Friday, 18 October 2019

#O62. Canada. Camp Borden. Murray's Second Atomic Knock Down.

this is the second Atomic Knock-down that I, Murray S. Fenwick, suffered

1. this happened during our basic training
2. we were now studying first aid
3. we were taken by vehicles out into the out-back area of
    Camp Borden to a small town like building set up that was
    like a Hollywood Stage set up though for practicing first aid at
4. this small town was like a Hollywood stage. There were buildings
    all over the place which were designed so that a trooper would
    get an understanding of applying first aid in an actual real life war
    theatre going on around about him
5. this second Atomic Knock-down took place in Camp Borden
6. after we arrived at this small village we all got out of the trucks
    and filed up in troop fashion and were then ordered to our
    respective locations to begin practice of first aid
7. we were there at this small village a day or two
8. then it seemed like all the small village was ruined very suddenly

what happened was the following

9. the troopers were at their proper allocated locations to practice
    their first aid when suddenly some of the buildings fell down,
    people were knocked-down, stretchers and other medical
    supplies were blown right out of buildings from different floors
    right down onto the ground
10. medical supplies and people were knocked right out of first
      and second floors of buildings onto the ground
11. I was standing right at the back of one large building right close
      to it practically leaning onto it and part of it collapsed down
      onto me crushing me onto the ground
12. a trooper accidentally found me underneath this great big
      building and somehow he managed to get me out from
      underneath all the debree and leave me in a knocked-out
      lieing down position
13. people later thought that I had been killed by either The
      Neutron Bomb Blast or that the falling building had killed me

later on that day I woke up from being awfully Neutron Bomb Blasted
and from being struck and dead buried underneath the big 2 or 3 story
building that had been blown apart

it was found out after awhile that someone had infilterated Camp
Borden and placed a Neutron Bomb into a small dump of debree
in this small village. There was some sort of a dump right here in
this small village for our use in first aid practice but the troops
like myself who were near to this Neutron Bomb Explosion were
to dazed to even remember what the dump was

I was one of the troops that was nearest to The Neutron Bomb
when it blew off and it was a miracle of God that I lived through it.
The troop thought that I had been blown up and was now nothing
more than Atomic Bomb Dust and had been blown away in The
Neutrons Winds

15. the dump was blown away but that is where the Neutron Bomb
      had been located
16. everyone in the troop was very seriously contaminated by The
      Neutron Bombs Explosion
17. because of this Neutron Bomb Explosion the troop was called
      immediately to troop up in one location

I cannot remember the following very well

when I came to my senses enough I thought that The Atomic Bomb
Specialists from Ottawa had been blown sky high and dissolved into
atomic dust but it was later proven that they had gone somewhere
away to have lunch. Well that is what I was told.Frankly I do not
believe everything that I was told about this Atomic Scene. There
had been Atomic Specialists there from Ottawa who were working
on The Neutron Bomb trying to disarm it and the bomb blew up.
I do believe that some people did get blow up into dust in this scene
and the people in charge there would not admit it. I was 1c of 3
people who were the closest to The Neutron Bomb when it blew up
and we should have been killed but we somehow lived through it.

18. we were told that the army specialists who look after investigating
      Neutron Bomb Explosions had been properly located and contacted
      to come to this small village immediately and investigate this Neutron
      Bomb Explosion
19. we were told that these army specialists would be right on this sight
      very soon
20. we were then told to stand at ease but not to move off of the
      immediate area where we were located
21. we waited awhile and then the army specialists showed up
22. they immediately took all of our troops names
23. then they very carefully drew out on drawings where each and
      everyone of us was located at the time of The Neutron Bomb
24. we were then grouped up in several groups
25. this grouping us up was governed by where you were located
      when The Neutron Bomb Exploded Off
26. after awhile each group was told the seriousness of their location
      when The Neutron Bomb Exploded Off
27. my group was the worst off, we were told, that is I was told,
      that I could not be in a worse position if I had to be
28. the army specialists tole us that we should not have lived through
      The Neutron Bomb Explosion and how we did live through it they
      did not understand
29. for further examination my group was told to stand close together
      and then to sit down onto the ground
30. then very carefully the army specialists put a yellow ribbon all
      around us and we were ordered not to step outside of that ribbon
      at all and that we were all under very close observation

there was a very big atomic type of medical examination given to us
by these specialists which did last for a few hours but because of
closely kept military atomic secrets I am not saying here exactly what
they were

the following is what was said to us and to our troop officers

these troops which were put inside off this yellow ribbon circle are the
ones which were very badly contaminated by The Neutron Bomb Blast.
These people should not have lived through this explosion. They should
should all have been killed. There were about 10 of us inside this yellow
ribbon circle. Not one of us should have lived through The Neutron
Explosion especially two others and myself who were the closest to the
centre of The Neutron Explosion. I know that at 1 point of this Neutron
Disaster that I was counted by the troop and troop officers as missing
and thought to be dead. I know that I felt ruined.

all the troop was to be immediately returned to camp

because the small little first aid village had been ruined we were not to return
here ever again

we were to immediately start to study something else on out basic training

remember that there are very pertinent things which did happen here which
are not mentioned because of close kept military secrets

this page will show some of the damage done by this Neutron Bomb Blast

1. the little first aid town, village, was wrecked, blown down, all over the place
2. the little first aid village for first aid was very seriously wrecked for further
    first aid training because of very serious contamination by atomic compounds
3. the troop was hurt in various ways like being blown down by The Neutron
    Bomb Blast and being hit in various ways by blown about debris and hurt by
    collapsing of the little villages buildings and the troop was atomic contaminated

the following is so bad that I do not know if it was ever hurd of

4. because of the very peculiar way that Neutron Bombs work a passing car very
    peculiarly drove right up a tree. This was very out of the ordinary. There were
    3 people in the car when this happened and they were hurt badly by this happening
5. the 3 people in the car were hurt but I do not know how badly or just what it was
    that hurt them but this  was a bad car accident
6. the people in the car were hurt at least as much as not to be able to get out of the
    car properly by themselves
7. there were 3 or 4 people in the car and this car accident was bad enough that the
    troop took careful notes about it. When this car accident was discussed later by
    the troop, the troop did decide that they would never want to be in a car accident
    like that one was. The troop talked about that car accident for quite some time
    and they did say that they never did understand it. This car accident really did
    astound the troop.
8. I do not know to this day if The Canadian Army Specialists who came to The
    Neutron Bomb Site came from some distance away or were quite present, nearby,
    when The Neutron Bomb Exploded Off
9. these specialists may have been very nearby and were in fact were very much
    working on The Neutron Bomb, to dismantle it, to disarm it, when it blew off
10. I do know that the troop did think that the specialists were killed and their bodies
      were blown away as dust in The Neutron Bomb Blast Off

the following is what happened

11. some of our troop were experienced in some kind of knowledge about atomic
12. when we arrived on The Neutron Bomb Site The Army Specialists told these
      people that if they wanted to they could right now work on The Neutron Bomb
13. so part of the troop got involved in working on The Neutron Bomb In Order To
      Decode It, That Is Figure It Out, and take it apart and throw it away somewhere

well, the following is what happened

14. the troop was engaged in working on The Neutron Bomb then they stopped to have
      lunch and it was at this lunch break that The Neutron Bomb Blew Up
15. if the troop did not stop for lunch for sure half a dozen workers would have been
      killed because they were standing right on top of The Neutron Bomb working on it

the following is why we do think that The Army Specialists were right nearby when this
Giant Neutron Bomb Fired Off

16. they were right immediately on the sight after The Neutron Bomb Fired Off investigating
      all kinds of scenes that were the direct result of The Neutron Bombs Explosion

you must remember that we were generally knocked-down by this Neutron Bomb Explosion
which made it very difficult to see and understand what was going on around about us. This
is why we found it difficult to know where The Army Specialists were located at some of
these times of the things that The Army Specialists did investigate was the hit down of 229 people
     who were right beside The Neutron Bomb when it exploded off
18. these people were all swimmers and were located at a nearby lake. Speaking common sense
      these people were quite close to The Neutron Bomb when it blew off, they were right next
      door to it swimming and sun bathing at a lake
19. it was found out that everyone of them was hurt by this blast off of this Neutron Bomb and
      did immediately start to act very peculiarly different from how they acted 5 minutes ago
20. The Army Specialists checked these people out very carefully and did find out that they were
      ruined by The Neutron Bomb Blast Itself not the fall out from the bomb but The Blast Itself
21. then The Army Specialists did examine a nearby town where atomic fall out did land
22. it was proven to The Army Specialists that the town was completely covered by atomic fall
23. The Army Specialists did say that the town that did get hit and completely covered by this
      atomic fall out was going to have a lot of trouble from it medically speaking. Everything was
      going to go wrong for that town
24. The Army Specialists literally did watch a great big cloud of debris travel through the air and
      saw exactly where it did land and it did land on top of that nearby town

this type of observation which was done by The Army Specialists was very well done. These
guys were on the run every where figuring these things out and they did do a really good job.

The Army Specialists were searching around the whole area which is why they were a little
while coming to our aid

we thought that The Army Specialists were right next to The Neutron Bomb having lunch
when The Bomb Blew Off. That is why we thought they were killed and could not be found
easily but in actual fact they were driving all over the place searching out what damage The
Neutron Explosion had caused to take place

The Army Specialists were right on The Neutron Bomb Sight themselves working on The
Bomb trying to decode it and take it apart. They working quite close to us and that is how
they got my troop into working on The Bomb with them. The Army Specialists were just
lucky to have gone a considerable ways away from The Bomb Site to have lunch or they
would have been blown sky high when The Giant Neutron Bomb Blew Up right at lunch

By just fate my troop was working on first aid right beside The Bomb when The Army
Specialists were working on The Bomb. We simply got talking to one another and that
is how my troop got involved in working on The Bomb. When The Army Specialists
realized that some of the troop did know some things about this bomb they got them to
work on the bomb right away with themselves.

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