Wednesday, 9 October 2019

#P10. Canada. Murray Is Used As An Experimental Soldier.



this is part  of very secret top knowledge that I am not making known to anyone except those who must know these things about my case

this writing is about the death of a whole school full of people, the students and a lot of others

I. I will begin  this story by saying we are in the trucks heading towards Camp Meaford
2. We arrived at Camp Meaford and were sent to our barrack block where we settled in and then went to
    the mess hall for supper
3. After we were at Camp Meaford a day or so we were told by The Camp Commander of our troop
    that  there was and still is very serious danger in Camp Meaford for our health and our very own lives

the following is what the very serious problem was
this is very secret knowledge aand could  not be spoken about  to anyone but because we were
Canadian Army Troops Regular and in Camp Meaford which was right on the sight of this terrible
problem we were told what it was

4. what the terrible danger in Camp Meaford was  is  Military Canada  had brought into camp what was
    called  The Atomic Cannon  For Research Purposes  And  For General Fireing It Off

5. the gunners who were responsible for the placement of The Atomic Cannon did a good job on
    concealing its where abouts

it was quite interesting where they hid this Atomic Cannon

where they hid it was right at the end of the parade  square there was a natural ground fall off right at the
end of the parade square that could not be seen from ther parade square itself. You had to go to the end of
the parade square and look down to see where the end of the parade square went to. There I saw The
Atomic Cannon Sitting
please remember: the troop Commander did ask me very individually to keep my eyes and ears open and
investigate what ever might be of disterbance in Camp Meaford  and I did do this especially with the

movements of this Atomic Cannon

6. I"ll  write this up later but my doing what The Troop Commander told me to do got me into so much
    trouble that I almost died, well got killed, doing it . The military truth is I was not supposed to be any
    where near The Atomic Cannon but because of the severe trouble in  Camp I was ordered tp keep a
    sharp eye and ear on The Atomic Cannon

7. by my observing The Atomic Cannon I did  observe the crew that did run it  and I  did manage to get  a
    lot of information about What Was Done In Camp  And About  Camp With The Atomic Ca

8. it was soon proven to me that The Atomic Cannon was definitly one of the things that did cause a lot of
    trouble in and about Camp Meaford


this is a continuation of what happened to me in Camp Meaford
it will take a few pages to tell this story

this part is about The Atomic Cannon

I. when I was looking at The Atomic Cannon  the troops who kept The Atomic Cannon in good repair
    and who fired it off found me quite near it and looking at it
2. The Atomic Cannon Crew quite quickly beat me up very badly
3.  they hit me behind the head many times
4.  the back of my head and the back of my neck hurt very badly
5.  they got me down onto the ground and did kick me also
6.  well eventually they knocked me out
7.  they then dragged me off of the parade square aand layed me face down in tank tracks in the road that
     ran past the parade square
8.  by placing me in this location was an attempted murder against me because battle tanks and other
     vehickles were ussing the road
9.  eventually some paeople found me and dragged me out of the tank track aand off of the road
I0. they finaslly revived me back awake again
II.  I was partly carried because I was so abeat up that I could not stand up properly or walk properly
I2. I was taken into the mess hall for supper and the commander in charge of the mess hall got very
     mad that I was in the mess hall
I3. what had happed to me is it is true I got beat up awful bad but also because I was so near The
     Atomic Cannon and because I was put face down into the tank tracks I was literally immersed
     into The Atomic Compounds that were being used in The Atomic Cannon and also Spilled Atomic
     Compounds that were spilled about the immediate area of The Atomic Cannon as well as I was
     generally in the area of an Inernational Spill Of Atomic Compounds that had definitly taken place
     in the exact area where I was located

     please remember: I was asked to be in this location by The Troop Commander

I4. I was literally covered by Atomic Compounds all overa the place
I5. The Commander in charge of the mess hall would not have me in the mess hall because of my
      being so contaminated by Atomic Compounds
I6.  somehow I would have contaminated the hall and the food
I7.  I was immediatly ordered out of the mess hall
I8.  I was immediatly carried out of the mess hall and next door by the senior troops who saved my life
      and when they got me next door they stripped off my clothes anad washed me down in the shower
I9.  then I was led back to the mess hall
20. there was then another terrible fight about me being in the mess hall but The Mess Hall Commander
      did decide to let me into the mess hall and toi have soimething to eat
2I.  The Mess Hall Commander would not let me be in The Mess Hall on my own though and the
      senior troops did stay with me and did help me about having my supper
22. also I had to sit at the back of the mess hall
23. I was terribly beaten up, I was not allowed to do anything in the mess hall what-so-ever I Was
      Near Death

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