Space Program.

Readers: "The American Atomic Space Program" did install This Huge
               Atomic Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea. "The American
Atomic Space Program" did not make The Huge Atomic Bomb that was
put into The Dead Sea but they were asked to install That Huge Atomic
Bomb and "The American Atomic Space Program" did install That Huge
Atomic Bomb Into The Dead Sea upon The Request.

1. this lake was "Polluted" by another leak from the atomic bomb
2. the lake is "Polluted" by an atomic compound leak and is considered
3. i do not know where the lake is located at
    but the atomic program who did install this bomb
    does know where this lake is located at

Readers: Therefore "This Atomic Polluted Lake" can be found
                through the knowledge of The Atomic Program
that did install that Atomic Bomb into The Dead Sea.

4. i do not know the size of the lake
    but The Atomic Program who did install this bomb does
    know the size of the lake

Readers: This part of the report deals with the electrical plant
                that was at least partly built at about The Naser Damn

1. the reason why this electricity plant was being built at The
    Naser Damn was to fire off the detonators in The Atomic
    Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea

there is something involved here that you should ask your own
electrical engineers and explosives engineers

1. the reason that the electrical power plant was being built
    all the way away at The Naser Damn was to supply enough
    electricity to fire off the atomic detonators of The Dead Sea
    Atomic Bomb
2. what your engineers might answer is the following: there is
    an electrical energy build up that does take place over the
    distance that electricity does travel. It is something along
    the same lines of the energy build up with the coil of an
    electric motor etc.
3. when you take into consideration that an electrical plant was
    being installed at Naser Damn at Naser Lake with all the
    electrical poles etc. that would be needed all the way to The
    Dead Sea and this and that along with all other equipment
    needed to make the long lines of electricity work properly.
    For you to understand this electrical set-up in its entirety
    you will start to come to the knowledge as to just how
    "HUGE" The Dead Sea Atomic Bomb really is. If you
    just sit down for a minute or two and think about such
    a huge electrical installation being put in and all the poles
    to carry wire etc. just to fire off detonators you will soon
    see what i am talking about. When you realize that people
    did all this electrical work just to fire off detonators you will
    soon see that The Atomic Bomb Itself must be "HUGE" To
    The Extreme.

i have very limited knowledge about electricity but i do know
that the entire electrical set-up was to operate like the coil
in the distributor of a car that builds up electrical energy
and then fires it through the set of points contacts along the
spark plug wires through the spark plugs into the gas mix in
the car cylinders

Readers: This part of the report deals with Naser's Damn.

1. Naser's Damn was built improperly
2. it is possible that the cement used to build the damn was
    reduced in its quality
3. it is possible also that the damn was built out of atomic
    compound polluted rock etc. which was put into the cement
    of the damn
4. it is possible that the damn was built out of atomic
    compounds that can explode which were put into the damn
    to be exploded at a later date
5. also the damn might be a storage box for atomic bombs

no matter what the problem is here it was talked up a lot. The
people i was with talked with each other a lot about The Naser
Damn atomic problem

1. The Nile River might be polluted with atomic compounds,

Readers: This part of the report deals with The Naser Damn Itself.

1. The Naser Damn at Naser Lake might be an Atomic Bomb Itself
2. The Naser Damn might be literally explodable
3. because of the possiblility of Atomic Compounds being put into
    The Naser Damn when The Naser Damn was being built The
    Naser Damn literally might be explodable
4. The Naser Damn just might be a literal atomic bomb sitting right
    there at Naser Lake

when The Naser Damn was being built there were arguements made
about the types of cement being used in making the damn

it is possible to have put atomic bombs into the cement structure
of the damn itself to be blown up at a later date

it is also possible to have put atomic coumpounds of some sort
into the cement and gravel in such a away that these compounds
could be blown up at a later date

also the people in control of The Naser Damn were accused of
at least storing atomic bombs inside the damn itself in rooms
that were made for them

The Naser Damn has been accused as being a great big atomic

The Naser Damn has also been accused as being a polution threat
to The Nile River

Readers: This part of the report deals with The Nile River.

1. because of the over abundant talk about The Nile River
    being an atomic compound problem loaded with pollution
2. The Nile River might be already polluted
3. because of the talk about The Naser Damn that i have heard
    The Nile River might have been polluted at any moment from
    the immediate time that The Naser Damn was completed
4. The Nile River might have been polluted during the actual
    building time of The Naser Damn

No matter what the problem is here it was talked up a lot. The
people I was with talked  with each other a lot about The Naser
Damn being an atomic problem.

Readers: This part of the report deals with different types of military

1. the large location where this gas was used is The Middle East
    in general
2. the people who were attacked were the people named The
3. the people who attacked The Bedouin were Middle East People
    but they lived in different locations in The Middle East
4. why this attack against The Bedouin happened was people in
    Commanding Positions classed The Bedouin as a mere vagabond
    and unwanted nomad and decided to kill The Bedouin People off
5. how The Commanders decided to kill The Bedouin People off was
    by using possibly different gases on them and then running over
    them with war tanks. This attack was named "Tank Tracking
    The Bedouin."

Readers: the following is exactly what happened

1. The Commanders of the battle tanks would command the tanks to
    drive around and around The Bedouin encampment releasing gas
    from gas trailers that were fastened to the tanks by trailer hitches.
    The gas tanks themselves were loaded onto trailers that the war
    battle tanks towed behind them also some battle tanks would
    carry the gas tanks on the battle tanks themselves. The Battle
    Tank Commander of The Middle East did about the same thing
    like what happened in The United States Of America in Wild West
    Days or on Hollywood Movies when the Indians would ride around
    and around a wagon train shooting at the wagon train people as
    they rode around and around them
2. remember the gas used might have been different at times. It
    might have been killer gas or knock out gas
3. when the entire Bedouin encampment was lieing down knocked out
    or dead the commanders would then order the army tanks to drive
    over The Bedouin People and The Bedouin Encampment crushing
    everyone and everything into the earth
4. because of the manner of conversation i was in on and my finding
    out just how severely tight the battle tanks were sealed up i do
    believe that killer gas was at least one of the types of gas used
    on The Bedouin People
5. open vehicles could not have been used because The Commanders
    and crews would have been hurt with the released gas no matter
    what variety the gas was in this type of fighting
6. they were very well sealed up military tanks that were used to do this

The following is another report.

The Middle East. The Dead Sea.

The "Gem Amber."

The following report is about "The Gem Amber."
The following report is about "The Gem Amber" but
is "POINTEDLY" about "The Gem Amber" that is ore
mined in The Dead Sea, in The Middle East.

1. There is A Gem Named Amber.

2. Just one place that "The Gem Amber" is located and
    ore mined is The Dead Sea in The Middle East.

3. The quality of "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in
    The Dead Sea, in The Middle East, is of A High Quality.

Readers: This is something that you have to know about "The
               Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea, in
The Middle East.

Readers: There was A Natural Gas Pocket, Well, underneath The
                Dead Sea Area in The Days Of Abraham. The burning
up and explosions of This Natural Gas Pocket, Well, is what did
form The Depression In The Land that did fill up with water from
The Jordan River to form The Dead Sea in The Middle East.

Readers: Unfortunately since The Middle 1950's Anno Domini when
               The Huge Atomic Bomb was built into "The Bottom Of The
Natural Gas Cone" that made The Dead Sea in the days of The Book Of
Genesis when The Cities Named Sodom And Gomorrah were judged
by God to be evil and were burned up into fire dust by the gas pocket
that was located underneath The Dead Sea Area when "The On Fire Gas"
escaped up out of The Natural Gas Cone. The depression that is The Dead
Sea was formed by the high heat of this escaping, On Fire Gas And Local
Gas Explosions That Melted The Dead Sea Area down into a depression
that then filled up with water from The Jordan River to form The Dead Sea.

Readers: This building, putting, of That Huge Atomic Bomb down into
               The Bottom Of The Natural Gas Cone which is about 4 thousand
feet below The Bottom Of The Dead Sea is A Very Serious Polluting Atomic
Problem that has polluted The Entire Dead Sea and A Long Way Around
About The Dead Sea Area and This Atomic Compounds that do make up
That Big Atomic Bomb has also leaked Polluting Atomic Compounds into
The Local Water Systems that have carried Those Atomic Compound "BOTH
FAR AND WIDE." The distance that some of these water ways have carried
The Atomic Compounds away from That Big Atomic Bomb In The Dead
Sea is really a very long ways. It has been proven that The Atomic Compounds
that have leaked out of This Dead Sea Big Atomic Bomb have traveled in those
water ways at least 3,000 miles away from That Big Dead Sea Atomic Bomb.

Readers: What has happened here is that The Dead Sea Itself has been
                contaminated with Atomic Compounds that have leaked out of The
Big Atomic Bomb Installation that was put into The Bottom Of The Natural
Gas Cone that is right there in The Dead Sea in The Middle Of The 1950's
Anno Domini. This Atomic Polluting of The Dead Sea Itself is what I am
writing about right here.

Readers: Since The Entire Dead Sea Is Polluted With Atomic Compounds then also
                everything in The Dead Sea is also polluted. This does also include "The
Gem Amber."

Readers: Because of This Atomic Polluting Of  "The Gem Amber" this type of
                pollution being Atomic Compounds does make "The Gem Amber A
Atomic Polluted Gem." Therefore because "The Gem Amber Is Atomic Compound
Polluted" it has to be treated as a dangerous piece of Amber and is therefore also
considered valueless.

Readers: Since "The Gem Amber" in The Dead Sea has been proven to be Atomic
                Compound Polluted And Therefore Is Considered Valueless "ALL PEOPLE"
who are interested in collecting "The Gem Amber" have to stay completely away
from "The Once Very Good Quality Gem Amber That Was And Still Is Found In
Abundance In The Dead Sea" in The Middle East.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does know that A Golden Forty Niner does own a lot
                of "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea in The Middle East.
For certain The Golden Forty Niner's Money Investment in ore mining "The Gem
Amber" from The Dead Sea is "A TOTAL LOSS."

Readers: Remember that "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea in The
                Middle East is considered to be dangerous to own, to wear as jewelery and to
even be near to because The Atomic Compounds did pollute, The Good Quality Amber, "The Gem Amber," that has been ore mined in The Dead Sea in The Middle East for
thousands of years.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

#O22. The Middle East. The Dead Sea. "The Gem Amber."

The Middle East. The Dead Sea.

The following is another report about 
The Middle East. The Dead Sea.

The "Gem Amber."

The following report is about "The Gem Amber."
The following report is about "The Gem Amber" but
is "POINTEDLY" about "The Gem Amber" that is ore
mined in The Dead Sea, in The Middle East.

1. There is A Gem Named Amber.

2. Just one place that "The Gem Amber" is located and
    ore mined is The Dead Sea in The Middle East.

3. The quality of "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in
    The Dead Sea, in The Middle East, is of A High Quality.

Readers: This is something that you have to know about "The
               Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea, in
The Middle East.

Readers: There was A Natural Gas Pocket, Well, underneath The
                Dead Sea Area in The Days Of Abraham. The burning
up and explosions of This Natural Gas Pocket, Well, is what did
form The Depression In The Land that did fill up with water from
The Jordan River to form The Dead Sea in The Middle East.

Readers: Unfortunately since The Middle 1950's Anno Domini when
               The Huge Atomic Bomb was built into "The Bottom Of The
Natural Gas Cone" that made The Dead Sea in the days of The Book Of
Genesis when The Cities Named Sodom And Gomorrah were judged
by God to be evil and were burned up into fire dust by the gas pocket
that was located underneath The Dead Sea Area when "The On Fire Gas"
escaped up out of The Natural Gas Cone. The depression that is The Dead
Sea was formed by the high heat of this escaping, On Fire Gas And Local
Gas Explosions That Melted The Dead Sea Area down into a depression
that then filled up with water from The Jordan River to form The Dead Sea.

Readers: This building, putting, of That Huge Atomic Bomb down into
               The Bottom Of The Natural Gas Cone which is about 4 thousand
feet below The Bottom Of The Dead Sea is A Very Serious Polluting Atomic
Problem that has polluted The Entire Dead Sea and A Long Way Around
About The Dead Sea Area and This Atomic Compounds that do make up
That Big Atomic Bomb has also leaked Polluting Atomic Compounds into
The Local Water Systems that have carried Those Atomic Compound "BOTH
FAR AND WIDE." The distance that some of these water ways have carried
The Atomic Compounds away from That Big Atomic Bomb In The Dead
Sea is really a very long ways. It has been proven that The Atomic Compounds
that have leaked out of This Dead Sea Big Atomic Bomb have traveled in those
water ways at least 3,000 miles away from That Big Dead Sea Atomic Bomb.

Readers: What has happened here is that The Dead Sea Itself has been
                contaminated with Atomic Compounds that have leaked out of The
Big Atomic Bomb Installation that was put into The Bottom Of The Natural
Gas Cone that is right there in The Dead Sea in The Middle Of The 1950's
Anno Domini. This Atomic Polluting of The Dead Sea Itself is what I am
writing about right here.

Readers: Since The Entire Dead Sea Is Polluted With Atomic Compounds then also
                everything in The Dead Sea is also polluted. This does also include "The
Gem Amber."

Readers: Because of This Atomic Polluting Of  "The Gem Amber" this type of
                pollution being Atomic Compounds does make "The Gem Amber A
Atomic Polluted Gem." Therefore because "The Gem Amber Is Atomic Compound
Polluted" it has to be treated as a dangerous piece of Amber and is therefore also
considered valueless.

Readers: Since "The Gem Amber" in The Dead Sea has been proven to be Atomic
                Compound Polluted And Therefore Is Considered Valueless "ALL PEOPLE"
who are interested in collecting "The Gem Amber" have to stay completely away
from "The Once Very Good Quality Gem Amber That Was And Still Is Found In
Abundance In The Dead Sea" in The Middle East.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does know that A Golden Forty Niner does own a lot
                of "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea in The Middle East.
For certain The Golden Forty Niner's Money Investment in ore mining "The Gem
Amber" from The Dead Sea is "A TOTAL LOSS."

Readers: Remember that "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea in The
                Middle East is considered to be dangerous to own, to wear as jewelery and to
even be near to because The Atomic Compounds did pollute, The Good Quality Amber, "The Gem Amber," that has been ore mined in The Dead Sea in The Middle East for
thousands of years.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

#O23. Europe, Ukraine, Pripyat. The Chernobyle Explosion.

The Ukraine, Pripyat, Eastern Europe.

The Chernobyle Explosion, Europe!
One day when I Murray S. Fenwick, Eel-I-Yums Shadow, was talking to
? Man, ? Man more that just mentioned the following Atomic
Calamity. ? Man talked with me about this Atomic Calamity for most
of the day, at least 6 hours
Beside me sat Eel-I-Yum Himself and here and there he would ask ? Man
very pointed questions about this Atomic Calamity and then he would
resoundingly clap his hands together and say “this information sounds
like a Yum Yum to me.” Eel-I-Yum would constantly do this.
What this Atomic Calamity is about is the following:
1. one day when ? Man was at work in The White House two men approached
him over a very serious hatred scene that was going on and how they
planned to eliminate this hatred scene
2. the hatred scene is these two men had been greatly hurt by The Queen
of Spades named Queen of Black Hearts
3. how these two men planned to end this hatred scene was they tried to
hire ? Man to design a huge Atomic Bomb and put it into the Pyrenees Mountains
in a hidden location and to do this in total secrecy
4. these two men had the idea to blow this bomb up which would blow
France into England and push England, Scotland and Ireland into the
bottom of The North Atlantic Ocean. These two men thought that this
would get rid of their problem Queen of Spades. Also all of Europe
would be blown up and Italy would be pushed out into the Mediterranean
Sea, Spain and Portugal would land in the middle of The Central
Atlantic Ocean in pieces. Thus would end the problem of The Nobility
of Europe and of England, Scotland and Ireland

? Man turned the job down

5. but someone else did not turn the job down. Someone did hire
themselves out to these two men and did make that huge Atomic Bomb
and did put it right into the Pyrenees Mountains.
? Man found out about this and went to the Pyrenees Mountains and did review this
Big Bomb situation
it is ? Man who had some geologists study the under lying rock of all
of Europe to find out what would happen with the rock once the Big
Atomic Bomb Blew Up. The geologists said it is true that Italy would
go out into The Mediterranean Sea and that Spain and Portugal would be
broken into pieces at the bottom of The Mid Atlantic Ocean and that
England, Scotland and Ireland will receive a great thrust from the
under lying rock of the Continent of Europe which would drive them into
the bottom of The North Atlantic Ocean also all of Europe will be
broken to pieces. It is also true the rock from Europe will shear off
and go over top of Denmark squashing and crushing Denmark’s Nobility into
the rock of Denmark itself. Some rock may even be shoved as far as to
the hitting of southern Norway. There will be a crescent shape to some
of the rock going north over Denmark etc. like a semi circle.

when Eel-I-Yum really did like something he would chant Yum-Yum for
quite sometime. Over this specific issue Eel-I-Yum did chant for quite
sometime. Please remember that Eel-I-Yum is the hidden Golden 49′r
who the other Golden 49′rs did try to kill

The Chernobyle Effect!

1. The Chernobyl  Disaster happened on the 26 day of April 1986
2. The Chernobyle Disaster was a quite large nuclear accident
3. this atomic accident happened in The Ukraine near a town called Pripyat
4. somehow one of the atomic plants reactors blew up
5. when the explosions took place and fires happened a lot of dust and airborn debri went into
    the atmosphere and because of the way that the winds of the air did travel this now
    radioactive dust spread over most of Europe
6. a lot of people were evacuated from The Ukraine and other more severely atomic pollouted 
    location to more habitable locations in The Ukraine and in Europe in general and through-out
    the world at large
7. even though this reactor blew up there were still parts of the over-all plant that still did work 
    therefore some of the atomic plant continued to operate for some time to about the year 2000
8. because atomic energy is very dangerous to all life the pleople who ran The Chernobyle Plant 
    had to be more honest with the public in general about what really did happen when this plant
    in The Ukraine blew up and this did bring about a serious inquirey about overal atomic plant safety 
    and whether it was advisable to build another atomic plant at all 
9. some people have died because of being poisoned by the atomic compounds of The Chernobyle 
    Nuclear Atomic Plant

I Believe!
1. the atomic plant called Chernobyl could have manufactured the Pyrenees
Bomb and put it into position
2. the atomic plant called Chernobyl could be the actual detinators
that will blow off The Pyrenees Bomb

have you ever thought that a lot of different people have found out
about the great war potential of the atomic bomb itself
for example: North American Indians who have an argument with The Queen of Spades
or other Nobility of The Hand of Black Hearts
Maybe someone from The United States who did not like the Japanese. In
this case they did blow Japan up and in like manner they might blow The Pyrennes up.
I say that you have to be very careful with atomic kind of war knowledge
because of the terrible atomic war trouble and of types of trouble that
can happen should atomic bomb power and atomics in general fall into
the wrong hands.

thank you,
Murray S. Fenwick

#O24. Japan. The Atomic Death Of All Of Japan.


The Atomic Death Of All Of Japan.
Readers: This report is about "The Atomic Death Of All Of Japan."

1. The first thing that I have to write here is that Most Of The People Who Live
    Here On This Old World Called By The Worldly People In Bible Terminologies
    "The Planet Earth" but more accurately named, By Bible Students, "The Garden
    Of Eden," Cometary System, have never been trained in "Atomic Compounds
    At All." 
2. The first thing that you have to know, Readers, is that no-one in "A Certain Set
    Of  Workers In The Atomic Programs" through out The Whole Earth are going
    to teach you anything at all about "Proper Atomic Work Knowledge."
3. This is a further explanation of my statement number two. Number two statement
    means emphatically that "Generally Speaking No-one In That Certain Set Of
    Workers In The Atomic Work Fields" has any positive intention  what-so-ever of
    ever training people in proper understanding of "Atomic Compounds."

Readers: Now enters Japan's difficulties.

4. Unfortunately for the Japanese people during The Second World War the nation
    of Japan has suffered from "Atomic Bombs" being dropped onto their cities=The
    Japanese People.
5. For certain if an "Atomic Bomb" is blown off right in the middle of a nation like
    what was done to The Nation of Japan there will certainly be a lot of very serious
    loss of life, ongoing sickness and eventually the termination, that is the extinction,
    of that people who "The Atomic Bomb", "The Atomic Compounds" have come into
    contact with. These attacked people will also suffer mutations.
6. The blowing off of "The Atomic Bomb" on The Nation Of Japan was "A
7. The blowing off of "The Atomic Bomb" on The Nation  of Japan was not just "A
    War Battle Scheme" it was "A GENOCIDAL ACT".

Readers: People do not know this but it is true.

8. Eventually "The Atomic Compounds" will spread themselves around about The
    Nation of Japan and kill off all of the Japanese people.

Readers: It is "Certain Workers Who Do Work Inside Of The Atomic Program" who
               do know this and it is part of their job to definitely keep secret "THE
DEATH POTETIALITIES" of "The Entire Atomic Program."

9. Unfortunately The Nation of Japan is very seriously contaminated with the
    "Atomic Poison Problem."

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, admit that I just said something that is very different
                than what is usually said about Atomic Energy=Atomic Compounds
contacting The Unfortunate Japanese People!

Readers: Now I will enter a more up to date "GENOCIDAL ACT."

1. On March 11, 2011 Anno Domini, of The Christian Era, there was a series of
    waves from the ocean called The Situation Fukushima and Tsunami (133 Foot
    Wave). This took place at The Nation of Japan.
2. One of the problems with Fukushima is that it spread Atomic Compounds all
    over The Nation of Japan.
3. By the ways that the winds and the waters worked of Tsunami (133 Foot Wave)
    this did spread Atomic Compounds all over The Nation Of Japan.

Readers: Unfortunately for The Japanese People this did take place when
                Fukushima, Tsunami (133 Foot Wave) did run into The Nation Of
Japan. Japan was struck down by This National Disaster.

Readers: Because this report does get into what negatively does happen to
                people when they contact Atomic Compounds it could be written
about for a long long time. I am going to make a few statements here and
close this report off because this report would never seem to end.

1. Atomic Energy=Atomic Compounds, said simply.
2. When a human being does make contact with Atomic Compounds by getting
    Atomic Compounds into their body or onto their body that person usually
    does die a horrible death from it.

Readers: There is a certain set of people who do work in The Atomic Field who
                will never tell you this. That should you, The Unfortunate Person, touch
this stuff called Atomic Energy you will surely die from it. It is certainly a known
fact that if you, The Unfortunate Person, does get Atomic Compounds into you or
on to you that you, The Unfortunate Person, will surely die from that contacting of

Readers: Also! Atomic Energy=Atomic Compounds, said simply. Atomic Energy=
                Atomic Compounds does cause mutations to take place with The
Unfortunate Person who does contact it. These body and brain mutations can also
happen to peoples babies when the babies are still being formed in the mother's

Readers: "GET THIS ONE!" Atomic Energy=Atomic Compounds does cause
                "GENOCIDE" to take place against The Unfortunate Human Race that
does contact it. I order all of Japan to "Read this Japanese!"

Readers: There are so many Atomic's Of Varying Descriptions that have been
                released into Japan that "THE GENOCIDE DEATH" of The Unfortunate
Japanese People is certain. The Unfortunate Japanese People have a "GENOCIDE KILLER" following them about like a lurking shadow and it is a real one called Mr.

Readers: Therefore I would strongly advise The Unfortunate Japanese People to
                very seriously investigate Their Unfortunate People's Position that The
Japanese have been placed into by Mr. Atomic's Himself and this investigation
has to be done on a very honest and truthful understanding of just what Atomic Energy=Atomic Compounds really does do to people in a negative way.

Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick

#O25. Greenland, Has Been Atomic Bombed, Is Ancient Literature.


Greenland Is Ancient Literature.

Greenland Has Been Atomic Bombed.

Readers: More Than One Investigator and More Than One Investigation was done on,
                About, The Atomic Bombing of Denmark's Island Of Greenland. From The
Nobility of Denmark to The Nobility of The Middle East, these Nobles could have been
directly involved as Investigators about The Atomic Bombing of The Arctic and Of
Greenland because these Noble People were in The Arctic at that particular time. Also
Other Scientific Groups were in the Arctic doing Their Own Investigations at that
particular time. At that Particular Time even groups of people were in The Arctic doing
investigations there about building holiday resorts in The Arctic. Readers: It just suited
Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, to write This Report the way that I have.
Readers: Thank You Very Much. Signed: Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick.
At the same time that The Arctic Area was Atomic Bombed, Greenland was also Atomic
Bombed. The Investigators from The White House whose group The Eskimo cured of lung
cancer were The Women who Investigated The Greenland Disaster as well. He did The
Investigation on Greenland on one of his trips to The Arctic after he got cured of lung cancer
by The Eskimo. Readers: There are More Than One Investigator Involved Here, doing these
Arctic And Greenland Investigations.

The following is A Basic Idea from The White House Man's Report Of The Atomic Bombing
Of Greenland. This Investigation was done in the 1950's-60' Anno Domini. Readers: Other
Investigations have been done also by Other Investigators.

Readers: The Recreational Money Resort People were very hard, difficult, to deal, cope,
                with "To The Extreme! !!!"

1. It has been proven that at the same time that The Arctic Area was Atomic Bombed that
    The Denmark Island Of Greenland was also Atomic Bombed
2. The same Recreational Money People who Atomic Bombed The Arctic Area did also Atomic
    Bomb Greenland
3. The Recreational Money People did Atomic Bomb Greenland for the same reason that they
    Atomic Bombed The Arctic Area.
4. The Recreational Money People wanted to put Recreation Resorts in Greenland and they
    thoughts that by removing the ice and snow they could then plant palm trees and put in
    Recreation Resorts and make a lot of money by running these resorts and selling these
    Recreational Resorts and by selling land that could be used for Recreational Resorts.
5. The Recreational Money People thought that they could make a lot of money by doing this
    but it was a complete failure
6. also The Recreational Money People did Pollute The Arctic doing this
7. also The Recreational Money People did Pollute Greenland doing this
8. also The Recreational Money People did kill a lot of people off by doing this

Readers: It was proven by Scientists from The American White House that The
                Recreational People, for an unknown reason, wanted to blow The
Denmark Island Of Greenland into The North Atlantic. The Recreational People
did Atomic Bomb The Denmark Island Of Greenland in various peculiar ways
and were successful in moving The Denmark Island Of Greenland towards The
North Atlantic. People caught The Recreational People doing this and by some
means or other were successful in stopping them from finishing the job of
destroying all of The Denmark Island Greenland.

This is just The Recreational Resort Idea Side to this Atomic Disaster Scene.
There were other negative scenes involved in The Arctic.

There is another Atomic Disaster Idea involved in this Atomic Bomb Disaster Scene that did
happen against The Arctic and against The Denmark Island Of Greenland.

1. The Men from The White House did find out through their own investigations that The
    Recreational Money People Made A Private War against The Denmark Island Of
2. The White House Men did not find out What The Private War was about

What just one of The War Scenes that was aimed at Greenland is the following

1. after The Recreational People gave up Their Atomic Bombing Of The Denmark Island Of
    Greenland to make Their, "Private Enterprise," Recreational Resort Locations and what-ever
    else they had in their mind

The Recreational Money People then did attack The Denmark Island Of Greenland in the
following way.

2. The Recreational Money People Intentionally Atomic Bombed Arctic Ice Fields and by doing
    this they rammed The Denmark Island Of Greenland with the moving ice fields in the hope of
    shoving The Denmark Island Of Greenland off into, under the waters of, The North Atlantic,
    which would have drowned everything and every person who were located on The Denmark
    Island Of Greenland.

You have to remember Readers that Greenland has been proven to be An Ancient Old Boat
that had been used in the mining business. The Recreational Money People thought that
Greenland being an Old Ancient Boat that it could be shoved along the bottom of the ocean
quite easily.

Greenland is definitly not rock that is attacked to the bed rock of The Arctic Ocean Areas and
The Greenland Sea Areas and The North Atlantic Areas

Greenland The Ancient Boat by merely sitting on the northern oceans bed rock would move
differently than the oceans bed rock itself.

Therefore by ramming Greenland in the north by Atomic Bombing The Arctic Ice Fields into
striking against Greenland you would then move Greenland The Ancient Old Boat along the
bottom of the northern oceans and then down into the bottom of The North Atlantic. The
Denmark Island Of Greenland would have become submerged under the waters of The North Atlantic. This form of War Reasoning's are "EXACTLY" the reasoning's of The Recreational
Money People and is "EXACTLY" what The Recreational Money People did do.

I am not quite sure in my memory whether or not The Recreational Money People Atomic
Bombed "The Land" of Greenland itself. I think I remember that they did but I am not quite
sure now.

The White House Women proved very conclusively that one of The Grand Ideas that was to
be accomplished in This Private War was The Recreational Money People wanted to shove
Greenland far enough south that Greenland would sink beneath the surface of The North
Atlantic Ocean and be gone forever.

The White House Women did prove that The Recreational Money People did not want
Greenland shoved to the east beneath The Greenland Sea  or just totally blown up somehow.
The White House Women did prove that The Recreational Money People did want Greenland
to be shoved south and to be buried forever underneath the surface of The North Atlantic

This Particular War Battle Strategy Of The Recreational Money People did work. They did
get Greenland The Ancient Old Ship to skid along the bottom of the northern oceans towards
its doom in The North Atlantic but for some unknown reason The Recreational Money People
did stop this Particular War Battle Strategy before they sank Greenland The Ancient Old Ship.

The White House Women never did find out why The Recreational Money People stopped
This Particular Private War Strategy.

For certain a lot of norther people were killed in the areas where The Arctic Ice Fields and
northern Greenland were Atomic Bombed by The Recreational Money People in order to
put into operation This Particular Private War Strategy.

As far as I know not one Recreational Money Person or anyone else was ever properly
charged in a Proper Court of Law Action for this overall Atomic Bombing of the northern
Arctic Areas and of The Denmark Island Of Greenland.

Readers: Just one situation that happened in The Atomic Bombing of Greenland is the

Large ice fields literally came right up out of the norther oceans onto the land of Greenland
itself and traveled quite a distance inland from the coasts. People who saw this and were
questioned about this ice travelling inland and the damage done etc. simply thought that The
Northern Ice Fields simply pushed themselves around and that some ice fields got pushed
ashore in the process of this happening. All of these people questioned totally accepted this
as a natural occurense that just at times happens.

The Men from The White House did prove that Greenland was definitely moved to the south.
They knew about exactly how far too. They told me how far Greenland had been moved by
this Private War Scene. I do not remember the exact measurements nor the extensive damage
done but I do remember that I was quite surprised that Greenland was moved as far as it was. Greenland did get moved quite a ways. As far as I remembering "The Damage Done" by The
Atomic Bombs going off I only have one thing to say and that is basically everyone today knows
that when Atomic Bombs go off they really do make a mess out of everything around about the explosion itself and for quite a distance away from the centre of the Atomic Explosion because
of Atomic Radio Active Dust being blown about all over the place. Big ships and small boats
were blown to pieces in this Atomic Scene and also blown right up onto the land and inland as
well. Houses disappeared completely and people were killed and disappeared all over the place.

Readers: Should you want to investigate This Atomic Bombing Of The Arctic And Of The
                Denmark Island Of  Greenland I recommend that you go to The White House
and ask the right people there about it.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, do wish you well on your investigations.

#O26. The Arctic. The Arctic Was Atomic Bombed.

The Arctic.

The Arctic Was Atomic Bombed. 

Readers: There was more than one investigator involved in investigating The Atomic
               Bombing of The Arctic and many more than just one investigation done on
The Atomic Bombing Of The Arctic. 

Readers: Just for a matter of convenience I have written This Report the way that I 
               have. I could have said that one group of cancer patients went to The Arctic
to try and get healed by A Group Of Eskimos who were sitting together in a group on
The arctic Ice. I could have said that one group of scientists, who came from a far off
country to investigate why Atomic Compounds have showed up in The Arctic. This
particular scientific group could have come from as far away as Russia. I could say
that Nobility of the nation of Denmark were interested in finding out why someone or 
why some group of people were Atomic Bombing their Island Of Greenland. I could
also say that Nobility from The Middle East went to The Arctic to investigate all of
The Atomic Bomb Action because The Nobility of The Middle East were at that time
seriously in The Arctic doing their own investigations about things that they were
interested in. Readers: Thank You.

One day A Man from The White House in The District of Columbia in the country of The United
States of America.talked with me in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, about why he personally
went up north to The Arctic and what he did find going on there.

The Man from The White House had lung cancer and his doctor told him that he had only a
maximum of about five years to live and then he would die a horrible death by total lung failure.

The Man from The White House went to many doctors and to many Alternative Medicine Groups
to try and find a cure for his cancer sick lungs and he failed totally to find a cure.

Then by his being in The White House he met an Arctic Eskimo Man who said that he could and would cure him of this lung cancer problem if he wanted to come on up to The Arctic and be
treated by The Arctic Eskimo's ideas of medicine.

Well, off The Man from The White House went to The Arctic and got treated by The Eskimo who
swore oaths in The Arctic to The Man from The White House that he can cure him of his sickness
but he has to do exactly what he says to do and that the cure is very painful.

Well, The Man from The White House was standing in The Arctic all alone and sick and could
turn no-where else and because also of the extreme pain in his lungs from the cancer he agreed
with The Arctic Eskimo to go through with his cure no matter how difficult the pain was.

The Arctic Eskimo was a very strong out going person and he somewhat broke the nerves right
out of The Man from The White House.

To say the following is to say The Arctic Eskimos beat up The Man from The White House very
badly but it was the way that The Arctic Eskimos did make The Man from The White House
stand his ground and not run away from the painfulness of The Arctic Eskimos' cure.

The Arctic Eskimo just kept beating up the man from The White House very badly. This went
on for about a month and a half and then The Arctic Eskimo really did turn the full pain loose
on The Man from The White House.

The pain was so bad that The Man from The White House collapsed onto the northern ground
itself and buried his face into the earth while The Arctic Eskimo pounded him to pieces to make
him go through with his cure.

Well, after several months of this Arctic Eskimo's beat up treatment The Man from The White
House was completely cured of lung cancer.

The Man from The White House, because of his own nature, put himself through very elaborate
tests to make certain that he was honestly cured of lung cancer and he found out that he was
cured all the way through.

What The Man from The White House had arranged in his going to The Arctic was to do studies
on The Atomic Bombs that had been blown up all over The Arctic as well as undergo The Arctic
Eskimo's cancer cure. But the cancer cure was very different than he had expected and only a
small amount of research was done on The Atomic Bomb side of his visit to The Arctic. The Man
from The White House went back to The White House rejoicing that he had gotten cured and then
he returned to The Arctic several times to study The Atomic Bomb mess that had happened there.

After The Man from The White House had finished his investigations on The Atomic Bomb blow
up of The Arctic he and other people in The White House studied the findings of these collected
investigations and drew up their conclusions on what The Atomic Bomb mess was all about.

Readers: What The Atomic Bomb Mess in The Arctic was all about is the following.

1. the entire Arctic was blown up by Atomic Bombs
2. the people who were responsible for this Atomic Bomb Disaster in The Arctic were people who
    did invest in making money and "In Making Summer Resorts For Holidays Etc."
3. the idea that these investors had was that should we blow up the ice of The Arctic Area we can
    then plant palm trees in The Arctic Area and "Make Summer Holiday Resorts There" and make
    ourselves millions of dollars by doing this.

Readers: That is exactly what The Atomic Bombing of The Entire Arctic was all about.

it is also true that The Entire Arctic was Atomic Bombed Down. The Atomic Bombs were not just
dropped on this corner or that corner or some other specific spot in The Arctic. It is very sad but
The Entire Arctic Was Atomic Bombed Down.

Readers: The Entire Arctic is A Complete Atomic Compound Polluted Derelict ever since.

Readers: This Atomic Bombing of The Entire Arctic took place in the 1950's or 60's

When The Man from The White House investigated The Atomic Bombing of The Arctic he literally
found a lot of palm trees being planted in The Arctic and a lot of palm trees in proper storage in
The Arctic that had been brought from the equator zones of the earth into The Arctic for planting
in and about Planned Summer Resort Locations. Other Summer Resort Articles were found as

Readers: Remember, That this was SUMMER RESORT EQUIPMENT that was found. There
                was absolutely no winter recreation equipment found at all.

It was very well proven by The White House that Summer Resort Money Investing People did
do The Atomic Bombing of The Entire Arctic Area.

The White House found a lot of evidence to prove out who did The Atomic Bombing of The Arctic.

#O27. Nelson, B.C. The Old Styled Black Atomic Steam Train.


The Old Styled Black Atomic Steam Train, 1995, Anno Domini. 

The exact location where there is one of these very polluting Atomic Steam Trains is in 
Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. The Atomic Steam Train in Nelson is in A Public Park 
right down town Nelson. This Atomic Steam Train has been taken off of The Railroad and 
put into The Public Park on supports.

1. one day in 1995, A.D. I was visiting Nelson, B.C. and I was standing quite close to this
    specific steam train in this public park
2. I was looking at this steam train quite up close
3. I say for my own health reasons I was lucky the following people came along. Low and
    behold a group of The Golden Forty Niners came along right along the walkway that is
    right beside this public park. They were dressed up with great big over coats on and
    face masks and face creams of different colours. Mainly white face cream today, and
    big scarves etc. so that the general public would not see them and attack them in
    various ways over their great gold issues.

At any rate The Golden Forty Niners saw me standing there quite close beside the steam
train and they started calling to me and shouting at me to get away from the steam train

I immediately recognised that it was The Golden Forty Niners who were shouting to me
and i immediately shouted back  as to why they were shouting to me to get away from
This Great Big Public Monument Named The Old Steam Train.

The Golden Forty Niners soon told me why they were shouting, calling, to me to get away
from The Old Steam Train.

4. what the problem was is The Old Steam Train is not just another Old Steam Train it is
    literally an Old Atomic Steam Train that was used to manufacture Atomic Energy With
5. Such An Atomic Steam Train should never be on dispaly for the general public to touch
    or even come close to because it is very polluted with Atomic Compounds
6. This Atomic Steam Train is polluted and should The Atomic Pollutions on this train
    actually get into a humans body The Atomic Compounds can cause terminal disease
    which does kill the unsuspecting human being.

well that was enough knowledge for me to get away from That Atomic Steam Train in the
public park right in down town Nelson.

I reported this immediatly to Nelson. Whether or not Nelson did anything about this Atomic
Polluted Steam Train I do not know.

I have found out though that someone did use Atomic Steam Trains in The Province of
British Columbia. I do not know who The Governing Person Or Persons Were Who Did
This that The Person Or People who did with authourity did control Those Atomic Steam

I do know also that The Atomic Pollutions that were spread all over The Province of
British Columbia by These Atomic Steam Trains was terrible

It is my own belief that this Whole Atomic Steam Train Polluting Scene should never
have been allowed to have taken place. These Atomic Steam Trains literally polluted
all The Province of British Columbia by Atomic Steam Training all over The Province.
This dirty criss-crossing of The Province did pollute The Entire Province With Atomic
Compounds. This type of polluting job could not have been done worse.

This type of Atomic Polluting does ruin The Real Estate of British Columbia and it does
cause Mental Health Problems and it does Kill Human Beings Out-Right.

I believe that this Atomic Steam Train Polluting issue has to be made A Provincial Issue
right in The Parliament Buildings in Victoria, B.C. and also a National Issue right in The
Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario.

One thing that my readers have to know right here is that The Atomic Steam Train
Idea is not knew. It is very old. It is a very big Atomic Factory on wheels. This Atomic
Steam Train Factory rolls itself all over the place. Obviously This Atomic Steam Train
Set-Up did ruin The Whole Province. This Atomic Steam Train Factory is very powerful.

For many obvious reasons I would like to know who did do this.
I think that the following reasons are enough to be said here.
First: The Atomic Steam Trains ruined all The Real Estate of The
Province of British Columbia
Second: The Atomic Steam Trains gave all of The Province of
British Columbia a very real Mental Health Problem
Thirdly: The Atomic Steam Trains have successfully killed every Man,
Woman and Child, Dog and Cat and Tree, Shrub and Flower of The Entire
Province of British Columbia. I do know that eventually we and everything
else in The Province can die from this very pollutant problem.

The following is just a way that could be used in tracking down the guilty
person or persons who did do this terrible Atomic Pollutant Job against
The Entire Province of British Columbia.

1. because real life trains are very expensive to build and to operate
    a lot of people are left out of the possibility of ever owning and
    operating a real life train
2. some trains just sit in one place and do not go anywhere. They just
    sit around like a car that is parked in your garage or on your driveway
3. because The Atomic Train Set in The Province of British Columbia
    did travel all over The Province they had to have access to a railway
    that went everywhere in The Province
4. once again this is a tremendous expense to build a railway for the set
    of Atomic Trains to travel on
5. if the owners of The Atomic Train Set did not own the railway then
    they had to acquire access to an existing railway.
6. this getting of access to an existing railway is very hard to do

because of these very big expenses and hardships over having trains and
railways there are not very many people in the finacial category who could
own a train. Owning An Atomic Train Set is even more expensive yet and
harder to build and also to maintain and very much harder to get licenses

you will see in the following little write up that there are very few people
in any kind of train category

1. I would ask The Golden Forty Niners if they owned and operated The
    Atomic Train Set. Every Golden Forty Niner has enough money to own
    This Atomic Train Set.
2. Trains are usually thought to be owned by a country
3. The only other people who can own a train is a King from a country.
    Not a King from a county or another like small area but a King from
    a country who does rule the whole country. It takes that much influence
    to run a train.
4. The only other people who could "manipulate a train" is a President of
    a large country like The United States or The Prime Minister of Canada.
    The President and The Prime Minister might not own the train but they
    through their great influence might come into "manipulating" a train for
    some reason.

You see, my dear readers, how easy it is to find out who does own a train.
I do know that you can find that out quite easily.

Please remember dear readers that The Atomic Train is harder to get in
every dimension of it. It is very closely guarded. But The Atomic Train
being safe guarded as much as it surely is, it is therefore a lot easier to
find out just who does own An Atomic Train

In an honest country the following questions are just some of the
questions that the inquiring general public are to ask
1. what year and month etc. was The Atomic Train designed
2. just who did design this Particular Set Of Atomic Trains
3. exactly who did build The Atomic Train Set
4. who did deliver The Atomic Train Set to their first working site
5. what was the travelling expectancies of The Atomic Train Set.
    Where were The Atomic Trains supposed to travel at, to and from
    where, and at what times of the year and what months and what
    weeks and what days and what hours was their working schedule
6. exactly what was The Atomic Product That The Atomic Train Set
    was made to produce

a final word on privately owned trains
1. sometimes a large company owns a train.
    Yes they might own a train engine etc.
    but usually they do not own a train track
    itself past the perimeter of their company
    parking lot. The train track itself is just too
    expensive to build and to maintain for the
    individual company to afford one, it, the
    whole train track itself. The whole train
    track that does interconnect city after
    city and province after province and
    country after country is an enormous
    expensive piece of train track to own.

2. sometimes a large logging company owns
    a train. Yes the logging company might own
    a train engine etc. but usually they do not own
    a train track itself past the perimeter of their
    own logging areas and saw mill locations. The
    train track is just too expensive to build and to

3. sometimes a large mining operation owns a
    train. Yes the mining operation might own a
    train engine etc. but usually they do not own
    a train track itself past the entrance area of
    the mining operation. The train track is just
    too expensive to build and to maintain

you will find statements 1,2 and 3 quite the standard
for Privately Owned Train Engines Etc. and Then The
Country Owned Train Tracks

Readers: Thank you very much,
                Murray S. Fenwick.

P.S.: Dear Readers: The following is a little addition here but is very
         important to know about.

Readers: Did you know that "Atomic Compounds" are an element unto themselves?
                "The Real Atomic Compounds" can and are mixed with other things like
                gas. When someone does mix "The Atomic Compound Element" with gas
                the gas is then named, called, "Atomic Gas."

Readers: Did you know that "Atomic Compounds" are an element unto themselves?
                "The Real Atomic Compounds" can and are mixed with other things like
                oil. When someone does  mix "The Atomic Compound Element" with oil
                the oil is then named, called, "Atomic Oil."

Readers: Did you know that there are a lot of "False Atomic Compounds," that people
                do try to use in various different ways, many different ways. These "False
                Atomic Compounds," are very unstable in the ways of their own inner

Readers: People try to mix "These False Atomic Compounds" with all kinds of
                "OTHER ELEMENTS" in order to get them to work safely and properly
                but to date no-one has ever succeeded in making "The False Atomic
                Compounds," work safely and understandably. To date, and this is 2017
                Anno Domini, no-one has ever achieved success with "The False Atomic
                Compounds." Therefore to date "The False Atomic Compounds" remain
                A Negative Threat To All Of Man Kind.

Readers: Unfortunately "Atomic Compounds" that are made according to a countries
                design are also very seriously unstable in all of the uses that "The Atomic
                Compounds" are applied to. For Example: Should "An Atomic Bomb" that
                is in storage blow up, that "Atomic Bomb"  "Did Detonate Itself Off By Itself"
                because "The Atomic Compounds" that "The Atomic Bomb" is made out of
                are unstable and are definitely not understood by mankind very much at all.
                Even though "An Atomic Bomb" is placed safely and securely in a storage
                space that is designed for "Atomic Bomb Storage" "The Atomic Bombs" that
                are stored in that specific Government Designed storage space might still
                blow up on their own and it is because "Atomic Compounds" are not properly
                understood at all by any nation in the whole wide world. Therefore "Atomic
                Bombs" or let's say "Atomic Compounds In General" are not properly
                designed by any country or by any individual. "All Atomic's" no matter what
                area of "Atomic Work" that a person is talking about has always been
                classified as highly dangerous and probably will always will be classified as
                very highly dangerous. "Atomic Work" has definitely never been understood.
Readers: Did you know about "Atomic Compounds" staying behind, remaining in,
                locations where "Atomic Bombs and Atomic Compounds" have been
                placed when they have been in transit.

Readers: For Example: Should you be moving "Atomic Compounds" about that
                are mixed into a certain type, kind, of gas and the gas can, container,
                does leak some of the gas out then "Atomic Gas Containing The Atomic
                Particles" does move around about and just might seep into, penetrate
                inside of, say some bark on a tree or some plaster on a house wall.

Readers: What does take place then is "The Atomic Gas With The Atomic Particle"
                in it does remain inside of the tree bark that it has gotten into or inside of
                the plaster that it has gotten inside of.

Readers: "The Atomic Gas Containing The Atomic Compound" does not necessarily
                move off to somewhere else.

Readers: This release of "Atomic Compounds" to the atmosphere is very dangerous
                and can literally blow up just in the exact same way as any other "Gas Atomic
Bomb." This gas that does contain, "The Atomic Compound," is also very poisonous to
people and can kill anyone or anything that is unfortunate enough to inhale that gas
into its lungs. "Atomic Gas" has always been classified as a number one killer gas.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick