Monday, 21 October 2019

#O56. Canada. Murray's Army Life. #1. Long Report.



Murray's Army Life. #1. 

this is just some of the problems that did happen to me when i was
in The Canadian Army Regular

this writing is quite easy to understand

some top secret information is definitely not included in this
writing. I do not trust anyone with it no matter who they are
and i do refuse to write it down. For example there is already
to much trouble in the world in general with Atomic Bombs Being
Blown Off. Probably if i gave out more information there would
be more trouble than there already is. I do not want to add to
this type of trouble making therefore i do not want to write
down any top secret information that could add to it. Therefore
i am not writing down any top secret information that i really
do think could add to this type of trouble making.

Readers: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was in The Canadian
                Army Regular I was told about "A Vast, Great Big,
Canadian Army that was sent from Canada to fight in Europe
during The Second World War. Not very many people knew
about This Great Big Canadian Armies "EXISTENCE." Even
The General High Command who were in charge of all of The
American Troops In Europe did not know about This Great
Big Canadian Armies "EXISTENCE." Somehow This Great
Big Canadian Army got itself into Poland somehow without
being known about "WHAT-SO-EVER." This Great Big Army
that was sent by Canada to fight in The Second World War in
Europe was Commanded By A Politician, Parliamentarian,
right out of Ottawa. This Great Big Canadian Army was
classed as A Armoured Army. This Great Big Armoured Army
from Canada was at least three And A Half Times The Size Of
A Regular Canadian Armoured Army. The Political Commander
of This Great Big Canadian Armoured Army, when he was in
Poland, did do A Political Act, Move, Not A Military Fight, Battle,
"On One Occasion," and was thought Greatly Little Of, Was Hated,
for doing so. This is known in The Canadian Army but little known
about. Like I said, not very many people ever knew about This
Great Big Canadian Armoured Armies "EXISTANCE."

Readers: By my, Murray S. Fenwick's, talking with The Canadian
                Army Regular when I was in The Canadian Army
Regular is how I came to know about this Great Big Canadian
Armoured Army that was sent to fight, "BUT ALSO TO MAKE
PEACE,"  in Europe during The Second World War.

Readers: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was with some of The
                Generals who did Command The Entire Military
Of The U.S.A. that were in Europe during The Second World
War Those Very Generals did talk to me, Murray S. Fenwick,
about that Very Great Big Canadian Armoured Army that
Canada did place into Europe to fight, battle, during The Second
World War. Not one of Those High Command Generals knew
that Canada had That Great Big Armoured Army in Europe.
These Generals did just happen to drive right into that Great
Big Canadian Armoured Army and were very shocked to find
That Great Big Canadian Armoured Army sitting there. Those
 American High Command Generals had no idea "WHAT-SO-
EVER" that Canada had put such A Great Big Armoured Army
right there in Poland. Those High Command American Generals
were very shocked at this. Every one of Those American High
Command Generals all came to know about that Canadian
Politician Commander's Political Move instead of A Military
Battle Move, "On That One Occasion," and did disagree with The
Canadian Politician Commander's Political Move. Those U.S.A.
High Command Generals "ALSO" Did Hate The Canadian
Politician Commander for making That Political Move instead of
A War Battle.

Readers: By my, Murray S. Fenwick's, talking with The U.S.A.
                High Command Generals  who did command All Of
The American Troops that were in Europe during The Second
World War is how I found out about This Great Big Canadian
Armoured Army that had been sent by Canada to Europe to
fight, "BUT ALSO TO MAKE PEACE," during The Second World

Readers: Read on.

I do expect to get my pension out from The Canadian Army
Regular. I am putting my bank and bank number of my account
below in order that my pension can be sent into my account

this is something to know about:
if some people who are in the military get killed this is expected
and is forgiven the military. The military is dealing with war
situations and unfortunately sometimes people do die, get killed.
BUT should people get hurt, wounded, then it is written up in the
contract of employment with the military through Ottawa for all
of Canada that the military does look after you and at times by
giving the person a proper pension.

this irresponsible attitude of not giving me a proper pension is
where the military is doing me wrong. The Medical Doctors of
the military recommended me for pension and i should have
been given one

this is just a short note to tell you how hard, very difficult, it is
for me to remember some of these terrible scenes
for example: The Newspaper Interview is terribly hard for me
to remember because i was knocked out so very badly on gas
and by large sticks of home made dynamite

a fine example of this is: I will add this in here. The sight that I was
coming to, on my way to, was Work Point Barracks. I was to
inquire there about my Military pension. When I was approaching
Work Point Barracks I was shot where I was walking by the Camps
fence. Another man for certain was shot and killed right on the inside
of the Camps fence where he stood on the camps lawn. I was told by
The Military Camps Commando Joe that the man who was shot was not
supposed to be inside the camp fence or for that matter on the lawn
at all. I saw the young man get shot and by what The Camps
Commando Joe did say to me I knew that this was out right murdering
the young man. The young man lay dead right in front of me on
the camps lawn. Also there very easily could have been more than
one shot at me and the fence caused the bullets to miss me. I do
believe that this is very possibly the truth. Some of the bullets fired
off at me hit the fence wire and veered away from me. I also do
know that I might have been struck on the chest by a veering off
bullet. Due to my stunned shocked condition this is the best I can
do with this type of writing right here. Basically all the writing here
is about the same. Hard to remember due to terribly hard Military
scenes that took place that could knock you head right off of your
shoulders. I have tried to do my best with it. Thank you.

Part of the reason that it is so very hard to reconstruct these off
track military bad scenes is the very bad fact that Trooper Murray
S. Fenwick was used as an Experimental Soldier. The Canadian
Military gassed me and by so doing ordered me to do things that
I would not have done. The Canadian Army gave me illegal drugs
in our food etc. and ordered me to do things that I would not have
done should I have been left alone normal. Because of the illegal
gas and drugs that were put into me it is very hard to remember the
military bad scenes that these illegal gas and drugs did cause us to do,
when we were ordered, to commit. This fact is the truth. I am not
lieing about this fact one little bit.

it will definitely take a person a little while and by thorough reading
of these notes here to come to a clear understanding about what I,
Trooper Fenwick, really did go through here in The Canadian Army
Regular. For certain it will take a little while for you to digest this.

Also the notes here are not exaggerated one little bit. I have been very
reserved with my writing of these notes. If I could not remember these
bad scenes enough I would not put them in here.

these notes are just a little bit of the bad scenes that did happen to me
when I was in The Canadian Army Regular.

this report is about me being killed at 11 Personnel Depot in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada.

I went to 11 Personnel Depot to enlist into The Canadian Army Armoured
Corps and I was killed there and pronounced dead by The Whole Camp.

the following is what happened to me:

When I was not under going exams in order to join The Army I was to stay
in a a barrack block a little distance from where the exams took place at and
where the mess hall was located.

Between these two locations there was a pathway walkway
Along this walkway there was a great big garbage can just like the ones seen
today outback of restaurants etc. that are big and green or blue in colour. At this
garbage can site a Colonels son would play hockey by himself. The Colonels
son was about 17 years old and had long blond hair down past his shoulders
and it was said by the camp in general he was very mentally mixed up and
very murderously minded. I was told by the camp men in general to not go near
this troubled young man for any reason because he was extremely violent and
might lash out at you for no reason at all. I was also told that the young man had
committed murder so many times that you could not even count how many men
he had killed and that even the civilian police had been brought into the camp
to try and arrest him for committing murder but no-one to date has been able
to press charges against this young man and actually make those murder
charges stand up in a military court or a civilian court.There still played the
young long blond haired man right at his garbage can where he consistently
played at and reportedly committed some of his murders at.

I will say here how this young man with the long blond hair killed me and then
you will understand, dear reader, how this young man killed a lot of other people

One day when I was returning from the exam building I went out cold and then
3 to 5 days later I woke up in my bed.
What happened to me dis when I was returning from the exam room and when
I was quite near the location of the garbage can on the pathway when the long haired
blond young man sneaked up behind me and hit me behind the head with his
hockey stick that he played with at the garbage can. The young man then dragged
me off to be put into the garbage can dead. The long haired blond young man was
caught doing this and was charged with the murder of Murray S. Fenwick.

Somehow I woke up and because I awoke up the young man could not be charged
with the murder of Murray S. Fenwick. What became of the charges against the
young man pertaining to my injuries etc. I do not know.All I do know is that even
some Generals were pressing hard against the young long blond haired man to
get him definitely dealt with. The Generals were very seriously thinking of shooting
him in a private building under their own orders and on a military camp grounds
which does mean the Generals would have gotten away with executing him.
That's how serious offence that young man was

How the young man killed people and got away with it is he would sneak up
behind them and hit them behind the head with his hockey stick and throw them
dead quickly into the large garbage can and then he would run to the other
end of quite a large building that was on the same sight as the garbage can and
pretenced playing hockey there or just sit on the steps of the building and deny
any knowledge of the murder scene. Believe it or not this excuse of the young
mans did work. It was known that the long blond haired young man would lie
in wait quite near the garbage can that he would quickly put his victims into.
This young man murderer was known by both the civilian police and the
military police but they could not catch him very easily and I do not know the
end of this long  blond haired young man at all.

This is the account of the first time that I was killed, murdered, when I was in
The Canadian Army Regular.

When I was out cold in bed and thought to be dead I was attended constantly by
The Canadian Army who did try to revive me. This went on from 3 days to a week.
The Canadian Army had justifiable reasons to believe that Murray S. Fenwick was
dead.The attempts to revive me were extreme and many Generals paced the immediate

Why The Canadian Army Regular is called Regular is to show that there is a difference
in The Canadian Army Regular and The Canadian Army Militia and The Canadian Army
Cadets. The way that this is written and said helps people to understand just what part
of The Canadian Army one is looking at. Whether it be The Regular Army, The Militia
Army or The Cadet Army. This has always been done and people have always appreciated
the help that comes to them when this set is divided up this way. Thank you very much.

this report is about when I, Trooper Fenwick, Murray Scott, number --------, was used
as an experimental soldier in Camp Meaford, Ontario, Canada, which was illegal to do

1. I went from Camp Borden to Camp Meaford to qualify in
    my trade training called gunnery school. I was to shoot
    tank guns off in order to graduate from school as a group
    1 gunner. I was to shoot tank guns off at different kinds of
    targets but this was not the only types of targets that I shot
    the tank guns off at.
2. with other troops I went out onto the tank firing rang
    and within a short time a tank drove up right beside us
3. we were very close to this tank, only a few feet away from it
4. without warning us the tank commander fired off the tank
    main gun and knocked me right off of my feet
5. I was hit so hard from the main gun blast that I could not
    even stand up
6. some of the troops standing by ran to my rescue and picked
    me up so that I could stand up on my feet, which was hard
    for me to do
7. I could not stand on my feet for awhile because of the shell
    shocked condition that had just hit me from the main gun shock
8. after awhile I was able to stand on my feet again
9. the troops then stopped holding me up
10. I was left standing right next to this tanks main gun
     only a few feet away from it
11. the tank commander then fired off the tanks main gun
12. I was knocked right off of my feet again
13. once again the troops ran to my rescue
14. after awhile I was able to stand on my feet again
     but not very easily
15. the tanks commander then came and talked to me and said
     to me that he was sorry for hurting me and that he did not
     see me standing beside the tanks main gun

this shell-shocking me caused me to have a bad heart condition
for the rest of my life. This heart condition has affected my
employ ability all of my life. This bad heart condition was found
out by a Canadian Army Regular Medical Doctor and was put
into my Ottawa files. I am on a Handy Capped Pension from
Ottawa because of this shell-shocking that did happen to me.
The Ottawa Federal Handy Capped Pension is not a Military
Pension that I should be on since my age of 17 when this
damage was done to me.

this report on this page right here is one of the main issues as to
why I have to receive a pension from The Canadian Army Regular

this is a continuation of what happened to me in Camp Meaford
this will take a few pages to tell this story
1. French Canadian men came to Camp Meaford with their girl
    friends illegally. To say this another way these French people
    were inside Camp Meafords boundaries without proper
    permission. They were classed as illegally in Camp Meaford
    by The Canadian Army Regular. These French people were
    classified illegally in Camp and later I will tell you why this
    was done so exactingly.
2. very bad things happened to these French people.
    very bad things were done to these French people.
3. many of these French people did bring with them into camp
    Meaford their children
4. every member of these French families were affected by
    a terrible murder scene that did take place in Camp Meaford

the first thing that happened was that these French families
were found in Camp Meaford illegally and The Camp Commanders
tried to gather them up and send them home out of Camp. The
Camp Commanders were not successful in doing this.

as a matter of fact the following situation started this terrible
situation off

5. when The Camp Commanders went looking for these illegal French
    families they started to find murdered, dead women, amongst them
6. the women who were found dead were killed by being frozen to
    death in water holes and inside armoured vehicles that were extremely
    cold in this month of December, just before Christmas
7. my troop was immediately alerted to this very serious death situation
    that had befallen mainly the women and children who were with the
    French families visiting Camp Meaford illegally

it was soon found out that there were also three other military
groups in Camp Meaford illegally also:
they were: The Black Military Contingent
                A French Military Contingent
                A Greek Military Contingent
no-one knew why these military people were in Camp Meaford
all off these military people were proven to be in Camp Meaford illegally
8. no-one seemed to know who killed these women and children off.
    to this day this remains a mystery. Children died here with their mothers.
These murders were absolutely horribly committed. These women and
children were beaten up badly and literally frozen to death too. This
was a terrible sight for Even The Horror Movies.

the following started to take place

9. very bad fighting started to take place in Camp between these different
    military contingents
10. this fighting got worse and worse
11. as this fighting got worse the military contingents started to fight
     each other with daggers and then machine guns with fixed bayonets
12. deaths did occur
13. The Military Commanders were very personally respossible for
      trying to stop this fighting and investigating this fighting but it was
      to no avail
14. this terrible fighting carried on and dead happened all over Camp
15. This Is Very Important To Know Here. Our own troop Commander
      kept us minute by minute informed as to what he knew was going on
      in Camp Meaford. He was very responsible for doing this. He had to
      be very responsible and do this and other things as well or he would
      have been held chargeable for not doing his job properly.
16. I was informed by our own troop Commander to keep my eyes and
      ears open to tell the troop Commander anything at all about this
      terrible fighting that was taking place in Camp Meaford. I was told
      that should I see or hear anything at all to immediately report it at
      once to our troop Commander. The troop Commander was very
      specific to me about this. Should I investigate and see or hear
      anything I was to tell him at once

worse came to worse

17. as we proceeded in our examinations of firing tanks at
     targets while we were qualifying in our trades training it
     was immediately found out that a lot and I do mean a lot of
     these women and children were being killed because they
     were inside the targets themselves. This led to a lot of
     women and children being killed
18. this was investigated and found out to be the truth
19. no-one knew why they were in or beside the targets
     and no-one knew who it was who put them there
20. the terrible fighting in Camp got worse and more severe
21. dead people were found all over the Camp

worse came to worse

this is where I do lay claim to the fact that our troop and
that does include myself was used for experimenting with
which was illegal to do

now I will start this writing out again here
this now becomes a different set of acts here which now
takes place than what was previously taking place in Camp

1. someone fed me and the troop illegal drugs and then
    gassed all of the troop
2. we were then sent out into the target areas in tanks and
    told to shoot down the targets

unfortunately this is the really bad part of this murder scene

3. there were a lot of women and children also out in the
    tank firing range and The Commander of my tank ordered
    me to shoot them down
4. because of the illegal drugs and gas that I was on I did obey
    The Tank Crew Commander and I did shoot down a lot of
    women and children
5. I did the shooting of these women and children twice in one
    morning time in two different Centurion tanks. I was in one
    tank then I was changed to another tank
6. I was told that I was very carefully put into an experimental
    tank the second time that I went out into the tank firing range
    but I was so knocked out of my normal senses by the illegal
    drugs and gas that I do not quite remember some of the
    identification of which tank that I was in
7. I simply call the second run out into the tank firing range the
    second Centurion tank run out into the tank firing range to
    kill a lot of people off
8. I was told a number of times by the troop that I was in that
    experimental tank
9. I do remember being on the experimental tank and about the
    experimental tank but I do not remember all of what went on
10. regardless which second tank I was in, it was figured out by
      the troop that I killed about 1,700 hundred people to about
      1,800 hundred people in these two tank runs in one morning
11. probably I was in the experimental tank but I don't remember
      all of the things that went on. Why I say this is because in
      these kind of circumstances one has to listen to others in their
      troop as to what exactly did go on because a person loses
      contact with what is happening very easily

I say this was using us as illegal experimental soldiers and that
The Canadian Army Regular are guilty of a criminal offence in
doing this

I may as well report this gas attack against us right here
1. when this tank killing took place I and my troop were also attacked
    by a gas that was different than the gas and drugs that made us kill
2. what kind of gas it was I do not know but it did knock us out
3. the gas was let loose outside of a building as well as inside of a building
    that we did use as a lunch room and rest room from the cold December
4. people were knocked out on the floor
5. people choked and gagged and ran out the door
6. people outside of the building had the same things happen to them

this is another form of mistreatment that I and the troop were affected by
no-one knew the long term effects of this different gas either
this gas did drift around quite a lot and did hurt a lot of people

this report is about the first time that I got atomic knocked down

when I was in basic training in Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada the
troop that I was in was taken out into the dessert back land area of
Camp Borden to practice hand grenade throwing

this is the first atomic knock down
1. the troop was driven out into the dessert out-back of Camp Borden
2. we all got out of the trucks and walked around a little
3. then we were organised into small groups and told to just look about
    the area in general
4. we were then called to one location and told to line up in troop fashion
    but in just one long line
5. all of a sudden houses came flying over our heads in the air, also trucks
    and cars were somehow over turned, also boards from buildings were
    blown across the landscape and crashed into trees, also trees and shrubs
    were blown over and uprooted
6. then there were immediate reports that some of the troop that had not
    returned to this location had been blown off their feet
7. then it was found out that part of the troop that had returned to its proper
    location were blown off of their feet
8. then it became known that part of the troop who had returned to the
    troops proper location and who were in this troop line up had also been
    blown off of their feet
9. the remaining troops who were still standing on their feet were then asked
    very carefully by The Troop Commander to lie down very carefully on
    the sandy ground
10. The Troop Commanders were working very fast at working their radios
11. after about half an hour The Troop Commanders told us that someone
      had dropped literally an ATOMIC BOMB right very nearby us and that
      ATOMIC BOMB did explode off
12. we were told by The Commanders to  remain standing in line in troop
13. in about half an hour we were told by The Commanders to begin to walk,
      to make our way, out of  THE ATOMIC BOMBED AREA
14. I was at this time so hurt by THE ATOMIC BOMB EXPLOSION that
      I did not even know if we walked out of THE ATOMIC BOMB
      CONTAMINATED AREA or if we returned to our vehicles and drove
15. our vehicles might have been blown to pieces

in my memory a lot of this atomic bomb blow up on us is quite vague

this report is a continuation of my first atomic knock-down
1. I was in a dazed state of mind after the atomic bomb went off right
    beside me and my troop
2. one of the results of being so close to an atomic bomb explosion is
    the following
3. within a few weeks after this first atomic bomb explosion I had to
    have a new pair of glasses made up for me by The Canadian
    Army Regular
4. I do believe that after we were atomic bombed my eyes did become
    worse than they had been
5. the troop and I were very lucky to live through this atomic explosion

it is important to know here and to keep this first atomic bomb knock-down
in your mind because it does set the terrible stage for the deaths that did occur
at the hand grenade range

keep this in mind

The Hand Grenade Range

1. somehow we, the troop, got from The Atomic Bomb Explosion
    to the hand grenade range. As I said I do not know if it was on
    foot or in vehicles I was so dazed
2. I was told along with some other troops to open up the boxes
    of hand grenades
3. as we opened the lids of the hand grenade boxes all of the hand
    grenades blew up right into our faces

this was disastrous

4. along with some of the other troopers I was killed stone dead by
    the hand grenades exploding off right into our faces
5. along with the other dead troopers I was dragged across the hand
    grenade compound and placed into the pile of dead troopers
6. it was found out that the hand grenade boxes had been booby
    trapped somehow and when we opened the boxes up all of the
    hand grenades blew right up into our faces
7. the hand grenade explosion blew my helmet right off of my head
8. I was killed instantly
9. like I said I was put into the pile of the dead anad forgotten about
10. the troop officers, and the troops sargents and corporals and the
      troops themselves did examine me well enough and did say that
      I was dead therefore I was put into the pile of the dead
11. quite a number of troopers were killed in the hand grenade
      explosion, just exactly how many I do not know
12. well about 2 and 1/2 hours later I did begin to wake up
13. I did not know who I was or where I was
14. the troop just kept saying it's just Murray's nerves acting up, just
      leave him alone in the pile of the dead. What was happening here
      is as I began to wake up my body would twitch a little and people
      saw this but they thought that my body was just twitching a little
      bit and that I was really dead like I had been diagnosed to be
15. well eventually I did stand up and walk but the troopers caught me
      and dragged me back to the pile of the dead and there threw me
      down once again. This happened several times. The troopers would
      just say it's just Murray's nerves acting up he'll be dead still soon and
      dead cold as a corpse should be
16. we, eventually I did stay standing up
17. by the end of the day I was up onto my feet again but not by much
18. once back in the barrach block I did shower up and went and sat down

these terrible deaths at the hand grenade range were disasterous

I also do wear a medal of honour for dieing for Canada because of this
terrible situation happening to me

you must remember I was proclaimed dead by enough people to justify
putting me into the pile of the dead

something that might still be looked into about this, my death, is the fact
that I did not get any medical treatment from a qualified doctor over this
very serious death blow. This is held against The Canadian Armed Forces
to this day.

This was just another one of the times that I was killed in The Canadian
Army Regular.

1. it is my belief that the entire troop should have been immediately isolated
    right on the spot of where The Atomic Bomb went off at
2. then through military transport been medically taken to proper quarantine
    quarters in Camp Borden for immediate medical treatment
3. this action would have definitely stopped the deaths on the hand grenade
    range from taking place
4. I believe that this action would have been the right action to take because
    of the terrible trouble that The Atomic Bomb Explosion did bring to pass
    against the troop in general
5. everyone in my troop was definitely hurt by The Atomic Bomb Explosion
6. we all did need medical treatment
7. not one of us got medical treatment of any kind
8. it is my belief that we all should have been pensioned off right there on the
    spot of it and carefully sent out the main gate of the army camp to once
    again carry on our civilian lives
9. you must remember readers that we were all Atomic Hurt Right There On
    The Spot Of It, That Is, The Actual Sight Of The Atomic Bomb Explosion

this is the second Atomic Knock-down that I suffered

1. this happened during our basic training
2. we were now studying first aid
3. we were taken by vehicles out into the out-back area of
    Camp Borden to a small town like building set up that was
    like a Hollywood Stage set up though for practicing first aid at
4. this small town was like a Hollywood stage. There were buildings
    all over the place which were designed so that a trooper would
    get an understanding of applying first aid in an actual real life war
    theatre going on around about him
5. this second Atomic Knock-down took place in Camp Borden
6. after we arrived at this small village we all got out of the trucks
    and filed up in troop fashion and were then ordered to our
    respective locations to begin practice of first aid
7. we were there at this small village a day or two
8. then it seemed like all the small village was ruined very suddenly

what happened was the following

9. the troopers were at their proper allocated locations to practice
    their first aid when suddenly some of the buildings fell down,
    people were knocked-down, stretchers and other medical
    supplies were blown right out of buildings from different floors
    right down onto the ground
10. medical supplies and people were knocked right out of first
      and second floors of buildings onto the ground
11. I was standing right at the back of one large building right close
      to it practically leaning onto it and part of it collapsed down
      onto me crushing me onto the ground
12. a trooper accidentally found me underneath this great big
      building and somehow he managed to get me out from
      underneath all the debree and leave me in a knocked-out
      lieing down position
13. people later thought that I had been killed by either The
      Neutron Bomb Blast or that the falling building had killed me

later on that day I woke up from being awfully Neutron Bomb Blasted
and from being struck and dead buried underneath the big 2 or 3 story
building that had been blown apart

it was found out after awhile that someone had infilterated Camp
Borden and placed a Neutron Bomb into a small dump of debree
in this small village. There was some sort of a dump right here in
this small village for our use in first aid practice but the troops
like myself who were near to this Neutron Bomb Explosion were
to dazed to even remember what the dump was

I was one of the troops that was nearest to The Neutron Bomb
when it blew off and it was a miracle of God that I lived through it.
The troop thought that I had been blown up and was now nothing
more than Atomic Bomb Dust and had been blown away in The
Neutrons Winds

15. the dump was blown away but that is where the Neutron Bomb
      had been located
16. everyone in the troop was very seriously contaminated by The
      Neutron Bombs Explosion
17. because of this Neutron Bomb Explosion the troop was called
      immediately to troop up in one location

I cannot remember the following very well

when I came to my senses enough I thought that The Atomic Bomb
Specialists from Ottawa had been blown sky high and dissolved into
atomic dust but it was later proven that they had gone somewhere
away to have lunch. Well that is what I was told.Frankly I do not
believe everything that I was told about this Atomic Scene. There
had been Atomic Specialists there from Ottawa who were working
on The Neutron Bomb trying to disarm it and the bomb blew up.
I do believe that some people did get blow up into dust in this scene
and the people in charge there would not admit it. I was 1c of 3
people who were the closest to The Neutron Bomb when it blew up
and we should have been killed but we somehow lived through it.

18. we were told that the army specialists who look after investigating
      Neutron Bomb Explosions had been properly located and contacted
      to come to this small village immediately and investigate this Neutron
      Bomb Explosion
19. we were told that these army specialists would be right on this sight
      very soon
20. we were then told to stand at ease but not to move off of the
      immediate area where we were located
21. we waited awhile and then the army specialists showed up
22. they immediately took all of our troops names
23. then they very carefully drew out on drawings where each and
      everyone of us was located at the time of The Neutron Bomb
24. we were then grouped up in several groups
25. this grouping us up was governed by where you were located
      when The Neutron Bomb Exploded Off
26. after awhile each group was told the seriousness of their location
      when The Neutron Bomb Exploded Off
27. my group was the worst off, we were told, that is I was told,
      that I could not be in a worse position if I had to be
28. the army specialists tole us that we should not have lived through
      The Neutron Bomb Explosion and how we did live through it they
      did not understand
29. for further examination my group was told to stand close together
      and then to sit down onto the ground
30. then very carefully the army specialists put a yellow ribbon all
      around us and we were ordered not to step outside of that ribbon
      at all and that we were all under very close observation

there was a very big atomic type of medical examination given to us
by these specialists which did last for a few hours but because of
closely kept military atomic secrets I am not saying here exactly what
they were

the following is what was said to us and to our troop officers

these troops which were put inside off this yellow ribbon circle are the
ones which were very badly contaminated by The Neutron Bomb Blast.
These people should not have lived through this explosion. They should
should all have been killed. There were about 10 of us inside this yellow
ribbon circle. Not one of us should have lived through The Neutron
Explosion especially two others and myself who were the closest to the
centre of The Neutron Explosion. I know that at 1 point of this Neutron
Disaster that I was counted by the troop and troop officers as missing
and thought to be dead. I know that I felt ruined.

all the troop was to be immediately returned to camp

because the small little first aid village had been ruined we were not to return
here ever again

we were to immediately start to study something else on out basic training

remember that there are very pertinent things which did happen here which
are not mentioned because of close kept military secrets

this page will show some of the damage done by this Neutron Bomb Blast

1. the little first aid town, village, was wrecked, blown down, all over the place
2. the little first aid village for first aid was very seriously wrecked for further
    first aid training because of very serious contamination by atomic compounds
3. the troop was hurt in various ways like being blown down by The Neutron
    Bomb Blast and being hit in various ways by blown about debris and hurt by
    collapsing of the little villages buildings and the troop was atomic contaminated

the following is so bad that I do not know if it was ever hurd of

4. because of the very peculiar way that Neutron Bombs work a passing car very
    peculiarly drove right up a tree. This was very out of the ordinary. There were
    3 people in the car when this happened and they were hurt badly by this happening
5. the 3 people in the car were hurt but I do not know how badly or just what it was
    that hurt them but this  was a bad car accident
6. the people in the car were hurt at least as much as not to be able to get out of the
    car properly by themselves
7. there were 3 or 4 people in the car and this car accident was bad enough that the
    troop took careful notes about it. When this car accident was discussed later by
    the troop, the troop did decide that they would never want to be in a car accident
    like that one was. The troop talked about that car accident for quite some time
    and they did say that they never did understand it. This car accident really did
    astound the troop.
8. I do not know to this day if The Canadian Army Specialists who came to The
    Neutron Bomb Site came from some distance away or were quite present, nearby,
    when The Neutron Bomb Exploded Off
9. these specialists may have been very nearby and were in fact were very much
    working on The Neutron Bomb, to dismantle it, to disarm it, when it blew off
10. I do know that the troop did think that the specialists were killed and their bodies
      were blown away as dust in The Neutron Bomb Blast Off

the following is what happened

11. some of our troop were experienced in some kind of knowledge about atomic
12. when we arrived on The Neutron Bomb Site The Army Specialists told these
      people that if they wanted to they could right now work on The Neutron Bomb
13. so part of the troop got involved in working on The Neutron Bomb In Order To
      Decode It, That Is Figure It Out, and take it apart and throw it away somewhere

well, the following is what happened

14. the troop was engaged in working on The Neutron Bomb then they stopped to have
      lunch and it was at this lunch break that The Neutron Bomb Blew Up
15. if the troop did not stop for lunch for sure half a dozen workers would have been
      killed because they were standing right on top of The Neutron Bomb working on it

the following is why we do think that The Army Specialists were right nearby when this
Giant Neutron Bomb Fired Off

16. they were right immediately on the sight after The Neutron Bomb Fired Off investigating
      all kinds of scenes that were the direct result of The Neutron Bombs Explosion

you must remember that we were generally knocked-down by this Neutron Bomb Explosion
which made it very difficult to see and understand what was going on around about us. This
is why we found it difficult to know where The Army Specialists were located at some of
these times of the things that The Army Specialists did investigate was the hit down of 229 people
     who were right beside The Neutron Bomb when it exploded off
18. these people were all swimmers and were located at a nearby lake. Speaking common sense
      these people were quite close to The Neutron Bomb when it blew off, they were right next
      door to it swimming and sun bathing at a lake
19. it was found out that everyone of them was hurt by this blast off of this Neutron Bomb and
      did immediately start to act very peculiarly different from how they acted 5 minutes ago
20. The Army Specialists checked these people out very carefully and did find out that they were
      ruined by The Neutron Bomb Blast Itself not the fall out from the bomb but The Blast Itself
21. then The Army Specialists did examine a nearby town where atomic fall out did land
22. it was proven to The Army Specialists that the town was completely covered by atomic fall
23. The Army Specialists did say that the town that did get hit and completely covered by this
      atomic fall out was going to have a lot of trouble from it medically speaking. Everything was
      going to go wrong for that town
24. The Army Specialists literally did watch a great big cloud of debris travel through the air and
      saw exactly where it did land and it did land on top of that nearby town

this type of observation which was done by The Army Specialists was very well done. These
guys were on the run every where figuring these things out and they did do a really good job.

The Army Specialists were searching around the whole area which is why they were a little
while coming to our aid

we thought that The Army Specialists were right next to The Neutron Bomb having lunch
when The Bomb Blew Off. That is why we thought they were killed and could not be found
easily but in actual fact they were driving all over the place searching out what damage The
Neutron Explosion had caused to take place

The Army Specialists were right on The Neutron Bomb Sight themselves working on The
Bomb trying to decode it and take it apart. They working quite close to us and that is how
they got my troop into working on The Bomb with them. The Army Specialists were just
lucky to have gone a considerable ways away from The Bomb Site to have lunch or they
would have been blown sky high when The Giant Neutron Bomb Blew Up right at lunch

By just fate my troop was working on first aid right beside The Bomb when The Army
Specialists were working on The Bomb. We simply got talking to one another and that
is how my troop got involved in working on The Bomb. When The Army Specialists
realized that some of the troop did know some things about this bomb they got them to
work on the bomb right away with themselves.

this murder scene happened when my troop went out to a rifle range to pass our
examinations for shooting a F.N. rifle C1.

1. the troop lined up in proper fashion in the morning time
2. then we all got into trucks and were driven to the rifle range
3. when we got to the rifle range we all got out of the trucks
4. we quickly noticed that there were already trucks and other
    vehicles parked about the parking lot on this rifle range
5. immediately some of us and this did include myself got very
    well gassed by some kind of killer gas
6. the gas did come from the rifle range control tower building.
    People had left the door open on the building to ventilate it
    out from having a high quantity amount of this killer gas put
    into it
we should not have been brought to this rifle firing range at all
because of the trouble that was going on here

7. this gas did not affect everyone. The gas was drifting about
    here and there and some of the troops would walk into it and
    get gassed and other troops would not
8. we also quickly discovered 3 French Canadian Army Officers
    murdered who were put by the door of the control tower
9. other people had also been killed and were in the process of
    being put into trucks and taken away to be buried
10. I personally was affected by this gas
11. there was also two maybe three farm milk cans placed right
      beside the control tower door that had liquid poison in them
12. I did not know that these cans had liquid poison in them and
      I went and did have a drink of this liquid to quench my thirst
13. I immediately felt dizzy and very bad
14. the gas had a bad affect on some of the troops and they started
      to fight in various ways here and there
15. the troop officer ordered us to get into our positions and start
      firing our guns at the targets
16. immediately some people down range were shot down and killed.
      I do not know who they were but I did see them and did see them
      get shot
17. more fighting broke out and one trooper did try to shoot another
      trooper but some of the troops got involved and did stop this from
18. a few of the troops were stabbed by bayonets but not seriously
19. I shot my gun very well but then not many of the troop could
      shoot their guns properly. I shot better than most of the troop
      but I had a trooper with me who did score my shooting and he
      went gas nuts and violently would not score my shooting as
      accurately as it should have been scored. The trooper who did
      score my shooting did threaten my life with bayonet and gun
      violence so very seriously that I almost got killed by just
      asking him why he was doing what he was doing. He was
      acting very strange and very violent.
20. the troop officers and sargents and corporals decided to pass
      everyone because of past good shooting of their rifles and
      everyone was told to write the day off as a failure because
      of the poison gas and poison water or liquid that did upset
      the troop so badly
21. very bad arguements carried on and quite a few of the troop
      just about got shot and killed in other ways as well
22. the troop was ordered to get into the trucks again and they
      did get into the trucks but they had to help one another a lot
      in order to get into the trucks and to collect up their gear like
      their helmets and rifle magazines etc.
23. if this gas was not thinned out by being in the atmosphere we
      probably would have died from it and the liquid poison that
      was in the milk cans. The milk cans usually had our iced cooled
      drinking water in them
24. I was very sick for three weeks from this gas and liquid poison
      that had been put into our drinking water milk cans. Someone
      poisoned our water supply is what some murderer did here

also this was a rifle firing range that we had never been to before.
This was in Camp Borden, Ontario. The strangness of the new
firing range did hinder the troops from finding out about the
terrible murder trouble that was going on right on this range. A
lot of people were killed here this morning just before our troop
arrived on this strange range. We were told that about two and
a half trucks of dead people were hauled out away from this
rifle firing range just before our troop arrived. As a matter of
fact we did see these trucks leaving but we did not recongnize
that they were filled with dead people. But one truck remained
behind and was filled with dead people and we did see that
truck before it zoomed away to bury the dead in it.

25. I along with quite a number of the troop were very sick when
      we were on this new rifle range
26. I do believe that one or more of the troop found in the control
      tower an old machine gun like a Villiers and did try to shoot
      down the troop with it. I remember this machine gun scene
      quite clearly. They had it out and all loaded up and were going
      to kill everybody with it. On this new rifle range with all the
      rifles being fired at the targets and at people it was hard to hear
      the old Villiers machine gun go off but I do know that it was
      used and did kill some people. The troops who had that Villiers
      machine gun did shoot down some people with it but they did
      not get the chance to kill everybody with it. There was a terrible
      fight over that loaded old Villiers and I do remember that taking
27. The gas and liquid drink did cause the troops to go very mad to
      say the least. The troop did act very strange.

this is obviously one more time that we were used as Experimental
Soldiers which was Illegal To Do

28. another scene that happened to me over this illegal gassing and
      liquid poisoning is that I had to drop out of boxing for a few weeks
      and exercising in general and do not forget there was never a
      statement made as to the long term bad effects of this gassing and
      liquid poisoning that the troop was subjected to

this scene that happened at this rifle range was one of the most killing
types of scenes that you could ever have happen

this type of scene does definitely get into Military Research that was done
on me and my troop when I was in The Canadian Army Regular. I say
this very seriously that we were used for Illegal Research Purposes. This
can be proven out very easily

The unlucky people who were on this rifle range just moments before we
arrived there were probably all killed. There were dead unlucky people
every direction and three trucks carrying away the dead. The trucks were
filled to maximum carrying capacity. My troop and I saw this with our own

I have put this rifle range scene into this report because it was so very wrong to do.

this right here was Experimental Research On Soldiers That Should Not Have Been Done

It is also believed that the old machine gun called The Villiers was used to shoot
down the targets because the targets were all shot to pieces. The targets had holds
in them and were shot to pieces all over the firing range. Practically speaking some
of the targets were not even there to be shot at by the troops, they were just fragments
of targets. The targets really did look like they had been shot at by The Villiers
machine gun.

There seemed to be a connection between the gas and the killer drink. It came to be
believed that a person would have to both be affected by the killer gas and also drink
the killer drink to out right be killed by these two poisons. Everyone at the rifle range
did agree that the gas and the killer drink did work together as some sort of killer
compound mix. It very hard to remember this because I was very badly affected by
the gas and killer drink. The troop just tried to do their best to try to understand the
gas and the killer drink and the overall murder scene that was going on about this
rifle range. Because of what went on it was very hard to remember and understand
what went on.

It is very hard to remember some of the things that did happen in some of these killer
scenes that did take place on this new to us rifle range. It is true though that dead
people were being loaded into vehicles when we arrived on this rifle range. Quite a
lot of people had been just killed here when we arrived.

This is a continuation of what happened to me in Camp Meaford.
This is when I was used as an experimental soldier

1. I will begin this story by saying we are in the trucks heading
    towards Camp Meaford.
2. We arrived at Camp Meaford and were sent to our barrack
    block where we settled in and then went to the mess hall
    for supper.
3. After we were at Camp Meaford a day or two we were told by
    The Commander of our troop that there was and still is very
    serious danger in Camp Meaford for our health and our very
    nown lives.

The following is what the very serious problem was.
This is very secret knowledge and could not be spoken about to
anyone but because we were Canadian Army Troops Regular
and in Camp Meaford which was right on the sight of this terrible
problem we were told what it was.

4. What the terrible danger in Camp Meaford was is Military
    Canada had brought in here what was called The Atomic
    Cannon for research purposes and for general firing it off
5. The gunners who were respossible for the placement of The
    Atomic Cannon  did a good job on concealing its where abouts

it is quite interesting where they hid this Atomic Cannon

Where they hid it was right at the end of the parade square.
There was a natural ground fall off right at the end of the parade
square that could not be seen from the parade square itself. You
had to go to the end of the parade square and look down to see
where the send of the parade square went to. There I saw The
Atomic Cannon  sitting.

remember: The troop Commander did ask me very individually to
                 keep my eyes and ears open and investigate what-ever
                 might be of disterbance in Camp Meaford and I did do

6. I'll write this up later but my doing what the troop Commander told
    me to do got me into so much trouble that I almost died, well got
    killed, doing it.
7. By observing The Atomic Cannon I did observe the crew that did
    run it and I did manage to get a lot of information about what was
    done with The Atomic Cannon.
8. It was soon proven to me that The Atomic Cannon was definitely
    one of the things that did cause a lot of trouble in and about Camp

this part is about The Atomic Cannon

1. when I was looking at The Atomic Cannon the troops who kept
    The Atomic Cannon in good repair and who fired it off found me
    quite near to it and looking at it

you have to remember that The Troop Commander ordered me to do this

2. The Atomic Cannon Crew quite quickly beat me up very badly
3. they hit me behind the head many times
4. the back of my head and the back of my neck hurt very badly
5. they got me down onto the ground and did kick me also
6. well eventually they knocked me out
7. The Atomic Crew then dragged me off of the parade square and layed
    me face down in tank tracks in the road that ran past the parade square
8. by placing me in this location was an attempted murder against me
    because battle tanks and other vehicles were using the road
9. eventually some people found me and dragged me out of the tank track
    and off of the road
10. they finally revived me back awake again
11. I was partly carried because I was so beat up that I could not stand up
      properly or walk properly
12. I was taken into the mess hall for supper and the Commander in charge
      of the mess hall got very mad that I was in the mess hall
13. what had happened to me is it is true I got beat up awful bad but also
      because I was so near The Atomic Cannon and because I was put face
      down into the tank tracks I was literally immersed into Atomic Compounds
      that were being used in The Atomic Cannon and also spilled Atomic
      Compounds that were spilled about the immediate area of The Atomic
      Cannon as well as I was generally in the area of an Intentional Spill of
      Atomic Compounds that had definitely taken place in the exact area where
      I was located.

you have to remember that I was asked to be in this location by the troop
Commander to observe and report what was going on in camp

14. I was literally covered by Atomic Compounds all over the place
15. the Commander in charge of the mess hall would not have me in the mess
      hall because of my being so contaminated by Atomic Compounds
16. somehow I would have contaminated the mess hall and the food
17. I was immediately ordered out of the mess hall
18. I was immediately carried out of the mess hall and next door by the senior
      troops who saved my life and stripped off my clothes and washed me
      down in the shower stall
19. then I was led back to the mess hall
20. there was then another terrible fight about me being in the mess hall but
     The Mess Hall Commander did decide to let me into the mess hall and
     and to have something to eat
21. The Mess Hall Commander would not let me in The Mess Hall on my
      own though and the senior troopers did stay with me and did help me
      about having my supper
22. also I had to sit at the back of The Mess Hall
23. I was terribly beaten up. I was not allowed to do anything in The Mess
      Hall what-so-ever. I WAS NEAR DEATH!

By my being in Camp Meaford and by my being in close contact to the troops
who were running The Atomic Cannon I made good observations as to this
trouble making Atomic Set put into Camp Meaford by Ottawa. I kept busy
observing the troops about The Atomic Cannon and The Atomic Cannon
Itself. By doing this I did come to some knowledge of what The Atomic
Cannon Crew was doing with The Atomic Cannon Itself. The following is just
a little bit of what was done with The Atomic Cannon.

the killing off of the school people

1. one thing that The Crew did shoot at with The Atomic Cannon was a school.
    The school was a normal public school
2. the public school was located quite a long ways, about 27 miles, from where
    The Atomic Cannon was stored
3. the school was located quite close to the fence of Camp Meaford Itself
4. the fence of Camp Meaford was also part of the public school fence. That is
    how close the public school was to the fence of Camp Meaford
5. The Atomic Cannon  would be shot at the school from where it was stored
    and also it would be moved to varying distances to the school and fired off
    at the school as well
6. sometimes The Atomic Cannon would be takaen quite close to the school
    and fired off at it


The following is exactly what The Atomic Crew did when they killed The Public
School off

7. after the first firing The Atomic Cannon at the school and killing the students
    and the teachers off there at the school itself
8. the Atomic Cannon Crew did go through a hole in The Camp Meaford fence
    that was also the school fence, The Atomic Crew made this hole in the fence,
    and did collect up all the dead people and did just haphazardly threw them
    away in varying places in road ditches as their burial place
9. then The Atomic Cannon Crew would lie in wait for more people to come to
    the school and watch for these people to arrive and then The Atomic Cannon
    Crew would then open fire with The Atomic Cannon again and kill alal the
    school people off again
10. The Atomic Cannon Crew did this very act repeatedly
11. there came to be about 259 people killed at the public school
12. the public school teachers were all killed, the school students were all killed,
      investigators as to what was happening at this public school were killed and
      visitors were also killed

this is a real murder case held against The Atomic Cannon Crew of Ottawa, Canada

this is still about The Atomic Cannon

1. The Atomic Cannon  Crew also did fire off The Atomic Cannon all over Camp
    Meaford which did Atomic Pollute Camp Meaford
2. Then The Atomic Cannon Crew did fire off The Atomic Cannon in all directions
3. They fired The Atomic Cannon at people standing nearby Camp Meaford
4. The Atomic Cannon Crew did fire off The Atomic Cannon at nearby barns and
    other buildings like houses and garages
5. The Atomic Cannon Crew did fire off The Atomic Cannon in all directions all
    over the place

now I think is a good time to say this

I was close about The Atomic Cannon and yes I did get polluted because of it but
which I think was worse I ws also near to The Atomic Cannon when it was fired
off and being in The Atomic Cannons blast area I did get another type of injury too

Remember that I was asked to investigate any situation that might cause a disterbance
in Camp Meaford. My troop Commander ordered me to do this. This is how I got so
close to The Atomic Cannon in the first place. The Atomic Cannon was definitly out
of bounds for our troop but because I was ordered to investigate any form of
disturbance I with full knowledge did enter a restricted area. Because I was ordered
to investigate like I was this restricted area was no longer out of bounds to me. But
this is how I got caught inside of this restricted area and got so badly beaten up. That
is beat up by being punched down and kicked and polluted by Atomic Compounds and
by being shot down by The Atomic Cannon Itself.

6. After this terrible beat up I could not walk straight or stop myself from falling forward
    or backwards and when I would reach across a table for a mere salt shaker I would
    collapse onto the table. This condition lasted for about 10 months. This is the direct
    rresult of what The Atomic Cannon experience in general did to me.

this is about the burial of the killed public school people

1. not all of the killed public school people were taken in military trucks and thrown into
    ditches somewhere
2. some of the dead were brought into Camp Meaford through the hole in the fence
3. when dthey were dragged into Camp Meaford they were put into small piles like
    small hay stacks
4. then The Atomic Cannon Crew would lower The Atomic Cannon Gun onto these
    small hay stacks of dead people
5. The Atomic Cannon Crew would then fire off The Atomic Cannon at these dead
    school people
6. the result of this procedure was the dead school people would disappear into dust
    and the dust would blow away in the winds made by The Atomic Cannon
7. The Atomic Crew would then go to the public school and make ugly faces and
    point fingers at the investigators and say "you will never find a dead body of
    those public school people on Camp Meaford grounds. You can look all you like
    and you will never find one of them in here."
8. The Atomic Crew would then say mocking things to the investigators and to the
    parents of missing school children.

The Atomic Cannon Crew did this in a manner so bad that it was very bad to
witness the depravity of these actions. But I did see this and did experience this
mistreatment of the public school people and others. The killing mess that this
Atomic Cannon did make was beyond human belief.

this is a little more as to how I got into this Atomic Mess

1. it is true that I was very badly polluted by The Atomic Cannon and what went
    on around about it
2. but also a young officer in The Canadian Army Regular who was just made an
    officer and who had just graduated from school did seem to go nuts, that is lose
    his mind, at this very time in Camp Meaford
3. the young officer did illegallt steal a battle tank and did hook up a trailer behind
    the battle tank which was full of some kind of cans that were filled with Atomic
    Compounds of one description or another
4. the young officer did drive the battle tank onto The Camp Meaford Parade Square
    aand intentionally dumped out The Atomic Cans all over the parade square
5. the young officer did this dumping out of These Atomic Energy Filled Cans all
    around about Camp Meaford Parade Square, like the road that I was laid down
    into the tank tracks of
6. also there was some talk that the young officer did dump out These Atomic Cans
    quite a long ways away as well. The young officer did drive the stolen battle tank
    around all of Camp Meaford and also beyond The Camp Meaford fences and did
    dump out Atomic Compounds out of those Atomic Cans. The young officer did
    Atomic pollute a very flarge area.
7. the young officer did also run the battle tank into the door of the hanger right by
    the parade square and knock it aside and drove the battle tank into the hanger and
    did dump out The Atomic Cans in the hanger as well
8. the young officer did run the battle tank into several vehicles and then did generally
    wreck the place
9. finally The Canadian Army men in Camp Meaford got into some vehicles themselves
    and did run them into the battle tank in several different ways and did stop the battle
    tank from moving about
10. The Canadian Army men then got the young officer out of the battle tank and locked
      him up in a private room
11. The Canadian Army men then went about trying to clean up this really big Atomic
      Compound Spill that had just happened
12. The Canadian Army men also did use a lotd of gas to knock out the young officer
      when he was still in the battle tank. It was very difficult to stop the young officer
      because he was in a real battle tank that he stole. The gas finally did stop him though.

I was standing quite nearby this whole stolen battle tank scene and Atomic Can Spill
scene. I saw a lot of the damage that the young officer did cause to take place

When my own troop Commander ordered me to investigate the troubled scenes in Camp
Meaford I walked directly into this Atomic Mess. I was beaten up and thrown bodily
right down into this Atomic Mess.

The nation of Scotland knew about this Atomic Spill, Mess, within hours after it had
happened. Scotland has officially investigated it and has never forgotten about it!
Scotlands medical doctors are certainly taught about The Camp Meaford Atomic Spill, Mess!
Scotlands medical doctors do speak out against The Camp Meaford Atomic Spill, Mess!

1. I was literally left beaten up right face down in Atomic Compounds that the young
    officer had just thrown around
2. on top of this I was put in a road track where armour vehicles drove through on
3. this placing me into this track of the road was also an attempt on my life because
    should an armour vehicle have come driving along, which they did, I definitly
    would have been run over and killed. The tank did come along just about the
    moment that I was rescued by some of the soldiers in Camp Meaford. I remember
    this quite clearly that I was rescued just a moment or two before the killing tank did
    come along. I was very luckey to have not been killed.
4. I was definitly picked up bodily and dragged fordth out of this road track which
    which armour vehicles were using and given help to servive

In this case I had to be very seriously revived. I fell in and out of awakeness and
that is how and why I remember seeing the killer tank go by

5. the following is part of my story
6. true I was awfully beat up by The Atomic Cannon Crew

but worse yet

7. the young officer who did steal the battle tank was finally stopped by The Army
    hitting him off with gas
8. The Army released gas in the area where the young officer was located with the
    battle tank and the gas did knock out the young officer and the battle tank.
9. I was also ordered to investigate this type of scene by the troop Commander and
    that is why I was in the area where The Army released this gas attack against the
    young officer and the battle tank
10. therefore I, trooper Fenwick, was also knocked out by this gas attack

this gas attack was seriously done
I do not know what kind of gas was used by The Army
I was knocked out by the beat up but also by this gas release

How serious this knock out gas and beat up and Atomic Contamination was to
trooper Fenwick, myself, I do not know but I do believe that this should be very
carefully looked into

It soon became known that this Atomic Spill right here was very serious. Camp
Meaford was definitly ruined because of it

I will say this once again:
this Atomic Spill right here and right now soon became known to the nation of

You should remember also that vehicles of various sizes and descriptions were
used to stop the young officer in this stolen battle tank by ramming into the
tank itself. This was done in conjunction with the gas attack

all I can say is "this terrible scene"
Before I begin this sterrible scene I will tell you the following.
I was told along with the rest of the troop that we had to remain absolutly silent about this scene
or we would be killed off by The Canadian Military for revealing this scene to other people. We
were told thaat we would be dragged right back into Camp Borden and very possibly taken right
to where this scene took place at and shot down. This terrible scene did take place in Camp

This is once again a scene where I was used as an experimental soldier and that was wrong to do

1. we were told one morning that after breakfast we were to go out into a remote area of Camp
    Borden for a Newspaper Talk of some sort
2. we were told that The Newspaper Interview was very important and that there was going to
    be very important people at it
3. well after breakfast the trucks showed up and we got into them with quite a lot of gear to
    demonstrate some things of The Canadian Army Regular to these Newspaper People and to
    The Very Important People who were to be the main part and most important part of this
    Newspaper Interview
4. some of us were issued "blank firing attachments" that were to be put on to the end of our
    rifle barrels in order to shoot them off safely at The Newspaper Interview
5. others in the troop were issued different kinds of targets to be set up in the local area of The
    Newspaper Interview
6. others were told how and where and when to run and march about the local area of The
    Newspaper Interview

the following terrible scene is what happened

7. after we were a ways along our journey to The Newspaper local area where this very
    important Newspaper Interview was going to take place we were told that a lot of trouble
    had happened to The Newspaper Interviewers and to The Very Important People who
    were to be interviewed
8. we were told that there was very serious gunfire in their local area
9. we were told that there was gas of different types released in their local area

we were told several times that this situation was very serious
everytime that we were told these things the troop Commander had to stop our truck convoy
and explain these things to us. This took time and effort to do.

10. upon our arrival to this local area our troop was divided up into three groups of about 10
      troopers per group
11. we were ordered to stand at attention and listen to orders
12. I was immediatly ordered to change my group to number 1 group
13. the groups were called group 1, group 2 and group 3
14. I was then ordered to take a lead position in the front of number 1 group and prepare to run
      into the immediate area of where The newspaper Interview was supposed to take place at
      in order to find out what was going on in there

Before beginning the next step in this terrible killing scene I have to explain the lay of this land
1. the trucks were stopped behind 3 hills and we got out of the trucks there. There were 3 sandy
    hills in the area of The Newspapers Interviewers location
2. we were divided into 3 groups there etc.
3. where the trucks stopped at there was the beginning of these 3 hills
4. there was 3 sandy hills right here with a small flat spot in the middle of number 2 and number
    3 hill
5. the flat spot is where The Newspaper Interview was to take place at
6. also different types of gas were used in this murder scene. The reader will find this out when
    you read this write up

At the troop Cammanders appointed time I along with 10 other troopers were sent forward.
It was group 1 that the troop Commander sent forward first and I was ordered to be in the
lead position of group 1.

1. the troop officer ordered number 1 group to run into the flat spot where The Newspaper
    Review was to take place and try to find out what was going on in there
2. in we went, on the run
3. over the first hill we went
4. up and over the second hill we went
5. then part way down the second hill I, trooper Fenwick, ran into ssome kind of gas that
    knocked me out instantly
6. about as fast I got back up to my feet again but with some difficulty. I then ran with the
    rest of group 1 to the flat spot
7. the troop officer arrived when we did
8. one trooper shouted to the troop Commander to watch out for trooper Fenwicks health
    because he was just knocked down by gas
9. the troop Commander shouted to me "are you all right Fenwick"
10. I shouted back "yes I am all right"
11. it was all the troop Commander could do to stay standing on his feet. He was also
      affected by the gas
12. the troop officer ordered us sto spread ourselves out into a fishing net type of grid and
      hold our ground
13. the troop Commander then ordered some of the group 1 to start searching around
      immediatly for any clues as to what was causing all of this trouble
14. the troop Commanader ran every direction to try to find out what was going on
15. I was once again hit by drifting gas and knocked out. I collapsed flat onto the ground
      on "The Flat" that was now code named "Alive"
16. bullets started being shot off in all directions
17. the troop officer called for group 1 to follow him immediatly right out of this "Alive"
18. I was left behind knocked out or dead by the drifting gas
19. bullets were fired off everywhere on flat "Alive"
20. after the gun fire stopped the troop Commander ran the group 1 back into flat "Alive"
21. more searching went on in all directions

Before we even arrived at flat "Alive" there were two other military Regular Army Units
in this location

One of these military units was called a Dark French Unit. I do not know what the other
unit was except that I do have reasons to believe that it was The Ottawa French Canadian
Unit who had The Atomic Cannon with them. They did stay out of this immediate flat
code named "Alive" and did seem to hold an area secure from the murderers who had
come in to Camp Borden to make a lot of trouble.

1. as we arrived on this flat code named "Alive" The Dark French Unit was already there
    picking up the dead people who had been murdered by the murderers who had come in
    to Camp Borden
2. this Dark French Unit had put the dead into trucks and had them hauled away for burial
3. when we arrived there was still a lot of pieces of people lieing around
4. there were peoples hands lieing here
5. there were peoples arms lieing over there
6. there were pieces of peoples bodies lieing aall around
7. there were peoples parts blown up into the trees
8. The Dark French Unit had to climb up into the trees and pull down the blown up people
9. The Dark French Unit had to also leave the flat code named "Alive" when the bullets
    started to be shot around
10. The Dark French Unit did also return to flat "Alive" after the shooting stopped and did
      continue to pick up the pieces of the dead and put them into burial trucks

all of a sudden this shooting started all over again

At this point of this murder scene I was once again on my feet and doing my duty when
this awful shoot out started up again but I got hurt again and this time it was by a thrown
very large stick of dinamite. I was blown through the air a little ways and landed upside
down in a fox hole. I went stiff as a board .

11. group 1 thought I was dead and left me there in the fox hole upside down
12. once again the troop Commander called group 1 out of the flat code named "Alive"
      and left me behind as dead. I was later buried in this fox hole but I did show signs
      of life when the troopers who were burying me. They tamped down earth onto my body
      when they were burying me. Somehow the shovel when it was tamped down onto my
      chest seemed to start up my heart again and the troopers who were buring me thought
      that they saw life still in me so they pulled me out of the grave from underneath the
      dirt that had already been shoveled on top of me. After awhile I revived but I could not
      move about much.

I got this information by being on the flat code named "Alive" both by eye witnessing it but
also by talking to the troop after we were back in camp

this is still more about the flat code named "Alive"

1. after the gun fire stopped the troop Commander ran group 1 back into flat "Alive"
2. the first thing that the troop Commander shouted was where is trooper Fenwick at?
3. the troop shouted backto the troop Commander that trooper Fenwick is right behind
    us in the fox hole dead
4. they immediatly told the troop Commander what had happened to trooper Fenwick and
    that I was dead this time.
5. the troop Commander ordered me buried in the fox hole that I was upside down in
6. the troop commander ordered me very carefully adjusted and set down into the fox hole
    carefully and then covered over with earth and there left to rest, buried. At last Trooper
    Fenwick gotr buried!
7. well when the troop started to bury me they found me still alive and by just a quirk of fate
    dragged my lifeless body out of the grave
8. how they revived me I do not know but they got me onto my feet again and protecting
    my area once again. I was at this point of being hurt very wobbly on my feet
9. at this time The Dark French Unit had captured two men who they claimed were bad men
10. The Dark French Unit was in this location on their own. Our troop Commander had
      no authority over them at all
11. The Dark French Unit punched these two bad men
12. The Dark French Unit kicked these two bad men
13. then The Dark French Unit did stand up these two bad men and called them bad names
      then they did shoot both of them in the back and killed both of them
14. The Dark French Unit said to our troop Commander that these two men are bad guys
      so we killed them off
15. at this time the murderers once again released gas on this flat code named "Alive"
16. gun fire started to take place once again but this time it was little distance away from us
      in the quadrant that the murderers were located in

what took place now is the murderes retreated back through and out of their quadrant behind
a think wall of gas and fired guns off at the sides of their quadrant

17. the murderers escaped

this scene ended very quickly
the murderers with-drew from the flat code named "Alive" through the quadrant that they were
located in literally behind a wall of gas and got away and were never caught. Because they were
located behind the wall of gas we could not go into their quadrant after them

18. we had no live ammunition with us because this was supposed to be just a Newspaper
      Review with The Very Important People
19. all we had was a bayonet
20. The Dark French Unit had only a few hand guns with them. Because of this they could
      not put in a proper attack either
21. The Army Unit who had The Atomic Cannon just sat still and held their ground. They had
      and held a quadrant of their own and simply and literally enough just sat in the wilderness
      area that they were in and remained silent as to their being there

1. The Dark French Unit kept picking up human bodies and pieces of human bodies and
    putting them into piles in the quadrant which had housed tyhe murderers but quite close
    to the flat code named "Alive". The bodies and pieces of bodies were being picked up
    in that specific quadrant and some-what on the flat. A few bodies and pieces of bodies
    were found around about but not many, this time. The bodies and pieces of bodies were
    mainly localised there this pick up time

2. then all of a sudden a great big boom went off, then again and again
3. we were told that the dead bodies and the human remains were being blown up instead
    of being buried

 I do believe that the Atomic Cannon was used in this scene. The Atomic Cannon
seemed to be used in the same way that it was used in Camp Meaford. The dead there in
Camp Meaford were blown up by The Atomic Cannon that is a lot of them were. They were
not necessarily buried and no-one got a proper burial. A lot of the dead were just simply
blown up into Atomic Dust and blew away in the winds made by Atomic Bomb Energy. I
know that the very same thing was done right here on the flat code named "Alive"

this big boom noise was made by The Atomic Cannon

4. this big booming went on for awhile then stopped
5. we were then ordered to pick up our gear and go back to camp

We knew when we were on the flat code named "Alive" that every very important person
was killed in this murderous scene. We knew then that a lot of The Newspaper People were
killed in this murderous scene. The two captured bad men were killed in this scene. Our troop
Commander tried to save those two bad men and also everyopne else too but could not. One
thing that you have to remember is that The Dark French Unit was under its own orders and
did not have ato listen to our troop Commander that is brought down those two bad mens lives.

I know that I, Trooper Fenwick Murray S., was another person who was reported killed in this
murderous scene but lived through it with injuries. Because of the nature of my injuries and
what had caused them I do believe that I shuld have been pensioned off right there on the spot.
I Could Hardly Walk!

This murderous scene was a very terrible one. To think that civilian people came right inside
Camp Bordens fences with all that gun fire power and gas and killed so many people off and
got away is almost unbelievable that they did do this. They were never caught.

6. at this point of issues group 2 came very carefully to the flat code named "Alive". I believe
    that they were ordered in here at this time. The troop Commander held group 2 and group 3
    back at the truck 2 hills away in order that they would be able to call for more help or rush
    in and help us at a later time. This I do believe was a good idea.
7. the troop Commander ordered us to group up in our groups of 1, 2 and 3.
8. the troop Commander then ordered us to go back over the two hills the way that we had
    come in to flat code named "Alive" and return to the trucks

Those murderers had hand guns, machine guns, rifles and gas and were completely
successful in killing the people off that they went after to kill off. They also had very large
sticks of dinamite, which is what blew the people to pieces. It was one of these very large
sticks of dinamite that blew me up.

remember readers that this murderous scene took place in Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada.
9. On returning to thr trucks I had a very hard time climbing over the two hills. I was very
    badly hurt especially by the large stick of dinamite that blew me upside down into the
    fox hole and made my nervous system go stiff as a board. Remember I was proclaimed
    dead herae and the troop was also ordered to bury me.

This scene of murder got into The Experimental Soldier illegalities when The Atomic Cannon
was brought into this case to help bury the dead by blowing them into Atomic Dust.Therefore
when you look into this case it soon becomes a very different case than it is at first thought to

Because this murder scene was such a terrible one there should have been a very close
investigation because of the different types of gas used on us, the different types of guns shot
at us and the different types of explosives that blew us up.

For sure I do believe that I could have gone up for pension because I was blown up by such
a large stick of dinamite and pronounced dead and ordered to be buried because of it.

A very hard statement herae that I have never before said is: after this very bad scene took
place I personally was not given any medical attention at all not even first aid. I was simply
trucked across camp and released in front of my barrack block. This was simply the wrong
thing to do. I should have been given very close medical attention for being hurt so badly.
It is true that the troop did revive me by pulling me out of the grave. I do not know what
they did to do this.I do know though that I recieved no medical attention what-so-ever.

Unfortunatly this no medical attention went along with all of the terrible murder scenes that
I got hit with when I was in The Canadian Army Reguilar.I was never helped one single time
by a proper medical set or put into a hospital once. To leave me abandoned with no medical
aid what-so-ever is very wrong to do.

this is about The Dark French Units executing of the two bad men, a little additional
1. people of different ethnic back grounds are different
2. what The Dark French did is they beat up the two bad men then they shouted at them
3. one of the things that they shouted at them about is that the two bad men were not worthy
    of shooting from the front of the chest
4. that is why The Dark French Unit shot the two bad men in the back

If I had not been knocked out by the gas attack and by the big stick of dinamite I probably
would have been killed right on the flat code named "Alive". The shooting off of the bullets
and the drifting gas probably would have killed me. Because I was lieing down from being
knocked out by the gas and upside down in a fox holethe bullets and the gas did miss me
when I was left behind when the troop Commander called group 1 out ofd the area twice.
This was a very dangerous location to be left in. People were killed all over the place and
remember readers I was claimed dead twice right here on this flat code named "Alive".
Dear readers you can imagine what I looked like with my head and shoulders in the bottom
of a fox hole and my legs and feet sticking straight up into the air. My waist was about
level with the ground and my legs and feet were above the ground sticking straight up
in a V shape. I was as stiff as a piece of wood.

Remember readers that writing this out is very dangerous for me to do because The
Canadian Army Regular does not want me to say a word about this terrible Newspaper
Interview Murder Scene. I and the troop were threatened very badly by The Canadian
Army Regular about remaining silent about this whole murder scene.We were told that
we would definitly be shot down if we were even caught uttering even a wisper amongst
ourselves in the barrack block about this Newspaper Interview Murder Scene. As far as
The Canadian Army Regular was concerned this murder scene was a forever locked up
and forgotten about case. We were told to be absolutly like-wise or we would be killed
by The Canadian Army Regular, our right dead this time Trooper Fenwick!

This report is about when I was killed in a medical room in Camp Borden.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was in The Troop called Troop R. 87.
2. Because Troop R. 87 was to be shipped overseas for verious types of duties in The
    Middle East we were given our Medical Examinations and Injection Needle Shots
    right in Camp Borden.
3. The Injection Needle Shots were to help us to not get certain types of diseases that were
    in The Middle East.
4. Unfortunately for Troop R. 87 The Injection Shots that we were given were located in a
    room in a Medical Building in Camp Borden right beside another room in The Medical
    Building where for an unknown reason to me people were given An Injection Needle
    Shot "To Out Right Kill Them".
5. The only thing that I have ever figured out about "That Killing Death Room" that was located
    in "That Specific Medical Building" is "That Killing Room Was A Capital Punishement Room".
6. It was very easily obseravable that there were a lot of dead people in "The Dead Room And
    The Hallway That Led To The Dead Room And In Another Room That Was Open To The
    Hallway That Led To The Dead Room".

 I want my readers to take caseful notice right here "The To Close Of Proximinty" of
 "The Normal Injection Needle Room And The Death Room Itself". The doors that
 led to each of these two different rooms were side by side, they were not 5 feet apart.

7. R. 87 Troop filed in through the proper room door to get the first Injection Needle
    and then R. 87 Troop lined up again to get another Injection Shot.
8. I, Murray S. Fenwick, along with the rest of R. 87 Troop got The First Injection
9. Then when I was lining up with R. 87 Troop to get the next Injection Needle a
    N.C.O. called to me and put me into the other line of troopers that did lead directly
    into "The Death Room".
10. I did not know what was happening at this time. All I knew is that R. 87 Troop was
      here in This Medical Building getting our Injection Needles and that we were doing
      that alright and that tahere were a lot of dead people in "This Particular Medical
11. Well my time came again to get another Injection Shot and I got it.
12. The moment that I got This Particular Injection Shot In The Death Room I passed
      out right on the spot and was carried out of The Death Room And Put Into The Pile
      Of The Dead. I was killed dead right on the spot. I did not just pass out.
13. I was examined by The Canadian Army Regular Medical Doctors who did
      pronounce me dead right on the spot. I was killed just like all of the other people were
      killed that day in that Death Medical Room.

I did not know one thing that did happen to me. At a later date R. 87 Troop told me what did happen
to me.

14. I was left dead in The Pile Of The Dead and at a later hour I started to come out of "The Killing
      Hitting Power Of The Death Drug Injection" that I had recieved.
15. I was immediatly to be killed by another injection and by being shot by gun in the head but R. 87 Troop
      shouted and hollered that I was from their troop that I was not supposed to be in The Death Room
      at all.
16. A group of N.C.O's removed me from The Pile Of The Dead and threw me down onto the blood
      soaked floor of the hallway that led to The Good Medical Room which was The Non Death Medical
17. It was thought that The Injection Needle that I had first got from The Disease Injedction Medical
      Room saved my life by combating The Killing Injection that I had been given in The Death Medical

Readers: I half walked and was half carried back to my bed in my barrack block.
I was given absolutely no medical attention. The Canadian Military proved once again that they
could not care less whether I, Trooper Fenwick, was alive or dead. This situation of The Death
Medical Room that was located in That Peculiar Medical Building is so serious that this specific
report right here cannot be over looked!

this is a general comment that cannot be over-looked about the illegal drug attacks that
did take place at Work Point Barracks,Victoria West, and Signal Hill, in Esquimalt, and
Naden Navy Base, in Esquimalt.

1. it is very possible that These Men did attack these military camps with illegal drugs and
    by other means as well
2. there is a lot of evidence to prove that these Men did attack these military people at
   different times

There were some very severe illegal drug attacks against these military people that were
never solved as to who did commit those crimes. I say that it is very possible, from my
knowing these Drug Men, who sold and themselves used illegal drugs that These Men
could very easily have been The Men who did attack these military people on larger scale
than investigators thought of These Men capable of. These large scale attacks did happen
and I believe that These Men are some of the men who did do it.

3. one of these men with the help of other men in his gang did attack a very young girl at
    Signal Hill with various types of illegal drugs including "Date Rape Sex Drugs" and by
    ruining that girls brain he did get that innocent very young girl to become his wife
4. Those Men would not even hesitate attacking innocent people with the most serious
    types of illoegal drugs and this truthful fact had been proven against Those Men through-
    out all of their lives.

Also These Drug Men were members of the very big drug gang that was located at
24 McCleary Street in Victoria. By being in the illegal drug gang that was located on 24
McCleary Street was enough of a criminal offence against anyone to get them locked up
in prison for the rest of their lives.

The folowing is a little information about several bad illegal drug gangs that did join up
to become one big gang. After these several gangs joing up they then had a lot more
influence than people knew anything about.

1. one drug gang was The McCleary Street Gang
2. the second gang was The Y.W.C.A.-Y.M.C.A. Gang
3. the third gang was a multiple of gangs and of people. It was The Signal Hill Gang,
    The Naden Navy Base Gang, The Work Point Barracks Gang and different people
    from around about

Like I said after these three gangs united they were larger and had more influence and
were much more powerful that The Police or anyone else did know anything about. As
the readers read through this report they will soon come to know how this now one big
gang came to have so much power and wield so much terrible influence. For certain people
in general had no idea how large a gang this one gang was and the terribly bad influence, on
a large scale, that it really did have.

I will say this right here.
People living on The Military Bases in Victoria did seem to be quite alright. They seemed
to be good healthy people like anyone else was. What brought about these bad scenes that
did happen here was the fact that very large scale drug attacks did take place against these
military people. I believe that I know who did these very criminal attacks against these
military people but it is up to Law, The Police and The courts of the country and the people
of the countries that these bad people have so greatly offended to decide what they are going
to do about this overal illegal drug case.

This report is an explanation of about what happened on The Military Bases in Victoria when
I was involved with them about the years 1963-1968 A.D.

1. these are the years that I had something to do with The Canadian Military
2. all of the time that I had business  dealings with The Canadian Military there was a constant
    very criminal illegal drug attack against The Military
3. this drug attaack against them became well known
4. just one example of this drug attack is the following: Work Point Barracks is right across the
    inner harbour of Victoria from The Parliament Buildings and it is Work Point Barracks that
    does protect The Parliament Buildings

the followint scnes are well known about

5. after Work Point Barracks was illegally drug attacked The Military People there would go
    around to The Parliament buildings and bother the people of Parliament which was not
    normally done by The Work Point Barracks people
6. The Parliament people very soon came to know what did happen to The Military people
    of Work Point Barracks and would just send them home to Camp
7. but then The Parliament people were then illegally drug attacked themselves.The people who
    did drug attack The Military did also attack The Parliament people
8. this is believed to be what did happen to The Social Credit Party
9. this is why The Social Credity Party lost public popularity
10. After being illegally drugged The Social Credity Party did start to do some peculiar things.
      This is what very possibly brought The Social Credity Party down in popularity.

This illegal drug attack that hit off Work Point Barracks also did hit off Naden Naval Base
at the aend of Esquimalt Road and also did hit off Signal Hill at the end of Esquimalt Road
and did also hit off all Military Personal Marriage Quarters called P.M.Q.s

this is why The Military had so many unruly bad scenes happen amongst them

This gassing of Murray S. Fenwick took place at Signal Hill Art Centre when Murray was
the assistant janitor there. This took place about 1968 in the summer time.
1. I had just finished sweeping the sidewalk and was sitting down on the little cement step
    by the front driveway when a man by the name of The Victim came out of his art studio
    in a hurry and got into his little car
2. at the same moment a gas truck from The Parliament Buildings drove into the driveway
    in a hurry also and parked right behind The Victims car preventing The Victim from
    leaving the drive way
3. immediatly one of the men in the gas truck got hurredly out of the truck and ran to the
    drivers side of The Victims car and violently opened the car door and began to hit The
    Victim with their fists and to kick The Victim with their feet
4. at the same time another man got out of the gas truck and quickly unravelled a long hose
    with a long nozzle on the end of it
5. the man with the hose ran to The Victims car
6. what happend then is that one of these men turned a tap on that was attached to the tank
    of gas on the gas truck and a lot of white gas came pouring out of the nozzle end of the
7. The Victim immediatly passed out from the affects of the gas
8. the gas filled up The Victims car and then spilled out of the car and went every direction

This is where I got illegally gassed!
I do not think that The Parliament people even saw me sitting there right beside The Victims

9. the gas soon engulfed me and I was soon very close to being knocked out myself by this
    crazy gas truck raid by The Parliament people. I ran quickly to higher ground where the
    gas did not go to. I just hoped that I did not get permanently hurt by this crazy exhibit of
    gas attack by The Parliament people
10. just how long the gas truck from The Parliament Buildings was there I do not know but
      I did figure out that they were gone within 2 hours of time
11. after 2 hours of time The Victim was still out cold slumped over the steering wheel of
      his little car

I do not know what the bad scene was between The Victim and The Parliament Buildings.
All I know is that The Victim got gassed and will never be the same again.

I was definitly not involved with The Victim.
The Victim to my knowledge was just like any other artist at Signal Hill. He just had an
art studio here.

I was definitly not involved with Parliament.
The gassing of Murray S. Fenwick here I do believe was an accident but Murray S. Fenwick
still did get gassed here. He was knocked out right on the spot where The Victim was gassed
by a gas trauck sent to do this from Parliament, The Parliament Buildings.

I do believe that The Government of British Col;umbia does owe Murray S. Fenwick a
peramanent pension for illegally gassing him.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, have never been the same since since this g assing struck me down.

I asked you to know right here readers that this gasssing did happen to me at Signal Hill.
This can be said that this was done to me on military ground.

Regardless of being military ground or not Murray S. Fenwick was illegally gassed right
here at Signal Hill by a gas truck sent to Signal Hill by Parliament in The Parliament

These pages are about a military execution case that did take place at Work Point
Barracks and also the illegal gassing of Trooper Murray S. Fenwick at Worl Point

1. Because of similar murder issues that Trooper Fenwick found located at Lord
    Stratconas Armour Base at Calgary , Alberta, Canada that he had experienced at
    Camp Borden and Camp Meaford, Ontario, Canada Trooper Fenwick went before
    The Camp Commander of The Calgary Armour Base and properly asked for release
    that is proper discharge from The Canadian Army Regular.

because of what took place in this interview the following is what happened
regardless of what happened at this interview and immediatly there-after to Trooper
Fenwick number 2 statement is put in here

2. by the differences of military opinions and of differences of circumstances and by
    Trooper Fenwicks attempt at trying to save his own life Trooper Fenwick was to
    properly discharged from The Canadian Army Regular at The Work Point Barracks
    location in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
3 what took place is I was set into the guard room by very polite military people but I
    was not under guard arrest of any kind. It was simply convenient to put Trooper
    Fenwick in that location. I was given a nice space to sit in and a naice clean bed to
    sleep in
4. the next thing that happened quite quickly after my arrival in the guard room is that
    I was knocked out on my bed

the guard room that I had access to was located in the guard house but I was not under
guard arresst at all

5. after I was knocked out then military gunnmen did execute homosexuals in the
    military jail cells in this building called the guard house

I had a very careful explanation given to me as to why I was put into this guard house myself
by these very polite military people who met me at the gate of Work Point Barracks every day
to say hello to me. Basically it was a convenient place to put me. The barrack block was full.
They did not want me to sleep in the food mess hall which was understandable. There was not
really any room for me anywhere so they put me into the guard house. I was not signed into the
guard house as any kind of trouble maker though. I was not locked up in the guard house. I
could go out of the guard house and walk around if I wanted to. I could come and go as I wanted
and talk to other people at the gate if I so desired.

the following is what happened

6. the military police gassed the guard house and knocked all the prisoners out cold who were
    in the guard house who were imprisoned there to shot down dead
7. because I was in the guard house I was knocked out  also
8. after the gas was ventilated from the guard house ther military execution men came into the
    guard house and did shoot and kill all the prisoners who were to be killed
9. for some reason this night a lot of homosexuals were in the guard house and all of them were
    shot by hand gun and were killed
10. because I was an extra unexpected guest in this building and not under proper military arrest
      my name was not on the documents that were clipped onto the execution mans clip board
11. therefore when the execution men came to my room in the guard house they went around,
      passed by, my room and did not execute me. This is exactly what this situation did look like.
12. but in actual fact because of the very large illegal drug attack that had happened on the very
      camp that is not exactly what happened
13. it is true that I was not on the documents that were attached to the execution mens clip board
14. but this truthful fact meant little difference
15. because of the execution mens knocked out brains from very severe drug attack these very
      execution men did come into the building and did kill everyone in the building
16. the execution men did miss me because they never knew that I was even in the building
17. I say thank goodness that my name and location in the building had not been entered onto
      the clip board but because my name and location in the building were not entered onto the
      clip board the execution men did not go looking for me. I say that was a stroke of good luck.
18. I was only in the building 5 minutes, well a very short time, when this terrible killing scene
      took place
19. and because I was knocked out by the gas I said nothing when the executioners guns were
      fired off. I remained absolutly silent and therefore unknown
20. basically the people who put me in the guard house had gone home for the evening and the
      military police and all others did not even know that I was in the guard house building
21. on top of this my guard house room was not even locked because it was not necessary to
      lock my room door because I was not in there for any criminal reason but only for a matter
      of convenience
22. this was just a stroke of good luck on my behalf
23. when the morning came and these killings were found out about by the change of staff a
      lot of trouble did come out of this

you have to remember readers that every person whether locked up or staff were killed that
evening time by execution men who had been badly hurt by a terible illegal drug attack

What followed this for me is that I was found amongst such trouble as sthis killings in this
guard house building. I was cared for very well and medically scene to and fed up well on
a lot of food that I could eat and hold down in my stomach. I was generally looked after very
well by the military because of what had just happened to me. Also the military did aplogise
very deeply to me for my being knocked about and put out cold by the gas that had been
released in the building. The Canadian Military was overly veray apologetic about this
having happened to me.

Of course I went right up for proper release and the possibility of my getting a proper pension
from my being gassed so badly in the killing scene was definitly brought into my case. Some of
the military people thought that I should recieve a pension for being gassed in this terrible killing
scene. For certain some of the military people did bring this forward on my behalf. This is
absolutly the truth that some military people did think that I should be pensioned off for being
gassed the way that I had been. This fact cannot be over looked in my coming up case for my

I had to be medically watched over very carefully when I went out of the guard house or met
witsh people at the camp gate because I had been hurt so very badly in this gassed up killing
scene. The military people knew that I had been possibly ruined for life and that I could not
even stand up properly or hold a conversation properly. Some of the people who walked  and
talked with me by the gate and elsewhere were medical people who were assessing my medical

this is not just an extra, this really did take place

this small atomic bomb blow off took place
This happened in about the year 1968.
I was about 21 at the time.

what happened is the following

1. I was a writer of poetry and had become somewhat known for it
2. I needed an art studio to put my writing in and to do music in
3. I happened to meet an artist in Victoria named Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice
4. Mrs Atomic Orange Juice was a very attractive woman in many  ways
5. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice was married to The Commando Mr. Atomic Man Himself
    of The Atomic Camp
6. Mrs Atomic Orange Juice was an atomic worker through her husband Mr. Atomic
    Man Himself
7. because Mr. Atomic Man Himself was an atomic worker and headed that field in The Atomic
    Camp he was then accepted as The Head Atomic Commando who was in charge of The Military
    Camp as a whole in general which he most definitly was not
8. Mr. Atomic Man Himself was The Head of his department in The Military Camp only
    and that is that

P.S. I think he always did suffer from his young girl stealing delusions

9. what happened is that Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice wanted an art studio herself
10. Mr. Atomic Man Himself looked around for his dear good looking wife and found a nice set
      of old red brick buildings at the end of the road near a hill called Atomic Hill and he acquired
      these old red brick buildings for his good looking wife as her art studio
11. I do not remember what brought about our meeting one another to pass but we did get to know
      one another and Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice did rent out to me quite a nice art studio at Atomic
      Hill Art Studio Location
12. one day Mrs .Atomic Orange Juice asked me to come home with her for a cup of tea and to look
      at some of her nice art work. The world acclaimed Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice for being very
      good at her Atomic Art
13. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice lived with her husband right on The Universities Campus property
      called The Atomic Camp right in the middle of The Old Town
14. I went home with her and had tea
15. then Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice asked me to go to the house basement area and look at her nice
      pieces of art work that were known through-out the art world of the whole world
16. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice showed me to the stairs that led to the basement and down the stairs
      I went to look at her world renowned nice art work
17. I was in the basement a few minutes and Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice shouted down the stairs if
      I found the art work all right
18. I shouted back to Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice that I could see her nice art work all right and
      that it was on the wall in the other room and that I would go into the other room and look at
      her art work closer up

then all of a sudden a boom went off

19. the boom was a very small Atomic Bomb was blown off right in the basement of Mrs. Atomic
      Orange Juices own house
20. I believe that Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice thought that a workman who was in the house basement
      had gone home when in fact the workman was still in the basement working on this Atomic Bomb
      and by accidental happening did Blow The Atomic Bomb Off.

this was definitly not Mrs. Atomic Orange Juices falt. I believe that she had no idea what-so-ever
that this terrible accidental scene was going to happen

21. I was knocked onto my back and was out cold, how long I was out cold for I do not know
22. when I woke up I crawled upstairs on my hands and knees
23. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice asked me who did fire off The Atomic Bomb
24. I said that I did not know
25. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice said that a workman must have stayed behind and was working on
      The Atomic Bomb and must have by accidental happening fired it off
26. I crawled off home

Readers take note that this happened to me on Military Grounds. The Military should have looked
after me for the rest of my life for blowing me up this badly.

Why I have named the woman here Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice is for the following reason.
1. she was greatly admired for her art work and was given a very big job as an art instructor
    in The Town Called Dead.
2. one day when she went to work someone poisoned her very badly with a cup of orange juice
3. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice almost died from this poisoning
4. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juices brain shrank and fell apart. This does not say justly how badly Mrs.
    Atomic Orange Juice was adversly affected by this insane drug attack against her
5. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice soon began fighting back at things that seemed to bother her
6. Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice did not use orange poisong things she used Atomic things that her
    husband Mr. Atomic Man Himself taught her how to make to fight back with

Mrs. Atomic Orange Juices life soon became an international disaster and was known
internationally to be that ways

I do not know the end result of this Atomic Scene that I call Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice

This is an extension from The Atomic Camp reaching out to the red brick buildings of
The Atomic Hill Art Studio
1. The Atomic Hill Art Studio became an out-reach Atomic Compound Location
2. there soon became trouble at The Atomic Hill Art Studio for localising an Atomic Out-Reach
3. a lot of Atomic Compounds were thrown around carelessly right in the red brick buildings
    themselves and also on the grounds of The Atomic Hill Art Studio

These two statements about my where-abouts concerning this Atomic Compound throw around
bad scene has to be said
1. because I was the assistant janitor I was resposible for looking about the place to keep a sharp
    eye on the place, there-fore by my walking about the place I walked right into The Atomic
    Compounds being thrown about and got very much contaminated by them
2. also because I lived right at The Atomic Art Studio in the red brick buildings, by my just being
    on this sight, I also walked right into The Atomic Compounds that became to be in traffic there

Readers you have to remember that The Atomic Art Studio located in the red brick buildings were
owned and operated by the Government of Canada and were rented out to The Atomic Man Himself
for an art studio for his lovely wife, Mrs. Atomic Orange Juice, to use. This is true but you have to
remember that the red brick buildings were still on Government Ground. Also because The Atomic Art
Studio did become An Atomic Out-Reach from The Atomic Camp then The Atomic Art Studio did
become A Federal Government Atomic Program Location. This does look like The Atomic Art
Studio Location did become, for sure it became, A Federal Government Atomic Location.

This should be looked casrefully into because once again I was contaminated with Atomic
Compounds when I was on Government grounds.

this is a very serious addition right here
I Murray S. Fenwick did save the local area from being blown down by my disarming A Big Atomic
Bomb right here on the site of The Atomc Art Studio. The Armed Atomic Bomb was brought to The
Atomic Art Studio in a hurry and no-one knew how to disarm it. Because I had worked in mechanics
I was brought hurredly into this alrming case and asked if I could handle this Atomic Bombs
disarmanent. I had about 2 minutes to figure out The Armed Atomic Bomb and to disarm it. I did
figure out The Atomic Bomb and had a hired atomic worker work feverishly on The Atomic Bomb
and disarm it. When The Armed Atomic Bomb was finally disarmed there was about 1 minute
remaining until it blew up. Lucky for The Entire Regional District that I did accomplish this Atomic
Bomb Disarmanent because it would have blown up the entire Regional District and killed one
million people. When this near disaster happened every Atomic Worker Present ran and hid. They
could not face their impending doom. I had to literally stand an atomic electrical worker up onto his
feet from where he was hiding on the floor and get him to work on the Atomic Bomb by following
my orders to disarm The Atomic Bomb.The Atomic Workers literally lost their mind knowing that
they were going to die right here at The Atomic Art Studio. It would not have done them one bit of
good hiding here. They had no time to run away when they finally did figure out what was really
going on with this Armed Atomic Bomb. The workers had no time to run away from the explosion
that this Armed Atomic Bomb was going to make. This Big Atomic Bomb would have blown up
the entire area. I do hold this "HIDING" Cowardly Act against The Atomic Workers. I will never
let those Cowardly Atomic Workers forget about this, "Their Cowardly Act Of Hiding" which in
this particular Big Armed Atomic Bomb Disaster Scene, would do them no good at all. This Big
Atomic Bombs Explosion would have simply caught up to the running and hiding Atomic Workers
and blown them into Atomic Dust. Some of The Atomic Workers did try to run but they could not
escape. This Big Atomic Blow Off would have caught right up to them and blown them into Atomic

I would never have hired these men and women to be Atomic Workers.
But this is what can and does take place at times when The Attacked Drugged Down Atomic
Seniors of Atomic Programs are not stopped and retired. Then properly trained
Atomic Seniors hired and brought into these Atomic Locations to run The Atomic Programs once
again properly.

this 1 page report is about the church murders and the loss of my girl friend Miss Beautiful

1. I used to be the assistant Janitor at The Atomic Art Studio
2. I was also an artist there
3. quite a few other artists also did live there
4. one nice spring day I was asked to go to church just across the parking lot
5. even the The Church had a name did not alter the fact that it was called The Military Church. This
    Church building is where The Military who were located in this area went to Church. The Church
    was located right at the edge of the parking lot that was a military parking lot
6. off The Church I went
7. whether it was three and one half hours later or three and one half days later that I was carried
    out of The Church and revived outside of The Church building I do not know but I do know that
    I was knocked out so bad so hard that I did not wake up very easily.

once again it was The Crazy Dreug Gang that put gas into The Church that they stole from Work
Point Barracks and also drugs in various forms into the banquet area of the food that did knock
out so many people. The Church had a lot of people in it that day and everyone dgot knocked out.

The military had to bring out several ambulances right to this Church in order to try to help people.
The knocked out people were dragged out of The Church and laid all over the military parking lot.
The military worked very hard trying to revive people but still some of the knocked out people did
die from this drug and gas attack.

8. some of the people did stagger from this poison attack
9. some of the people did get knocked out from this poison attack
10. some of the people had their uniforms torn off of them from this poison attack because some of
      the other poisoned people went nuts from being poisoned and attacked them and tore their
      uniforms to pieces
11. some of the women got sexually raped because of this poison attack

It took a lot of help from The Military Medical Staff to get this terrible gas and drug attack that was
done by The Crazy Drug Gang cleaned up.

my own girl friend whose name was Miss Beautiful was lost to me because of this terrible gas and
drug attack. I remember seeing her out side od The Church trying to recover and then she completely
disappeared. I found out later that she was dragged off by a criminally minded drug addict and drugged
even worse and sexually raped for several months and then trhown out onto the street a mere bag of
bones. I know that she never did recover from this terrible gas and drug attack that began for her in
The Church.

12. My Miss Beautiful was so hurt from this gas and drug attack that she just wandered off and
      went completely away from me like she had become a dead zombe. The terrible months that
      she endured sex and drug rape in a dark room took a terrible toll on her. I believe that she was
      ruined as a young woman. At any rate she in a now drug burned down daze just wandered off
      never to be seen by me again.
13. I really did believe that My Miss Beautiful really did go nuts, that is she did lose her mind.

Remember readers that this terrible gas and drug attack was done by The Crazy Drug Gang.
This Gang did have one of their headquarters at The Atomic Art Studio.

This illegal gas and drug attack was so very serious that some of these military people did die
because of it. I was probably going to get married to My Miss Beautiful. I think that My Miss
Beautiful dhad every intention of marrying me. This ruin of My Miss Beautiful and her wandering
off was disasterous to the both of us. This sightless scene was so bad that it was just a terrible end!

This is another Work Point Barracks murder.

This is a criminal murder case that took place 3 years after my release from The Canadian Army
Regular. It took place at Work Point Barracks in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. I could figure
out the year of this murder scene quite exact but because of my Ottawa documents being packed
away I'll just take a close guess to it being 1968.

1. once again I went to The Canadian Army Regular and requested my pension. This was done at
    Work Point Barracks
2. I  was told to come back in a day or two
3. I had collected up a uniform of my own design to present myself to The Canadian Army Regular in
4. while I was walking to camp I admired the nice day with all the birds singing etc. It was a very
    beautiful setting that day in Old Victoria with the birds singing and lovely lawns of grreen grass
    aand nice trees and shrubbery and all Victorias flowers blooming borsterously
5. then I got to the sidewalk that did run along the edge of the camp
6. the camp was also perimetered by a fence of quite close knit and strong wire fencing
7. while I was walking along this sidewalk by this fence I felt quite hard a bullet hit my chest and
    boounce off of it
8. I stopped walking and looking at the beautiful scenery and looked with intent of finding out just
    where this abullet that had just me did come from
9. right there beside me walking right up to me was an army officer
10. the army officer shouted at me in very mentally nuts ways
11. I came to understand amongst the shouting at me that the army officer had just had me gun shot
      down dead and somehow I lived thrugh it
12. the army officer had a gunnman behind him somewhere with a loaded gun and had commanded
      the gunnman to shoot me down dead and the army officer did shoot at me, just exactly that

at any rate worse came to worse

13. the bullet had bounced off of my chest rather tough clothing and then went across the street and
      struck a person down and did kill that other person
14. the army officer was in a rage and ordered me to march down along the street and instead of
      turning right into camp I was ordered to turn left into the city of Victoria

I did exactly what the mentally mixed up army officer ordered me to do and disappeared into town

That did end that visit to Work Point Barracks and my nice prearranged polite request for my pension.

A little later it was proven that this army officer was really nuts and so were some of the troops that
were with him. One thing that he had just done was he came out of camp and had shot down about
12 men and women in a house quite close by the army camp. His excuse for shooting them is he
said they were living in a house and should not be. The army officer did think that the murdered
innocent should be living outside in the weather like animals. The army officer did say that these
people when they fwere falive did play a radio on the loud side. For certain some of his troops were
with him and did commit this murder of this dozen people with him.

When this army officer and the troops that he did command knew that I was coming to camp in
search of my pension they laid in wait on the lawn beside the approaching road and sidewalk that
did lead to the camp inself and did fire a gun at me and did try to kill me.

What prevented the gun bullet from hitting me with full impact and killing me is it first struck the
steel fence and then became a deflecting bullet and because of this reason did not have its full
power left and therefore bounced off of my tough clothing. This was good luck for me.

but there was no such good luck for another fellow:
1. at the same time that I was shot at there was another quite young man shot down dead quite
    close sto me but who was standing just inside the fence perimeter
2. the army officer and his gu;nnman did shoot him down and did kill him
3. I saw that young man get shot down and killed with my own two eyes and ears
4. the army officer and his gunnman first shot the other young man down and then they went after
    me but I had a good stroke of good luck and got away

This is another murder report and gassing scene of a large group of people that took place at The
Atomic Hill Art Studio that was located at the end of the odd shaped road. This murder and gassing
scene took place during the day light hours. This murder and gassing scene took place over quite
a large area of ground. This happened when I was the assistant janitor at The Atomic Hill Art Studio.

1. one nice sunny day I was outside the front of The Atomic Hill Art Studios nice red brick buildings
    just walking about a bit enjoying the day
2. suddenly there was a lot of shouting going on right on top of the rock across the street at The
    Atomic Hill Art Studio and just to my right where The Atomic Art Studio met the water front
3. suddenly dozens of people came running over the top off the rock right across the street and
    running around the rock on the road way and side walks
4. these people were running away from the water front area
5. right behind these running shouting people was a very large cloud of white gas that was
    following them right on their fast running heels of their feet. The gas was being blown right behind
    them by a light breeze

This is a murder scene taking place here and gas was used also in this murder scene. This murder
scene and gas scene happened very quickly. It happened so very quickly that the breeze just pushed
the gas over the hill and rock and around about and the deadly part of this murder and gas scene
was over with. This happened as fast as the breeze was travelling that day.

6. within moments the whole military area and all of The Atomic Art Centre was covered by this
    great big blanket of white gas

But just as fast the white gas was gone again.

7. people started to fall down all over the place from the effects of the white gas

The people were totally knocked out.

8. I ran across The Atomic Art Studios lawn then across The Roaring Road then off I ran into the
    military parking lot to see if I could offer any assistance to the knocked out people
9. but then the gas consumed me and I was also knocked out
10. I was knocked out for about three and one half hours
11. I was found knocked out in the military parking lot by some people who also did revive me
12. I staggered off back to The Atomic Art Studio which was right across the road and sat down
      and did try to recover from this gas attack

When I was knocked in the parking lot I came very close to being killed by gassed people trying
to start and drive their cars away from this terrible murder and gas scene. The people in the cars
could not drive them properly and tghey just about ran right over me and killed me. As a matter
of fact I was found knocked out in the parking lot by people who were gassed up and who
could not manage to drive their cars properly and there I lay amongst the cars and gassed up people
knocked out. The people did not know what to do so they complained about me being knocked
out in the parking lot. They were so gassed up out of their minds that they did not even know
what had happened to them. I was told later on that I was lucky to get out of  the parking lot alive
because the gassed up people almost ran right over me and killed me.

I found out later what had caused some of this murder and gas scene to take place.

13. once again the military at The Atomic Art Studio and Naden Naval Base went crazy from
      illegal drug attack against them
14. they also beat up a little 15 year old girl and tied her up with a rope then they put her into a
      15 foot long clinker boat and then tied a rope around the boat then pushed the boat out into
      the water right there at the water front of The Atomic Art Studio
15. then the drug crazed military personel pulled on the rope which then turned the boat upside
      down and did dump out the little girl and brought about her being drowned right there at The
      Atomic Art Studio. The little girl was about 15 years of age with blond hair and blue eyes. For
      certain she did die in this scene and did drift away in the tide
16. the military police did see dthis taking place and did try to save the little girl by dropping gas
      all over the area at The Atomic Art Studio and rushing in to save her
17. the victim little blond girl was not saved and did die in drift away in the tide in this terrible
      murder and gas scene which took place right at The Atomic Art Studio.

18. I know from being right on the sight of this murder and gas scene that it was the illegally
      drugged Canadian Army Regular and The Canadian Navy Regular that did commit this

this gassing was very seriously done and was another gassing that did happen to me. This
happened on military ground. I and other people should have gone up for pension for this
crime against us.

I want my readers to take note right here that this white gas and other types of gas are not always
just knock out gas. Also just knock out gas can cause deaths to take place depending how and where
etc. it is used.

This gas that hit me here was very bad. I was in and out of consciousness for at least 4 days straight.
I know that I could not walk properly for at least a week or two. I was really hurt badly in this.

It is unfortunate that the little blond girl did die in this.

This report is about when I worked out of Gabriola Island on The B.C. Ferry Boat. I was poisoned
from people feeding me poisoned food. This report is very serious.

1. this poisoning scene took place about the year 1980
2. because this was reported in to The Ferry authority the government can look into their files to
    find out more precise dates
3. one day I returned to work after a few days off between shifts. I returned to work on the day shift
4. my job for the day was asto steer the ship
5. after I had worked for several hours I had a coffee break
6. I had some cereal like granola with some milk for a snack. Immediatly I felt like someone poisoned
7. after I finished my coffee break I went back to the wheel house and took over the wheel again and
    proceded to steer the ship
8. after a few minutes I began to feel very light headed
9. after a few more minutes I found it hard to steer the ship
10. I immediatly talked with the Captain about this who was on duty on the bridge
11. the Captain asked me to carry on steering the ship but to keep him informed as to how I felt
12. I soon asked the Captain to replace me at the wheel of the ship because I did not think that I
      could carry on steering the ship
13. the Captain said that he was watching the ships passage in the sea and that he did not think
      that I should stop steering the ship and that he asked me to carry on steering the ship

I had a very hard time steering the boat but I did carry on steering the ship that day.

What happened to me to make me suffer from this extreme light headedness is it is thought and I
believe that it is true, that someone put some kind of illegal drug into my granola when I was off
for a few days aand when I came back from those few days off I ate the granola and by so doing
I did also swallow down the illegal drug.

14. the Captain thought that I had been drugged but it was not to severe. That is why the Captain
      kept me at the wheel of the ship was to observe my work and then make his own assesment
      as to how severe the drug affected me.
15. this drugging madae it hard for me walk and also hard for me to stand up and also hard for me
      to steer the ship

an example of observing my work performance is: instead of there being a nice straight line in the
water behind the ship there was a  sanke like affect on the water. I could not steer the boat as
straight as I usually did.

16. the Captain thought this wondering affect of the ship that did come about by my being illegally
      drugged was not to severe so he kept me on my feet and on the wheel
17. it took me 2 to 3 days to recover from this drug attack

This drugging of the crew and Captains of the ship that did sail out of Gabriola Island did happen
quite a number of times and  was known to happen. A lot of police work was put into solving these
illegal druggings of the crew and Captains but to none affect. No-one was ever caught doing this.
It is believed that this is what caused this exact ship to crash up at times. I believe that this is true.

I believe that I have some good positive leads as to who did drug the workers on the ship but my
report went by unnoticed. I was asked not to bring my report to the bridge deck again!

This is another report about another fatal illegal drug attack. This attack is not considered by me
to be just another case but it is for sure just considered another another attack case against women
who live and visit The Coast of British Columbia

One day after Ends Head and his  family moved to The Coast of British Columbia their little
Daughter went out for a walk.

1. Daughter went for this fatal walk of hers about 5 days after she came to visit with her family in
    Sidney. Sidney is a little town on Vancouver Island.
2. We, Daughters family, had just moved to Sidney a few months before.
3. within minutes after leaving the house Daughter was right on the corner of 4th. Street and Beacon
4. unknown to Daughter and to her family, there stood a very bad street gang who were trouble
    making all of the time
5. this gang did offer Daughter a drink of pop or what-ever it was in a pop bottle and she did
    drink this drink not knowing that it was not just pop but a very leathal drug
6. the drink drug just about killed Daughter and unfortunatly she went down hill ever
    since that day
7. this leathal drug attack did lead up to Daughters death and this can be proven very easily
8. due to the now fact that Daughter now has a mentally ill head from this illegal drug attack she
    now got married to a like-wise mentally ill man from Sidney named Mr. Nuts Man Himself
9. Daughter was not looking for a husband or to get married at all but due to the fact that
    this illegal drug did knock her head right off she did get married to Mr. Nuts Man Himself. She
    did not know Mr. Nuts Man Himself very long and this marriage should never have taken place.
10. The father who was Mr. Drunken Man then did apply his trade of carpentry and did build this
      newly wed Nuts Couple a brand new bungalow over near Brentwood.

This is where the following terrible drug scene and murder scene took place at.

1. one day Daughter went out for a stroll with her baby buggy and walked to somewhere near the
    end of The Road she lived on. This The Road was near Brentwood.
2. there she met an aquaintance of hers and it was a man rather a dark man
3. the dark man and my sister had a talk with each other and then the dark man gave my sister quite
    a nice rubber plastic cement masons pail filled with nice to eat candy apples and candies of all
4. my sister then returned home with the pail of goodies sitting on the baby buggy
5. my sister ate a few candies out of the bucket anad she went more nuts yet
6. I strongly think that Daughters husband Mr. Nuts Man Himself did eat some of these candies
    from this nice pail too and went more nuts too but I cannot prove it!
7. when the father Mr. Drunken Man was building this house there walked onto the property a
    big bad cougar cat
8. Daughter and her husband did like the cougar cat and did befriend it
9. the big bad cougar cat became tamed down some what but one culd never truly trust the cat
10. when the cougar cat would walk by you quite close you could pet it a little
11. Daughter would put some food into a dish for it and some milk into a dish for it in their back
      shed room of their house aand leave the back door open and the cougar cat would enter the
      back room and eat the food and drink the milk
12. well unfortunatly, the cougar cat did get into the bucket of candies and also did eat of them
13. because the cougar cat ate candies out of that bucket the cougar did go nuts intself
14. the cougar cat did walk off over the top of John Dean Park Mountain swatting at the small
      bushes and snapping with its teeth at the trees never to be seen again
15. Daughter soon found out that there was something wrong with the candies and candy apples
      in the nice cement bucket so she returned them down The Road to the exact location where
      she had them given to her

This is another murder scene.

1. one day I went out for a drive
2. I went all the way from Sidney up to Naniamo
3. I had my old but like new 48 Ford car at the time
4. my like new 48 Ford car seemed to work alright, there did not seem to be anything wrong with it
5. I took another man with me who I thought would enjoy the nice ride through-out all the
    beautiful scenery of Lower Vancouver Island.

There did not seem to be anything wrong with my  car that is until the man named Yellow Belly
did go for this ride up to Naniamo with me.

6. on my way up to Naniamo nothing seemed to go wrong with my nice car
7. but on my way back from Naniamo something did go very badly wrong with my nice car
8. Yellow Belly said that he would check my oil in the car engine to make sure everything
    went alright. This was done on my way back from Naniamo to Sidney

But what Yellow Belly did was he opened up the radiator drain plug and started to drain the water
out of the radiator without me knowing that he was doing this. After we went along our way a
little Yellow Belly said things like he thought my car smelled like it was over heating

9. I said that my nice 48 Ford was alright.
10. Yellow Belly insisted on me stopping my car because he said that he wanted to check the
      radiator to see if I had enough water in it
11. Yellow Belly did this checking of the radiator at least three times and every time that he did
      check the radiator he would unloose the water drain a little more
12. Then all of sudden, surprise to me, there appeared a water temperature heat problem
      registered on the heat water temperature gauge in the car dash board that had never happened

Yellow Belly very carefully did keep opening up the drain plug on the radiator and drained the
cooling water out of the radiator until this heat problem in the engine of my nice 48 Ford did
show up on the temperature gauge in the dashboard of the car.

13. I told Yellow Belly that I thought I could quite easily get home without any problem
      happening to the car and once at home I could put cooling water into the radiator
14. but Yellow Belly insisted on me stopping at someones home that he knew just up the road
      to put water into the car at his friends house

Yellow Belly did govern my travelling time very closely and he was very aware of our time of
day and our locations all of the time. Yellow Belly did govern the travelling times on our return
home drive from Nanimao very carefully. This is very important to know here.

15. for example: Yellow Man would check the time of day and then would ask me to stop the car
      on the side of the road and let it cool down for awhile
16. then Yellow Man would adjust the radiator drain plug and let out more engine coolant water

I studied this journey of mine very closely and I do know that Yellow Man did govern our time
and did govern our destination very carefully. Yellow Mans destination was not my home
destination at all. Yellow Man had back shooting murder in his mind!

17. as the afternoon wore on I did think that Yellow Man was playing around with the water coolant
      drain plug on the radiator for some peculiar reason. I did not know why Yellow Man was
      doing this draining of the water coolant out of the car. I was soon to find out though how
      terrible a back stabbing murderer Yellow Man really was!
18. very soon up came the road where Yellow Man knew some people. Yellow Man said to me
      that I could get water coolant for the cars now over heating engine right here.

Now readers you will have to understand this, that I have not been in this area for a long time
therefore I am putting in here a couple of names of roads where the people lived a long time ago
where the water coolant could have been obtained from. I would have to come over to Vancouver
Island and drive out The West Saanitch Road to both of these roads to identify the road exactly
properly where these pelople did live where the fresh water coolant was obtained from. I think
though that this write up here and expanation is good enough for this here report.

19. I turned left at the corner of Mount Newton Cross Road onto McPhail Road or Senanus Road.
      Onto some road near to Alec Road.
20. once again the very first house on my left was the house where I could get fresh water coolant
      for the now over heated nice 1948 Ford car engine
21. I turned my car right around by making a U Turn on the road and shut it off
22. I immediatly got out of the car and opened up the hood of the car to get at the radiator and get
      ready to put fresh water coolant into it

The road here was very narrow.

23. immediatly there was shouting and fighting going on right across this narrow road from where
      I parked my car
24. I looked across the road and there stood The Premior of The Province of British Columbia
25. The Premior being He or She was with their immediate family right there at a picnic table
      that was set into the woods like a kitchen nook is set into a kitchen
26. the shouting got worse
27. then there was a lot of gunfire nearby The Premior and the first family of The Province. The
      gunfire came from a little more of a distance set into the wilderness past beyond the picnic
      table set
28. The Premior and his family took to running down the road as fast as they could run shouting
      "Help Us Murray, Save Us"
29. I, Murray S. Fenwick, got involved by first shouting at the gun crowd
30. The gun crowd then did immediatly appear out of the wilderness. The gun crowd was about 6
      men that were more darker of skin than they were white of skin. They had different types of
      hand guns and rifle guns in their hands.
31. the gun crowd started shouting at me and then they threw rocks at me
32. I shouted back at them and then threw rocks back at them
33. then the gun crowd threw sticks and dirt at me
34. I then threw sticks and dirt back at them

How I lived through the following I do not know.

35. then the gun crowd started to shoot their guns at me
36. I was jumping all over the place throwing rocks at them and dirt and branches etc.

I was wearing quite a thick leather jacket that ws made out of horse hide. This jacket did help to
protect me from all of the flying debri and bullets being shot at me.

37. all I know is that I was being hit and hard hit by rocks, dirt and all else that was being thrown
38. I might have been hit by bullets and bouncing bullets that did bounce off of the trees etc.
      before hitting me

When this outright murder attempt against The Premior and their family hit the hights all I can
rremember is being thrown around and being knocked down a lot. The gun fight here became
absolute madness. All I know is that I was hit and knocked about by everything under the Sun!

39. after awhile the dark gunnmen ran away into the wilderness
40. right away the lady who owned the house where I was to get fresh water coolant appeared
      shouting her head off also at the gunnmen
41. she then started shouting her head off at Yellow Belly, who as soon as the fighting did start
      ran to a coal bin out back of the womans house and did jump into that coal bin and did pull
      the lid over top of the coal bin and did hide in that coal bin from the fight in general and from
      the gun men who did attack the lady of the house and I and The Premior and Their Family.

That is why I call Yellow Belly Mr. Yellow Belly Himself!

42. after awhile the gun men ran away into the wilderness
43. right away the lady who owned the house wherae I was to get fresh water coolant for my car
      appeared shouting her head off also at the gun men
44. she then started shouting her head off at Mr. Yellow Belly Himself who was out back of her
      house hiding in a coal bin with the lid of the coal bin closed over top of him to hide him from
      the guin men

This woman was in an out rage about the Coward Mr. Yellow Belly Himself who ran all the way to
the back of her house and jumped into her coal bin and did pull the roof of it down so he could not
be found by the gun men.

This woman did say to me: My act that is Murray S. Fenwicks act of standing his ground in the
face of gun men shooting at The Premior and their family was an act of bravery and that when
she got a minute she was going to phone The Premior and their family right up and tell them just
what happened here.

This woman here knew right well that I got shot at myself. She was quite nearby when this did take
place. She got involved in shouting at the gun men herself. She hid somewhat behind her properties
fence from all the thrown debri. I think that this woman was brave also because she did stand her
ground and did fight for The Premiors life and the lives of their family.

45. this woman got me the fresh water coolant for my car and I got ready to leave
46. for some reason she did know Mr. Yellow Belly Himself
47. this woman did not want Yellow Belly around here any more and she told him to get into the car
      and get right out of here and never return
48. the Coward Mr. Yellow Belly Himself got into the car and tried to hide his feet in the glove
      compartment and he soon found out that he could not hide his feet there so he then lied down
      onto the floor of the car and hid under the dashboard

At any rate these dark gun men could not be identified by myself or the woman who lived here in
this house. I took another look at what went on here and at Yellow Belly around about.

49. Yellow Belly by adjusting the radiators water coolant drain plug in my car had me arrive right
      where The Premior and their family were going to be very probably mu;rdered right on time of
      the murder attempt
50. Yellow Belly did run and hide in the coal bin from the gun shot out that did take place
51. Yellow Belly did escape up the road not marked by even a flying twig

Yellow Belly is a white man with a white skin but Yellow Belly did at times have a very dark skin.
Let us look at how Yellow Belly did get his quite dark skin.

52. Yellow Belly did work all over the province of British Columbia laying roads down, laying
53. it is a none fact that ashphalt workers on road gangs did get an exceptionally dark skin tan from
      the job of laying ashphalt

It took me awhile to prove the following bad behaviour out against Yellow Belly but I did prove
that he was a murderous gun man himself, he was an alcoholic, he did smoke cigarettes, he was a
date rape drug sex man against all women, he would steal tradesmens tools, he would put different
types of graffitti every direction he would change road signs around to point the wrong ways on roads
in order to direct traffic falsly and then rob the misguided car drivers by brute force and after they
crashed their vehicles into fences etc. There was no evil doing that he would not commit.

Now let us change this gun shoot out troubled location to another troubled location. Let us go up
into British Columbia a little bit to the town called Quenel.

The following severe case was never solved by the police as to just who the dark men were who made
such terrible trouble for The Gold Backing The Bank of British Columbia.

54. when there was a road being built to Quenel it was found that there was Gold in the gravel that
      was being used to make this road.
55. the amount of Gold in the gravel that was being used to make the road was found to be quite a lot
56. this knowledge of there being Gold in this road development soon went far and wide
57. all of a sudden dark men attacked the road trying to get the Gold out of it
58. this was stopped but the dark men were never caught
59. suddenly the dark men showed up again and did try to rob down the gravel pit or supplies that
      were nearby and were being used to build the road with
60. once again it was some kind of dark men who did this attack on the gravel supplies but once
      again they were not caught

This happened several times.

61. for example: The dark men showed up in the wilderness area where theere was a swamp and
      water supplies that were being used to build the road with and the dark men did attack these
      supplies also
62. also the dark men showed up dressed like they were Indians and ran about in the wilderness
      area around about Quenel looking for Gold supplies
63. also the dark men did attack and ruin some of the equipment that was being used to build the
      road with and did wreck it

These dark men were thought to be negros then thought to be Indians and then thought to be just
dark men from somewhere, who knows where.

But I have been quite close to some of this happening and I say Did You Ever Consider The Fact
That These Dark Men Were Located Right At Your Own Feet And Were The Dark Skinned Tanned
Ashphalt Workers Themselves. I know that these dark men were in fact thesee ashphalt workers and
were located right at your own feet eating their lunch right out of their own lunch boxes and then
dressing up in different ways and attacking different situations all over the Province. These ashphalt
workers could attack at different areas of the Province because they were located all over The
Province. They put roads down all over the place. The ashphalt workers Union might have even
gotten involved in these Gold stealing scenes and terrible trouble making scenes. Not many people
were in the position to do this type of trouble making. For certain I know that Yellow Belly was
one of those trouble makers and I do know that he was into making HOODLUM TROUBLE
all over The Province!

I think that I have solved a big part of the mystery of Who Were The Dark Men? These dark men
did make a whole truck load of these criminal cases all over The Province. I believe that I am
absolutly right in this. I believe that these dark skinned severe trouble makers were the dark skinned
ashphalt workers who were, because of their type of employment, were located all over The Province.

At any rate I do not like The Premior and their family being shot at etc. and I do know that this exact
case of shooting at The Premior and their family right where my old 1948 Ford needed fresh water
coolant did assist in bringing my little sister right down into the grave.

The pale of poisoned candy apples and candy seemed to be aimed at The Premior and their family.
Daughter just did happen onto the delivery site and did eat them herself also the cougar ate them
and also Daughters husband Mr. Nuts Man Himself did eat of them.

This is another murder scene that took place on Government Land.

This murder scene took place about the year 1980. The location that it happened at was Entrance
Island Light Station near Gabriola Island near to Naniamo Harbour on Vancouver Island in British
Columbia, Canada.

1. one day when I was working an unknown ship came nearby my light station
2. I was the junior light house keeper at this time
3. the unknown Pirate Ship launched a small boat and then filled the small boat up with Pirates. The
    Pirates rowed the small boat over to Entrance Island
4. I immediatly walked over to the boat landing where the small boat rowed in at
5. I was talking for a little while with the crew that did man the row boat and to The Captain of The
    Pirate ship
6. The Captains name was Captain Drunk
7. I helped to carry some of The Light Stations supplies into the store house which was part of my
    my own living house. When I did this I found my children all crying their eyes out and very
8. my children started to ask me the following "dear Daddy are we really going to be hurt, are we
    going to be beaten up, are we going to be thrown into the ocean and fed to big bad sharks?!"
9. I immediatly looked into this issue and found that part of the crew from The Pirate Ship did
    come into my house when we were all moving in The Light Stations supplies and did threaten
    my children. The crews threatening statements against my children did scare my children badly.

I was very shocked at this happening and I went outside to talk to Captain Drunk about this staking


10. when I asked Captain Drunk about this threatening scene Captain Drunk then did threaten me
      with the same theats exactly
11. Captain Drunk did shout at me that he had every intension to beat me up and then throw me right
      off of The Light Stations Wharf and feed fme right there to great big sharks.

From my being empoyed on this light station I did know that great big man eating sharks were right
there at waters edge.

Captain Drunk told me that the only way that I could stop this from happening was to sign a bunch
of Very Official Government Papers and then leave the island behind at his next visit here which
would be in about one months time when he, Captain Drunk, would arrive again with The Unknown
Pirate Ship.

12. Captain Drunks crew then did move in on me that is towards me and threaten me with bad
      statements and out stretched fists

Captain Drunks crew then surrounded me in a complete circle and by doing this and shouting at me
forced this overal issue onto me.

13. I had to by force of brutality sign The Very Official Government Papers which I was not allowed
      to read or understand
14. I was then told very hardly by Captain Drunk to prepare to leave The Light Station behind in one
      months time
15. Captain Drunk then did race off back to The Pirate Ship with the row boat crew
16. one month later I and my family were moved from Entrance Island Light Station to Naniamo
17. about one month later I recieved in the mail a check from The Government paying me my
      pension money and super annuation in one lump payment

This I knew nothing about but when I investigated why I recieved this payment I found out that it
was wrapped up in The Very Official Government Papers that I was forced to sign. This check
that I recieved was very little when compared to a proper government pension that I had worked
for many years to get.

I swear by my own oath that this mistreated that Captain Drunk and his crazy crew forced upon me
not shall not but will not be forgotten at all! I am going to go back on this issue and asmake The
Government straighten this forced scene out!

When I got this check in the mail it was a complete surprise to me. I immediatly phoned The
Government Head Office and asked why they sent me this check and they said that I had signed a
Government Paper which Captain Drunk had presented to me which both did terminate my job and
did request that I cancel my pension and super annuation with The Government and recieve in one
payment the benefits that I had built up over the years with The Government. This bad overal
situation was done against me when Captain Drunk and his Pirate Crew forced me to sign The
Government Official Papers that bad scene day on Entrance Island Light Station!

You have to remember, readers, that there were also threats of murder against me and my family
which were made by Captain Drunk and The Pirates that terrible day. Unfortunatly before I came
to Entrance Island Light Station there had been murder taken place and when I was there attempted
murder had taken place. This has been written up in The Light Stations Log Book. Unknown people
shot different kinds of bullets all over Entrance Island Light Station at times. I wrote this up in The
Light House Log Bood.

I took quite a long time to think out what caused me to lose my job and to lose my pension and to
lose my super annuation and  I came up with the following.
1. Captain Drunk was an alcoholic
2. Captain Drunk at times would get so drunk when he was on board ship that he could not even
    stand up, for ceretain he would fall down steps on the ship
3. for certain Captain Drunks Crew, The Pirates aboard The Pirate Ship, were also known for their
    heavy drinking of alcolhol
4. but also The Pirates were known for illegal drug abuse. That is both using illegal drugs and very
    probably selling illegal drugs up and down the coasrt
5. Captain Drunk also had a helicopter pilot around located somewhere who was also an alcoholic
    and who would not even land his helicopter properly when he did deliver important supplies by
    helicopter to the light station. He would throw the important goods out of the still flying
    helicopter and then fly away in a hurry. This did risk the light keepers life because of the
    dangerous act of throwing goods out of a still flying helicopter as well as this type of action did
    break goods all the time. The light keeper could have been hit by the still flying helicopter and
    killed and the light keeper could have been hit by the thrown important supplies and killed. I
    believe that the helicopter pilot should have been locked up permanently in a jail.

This keeping the helicopter in the air and throwing important supplies out of it was a crazy sight to
behold. It was a very dangerous site to even see at quite a distance. The helicopter would flop all
over the place instead of stay steady and the important supplies would break when they hit the
ground. The drunk could not control the helicopter when he did do this. This should never have
been allowed to take place. Once again it was Captain Drunk who did keep that drunk helicopter
pilot on the job. This is definitly one of the most bizaar dangerous scenes that I have ever scene.
A drunken helicopter pilot flying around in circles with a bottle of whisky in his hand tilting a
flying helicopter off the athe left and to the right and back and forth and shouting at the stop of his
lungs and then flying to the other end of The Island Light Station and then flying back and doing
the same thing. I think also that the helicopter should have abeen put into a straight jacket right on
this sight and hauled away to the jail house. The light keeper could have had his head cut right
off by the turning blades of the helicopter or totally crashed into by a falling helicopter.

6. also The Pirates of This Pirate Ship did fist fight up and down the coast and this was very well
    known about. The Pirates would have big Karate fights on the decks of The Pirate Ship.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, do still request that my pension and super annuation be restored to me with
out question. I know that this can be done and I do request it be done. Thank you.

I do request that Captain Drunk and His Pirates and His helicopter Pilot be brought to honest
justice for these murderous issues!

there was also an additional problem on Entrance Island Light Station that Captain Drunk did place
there intentionally
1. this problem was the man that I named Hidden Man who hid behind the lying stories of Just
    Learning To Fly His Airplane around in Europe during The Second World War and his wife
    that I named Hidden Woman who just so happened to work in blood release reseach in Europe
    during The Second World War
2. to say this short Mr. Hidden Man and his Mrs Hidden Woman were raised in Nazi Germany
    and were two more unfortunate people who could not adjust to North American life styles
3. they were both a constant trouble maker
4. Mr. Hidden Man had a nine millimeter hand gun and he would shoot it about The Island Light
5. Mr. Hidden Man also had a long range rifle he would also shoot about The Island Light Station
6. Mr. Hidden Man would also take these fire arms to Gabriola Island and shoot them off there all
    over Gabriola Island
7. I do believe that Mr. Hidden Man and his Mrs Hidden Wife were murders right through.
8. I did report him and her for this bad gun action many times and I did enter their bad gun actions
    into The Light Stations Log Book

Remember readers there were very bad gun fights right on Entrance Island Light Station.

Remember readers that I, Murray S. Fenwick, also did faithfully report these gun fights.

The following statement appears to be to small to mention but in these circumstances that I found
myself in this seemingly small statement does have a lot of meaning.
The appearing small statement is: Even The Canadian Flag had to be raised and flown and lowered
in a certain Second World War Torn Germany Fashion!
The Hidden Man took the time to teach me how to raise and fly and lower The Canadian Flag in
Second World War Torn Germany Fashion! And it had to be done in that ways!

The Hidden Man even taught me how he marched his German Shepherd Dog around The Light
Station in Second World War Germany Fashion!

This following statement is aimed at The Canadian Governments who have done me wrong!
The following statement is: I do believe that You Canadian Governments do owe me, Murray S.
Fenwick, my pension!

I, Murray S. Fenwick, have seen on T.V. similar situations as mine where The Innocent Hurt People
have laid in wait down the road for those who were indebted to them for similar crimes and somehow
made those criminal people who were in debt to them pay their debts off!

This food poisoning and gas poisoning attack against Murray S. Fenwick and a friend of his took
place at Swartz Bay Ferry Boat Terminal in about the year 1972.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was an empoyee for The Government on The British Columbia Ferries
    that sailed out of Swartz Bay
2. at thiss time I was a janitor aboard ship
3. one of my best friends whose naame is Golden Forty Niner Son wanted to work on the boats too
4. this Golden Forty Niner young man just happened to be the son of The Very Wealthy Golden
    Forty Niner Family located in The United States of America
5. The Golden Forty Niner Family owns multi billions of dollars in gold values
6. I got to know The Son of The Golden Forty Niner Family when the son lived in Canada

Why The Golden Forty Niners Son wanted to work on the boats I do not know but he asked me to
take him to Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal myself and help him to get a job on The Boats there. He
might have just wanted to take some photographs of the ships when they were tied up at the wharves
and when they were on their daily run to send dhome asto his Golden Forty Niner Father.

The following is what happened.

1. I went to The Golden Sons home and dropped off my car there
2. The Golden Son and I got into his car and drove from Victoria out The Patricia Bay Highway to
    Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal
3. I took The Golden Son into the man office who did hire and fire people who worked out of
    Swartz Bay

The man in this office was classed as the personel director and his names were Mr. Murderer, Mr.
Illegal Gas Man and Mr. Drunk Man! This Mr. Bad Man had many names.

4. both The Golden Son and I had a short talk with Mr. Bad Man then I began to help The Golden
    Son to fill out an application for work aboard The B.C. Ferries
5. After we had filled out the work application form I went and sat down in the waiting room on a
    nice sofa and began to  eat the orange or apple that Mr. Bad Man had given to me. The Golden
    Son went into Mr. Bad Mans office once again to give him the filled out form.
6. in just a moment or two The Golden Son walked by me and said that he would be back in just
    one moment, that he was just going to use the washroom

Both The Golden Son and I had tea with The Bad Man and The Bad Man gave us an orange and
an apple and a cooky to eat.

7. it was a nice sunny day and I thought it was the warmth of the sun that made me feel drowsy.
    I fell asleep on the sofa. How long I was asleep I do not know.
8. in a little while this drowsy affect wore off and I did stand up and went looking for The Golden
    Son who was gone longer than expected
9. I found The Golden Son lieing down in the washroom from having been illegally gassed in the
    washroom by Mr. Bad Man!
10. I helped The Golden Son to his feet and got him out of the washroom
11. I then helped The Golden Son to get his clothes on straight and properly
12. while I helped The Goldeen Son he shouted and hollared that someone was gassing him and
      trying to kill him and trying to trreat him like an homosexual

The Golden Son lost complete control of himself a few times within the next while and just shouted
that someone was trying to kill him and sexually abuse him. The Golden Son was very hard to handle
at this time. The Golden Son could not stand up properly. The Golden Son could not even due up
his waist belt properly.

13. The Golden Son kept shouting that The Bad Man did this to him

I, Murray S. Fenwick, knew from working out of this Ferry Terminal that The Golden Son and I
were in extreme danger at this time.

14. I managed to get The Golden Son out of the building and to his car
15. after awhile The Golden Son drove both of us back to his house but this was very difficult for
      him to do

I did keep a sharp eye on The Golden Son for a couple of years, 2 years, at least and I did know
that The Golden Son did suffer very much from this food and gas attack against him.

I do not know what The Golden Son and His Golden Family and over all of this The Golden Sons
Golden Father is going to do about this case but I Murray S. Fenwick intend to request a pension
for being criminally drugged by poison food attack and criminally gassed while I was in the office
of The Bad Man right at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.

The apples and oranges and cookies were all poisoned food given to The Golden Son and I to eat
and the tea that we were given by Mr. Bad Man was poisoned also. Then Mr. Bad Man gassed
both of us. I did not get as much of a gassing as The Golden Son got because I was in another
room called the waiting room. I was not in the wash room where The Golden Son was located at.
The Wash room was where the gas was concentrated at.

Remember readers that The Golden Sons Father, The Golden Father, has multi billions in gold
assets and is financially capable of making a literal war with The Province of British Columbia.
Because The Province of British Columbia did ruin The Golden Fathers Golden Son He might
finacially take something out of The Province in future years to come to make The Province pay
for ruining his Golden Son. The Golden Father could do this without the average  work-a-day-Joe
knowing anything about it being done.

Because of the huge finances involved in this case that are held against The Province of British
Columbia I demand a complete review of this case be done. Because of the possibility of even
war coming to pass over this case being made against The Province of British Columbia I demand
a complete hearing of this case.

I demand all things straightened out in this case!

It is unfortunate that my friend The Golden Son was ruined by this illegal gassing and poison food
attack against him. It is unfortunate for British Columbia the amount of very costly damage that
The Golden Sons Golden Father can cause The Province to sufffer.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, was also damaged by this illegal gas and poison attack. I am after a pension
from The British Columbia Government for causing damage to me.

Also instead of having friends The Province of British Columbia now has enemies.

It is known by Murray S. Fenwick that a lot of other people were hurt by this poison and gas
attack right here in The Bad Mans office. Also through-out the entire Ferry Fleet a lot of other
people were out right murdered and hurt in various ways.

This report is about when I Murray S. Fenwick was hurt by being gassed onboard The Ship Queen
of Esquimalt.

1. I was working as a janitor onboard the ship Queen of Esquimalt
2. I walked into the companionway which was right beside the crews quarters which was for oilers
    and catearing workers
3. there was illegal gas in the hallway
4. I fell down from it but I struggled to get up onto my feet again quite quickly
5. when I got up onto my feet again I made for the crews quarters and stood in front of an open
    window for fresh air
6. I seemed to recover alright

this illegal gas in the companionway happened more than one time and became well known about

Remember readers that this gas is not necessarily just a knock out gas only but it can be a very lethal
gas and can cripple a person for the rest of there lives. This gas can kill people!

This report is about when I Murray S. Fenwick was gassed when I was onboard The Ship Queen
of Esquimalt.

1. this happened on the same ship and the same location as the other gassing that I was illegally
    knocked down by
2. the only difference here is that I got gassed when I entered the mop room which was where the
    janitorial supplies were kept stored away at
3. I immediatly fell down onto my face because of the gas affect that it had on me. I fell crash
    right down on my face in the corner of this steel made room and did hurt myself
4. I managed to back out of the janitors storage room into the companionway
5. after I got out of the companionway I made for the door
6. I got out the door and then went out the door on my left onto the outside boat deck where the
    fresh air did revive me

After awhile I felt alright and I then carried on with my work.

7. this illegal poison gas in the janitors room became very well known about and this did happen
    more than one time, how many times this did happen I do not know but I do know that people
    came to know about it and more than once someone got gassed, affected by gas, in this janitors
    storage room.

This exact gassing in the janitors room was very severe and people might have been killed right here?

I do know that this serious illegal gassing was looked into by The B.C. Ferry Management.

Remember readers that this gas is not necessarily a knock out gas only but it can be a very lethal
gas and can cripple a person for the rest of there lives and possibly kill people!

Remember readers that this exact location is where I saved The Provinces Premior from being
gassed. This is very serious. The Premior may have died right here or have been knocked out and
then thrown off of the boat when when the ship was in deep water out in The Gulf of Georgia.
This would have cost The Premiors Their Very Own Lives! I have written this account up in
another report that I have put in this overal report and I want you readers to take this gas attack
against The Premiors Most Seriously! The Premiors that I am talking about were The Premiors
of The Province of British Columbia themselves!

This report is about the illegal gassing of The First Man Of The Province Of British Columbia
named The Premiors Themselves. In this report I am talking about The Heads of Parliament.
These victims are The Heads Of Political Parties.

1. One day when I was working onboard The Queen of Esquimalt I was in the exact location
    where the gassings had taken place but this time I was just forward of the door that closed
    off the companionway where the gassings had taken place
2. I was standing right at the top of the stairs that led from one deck to another. I was located
    right forward of the door that led to the companionway of illegal gas

Low and behold The Premiors of The Province just walked into the stairway!

3. The Premior was at the bottom of the stairs
4. The Premior called to me and asked me to come down the stairs and lend him a hand to get up
    the stairs properly

I did do this and I found out the following. Remember readers that this illegal gas does drift
around and this is exactly what The Premiors just unknowingly walked into.

5. The Premior had a little while ago walked up these very stairs and had been struck by gas
    when he got to the top of them
6. because of the gasses affect on him he fell all the way down the stairs and landed on his head
7. some how The Premiors got oout of this terrible gas attack with just minor scratches and bruises

Being quite frank about this situation that did cause The Premiors to fall all the way down these
steel stairs and land upside down on their heads on the steel decking, I do know that a person
could die very easily from this type of attack against them.
The illegal gas came right through and around the immediate area where The Premiors stood
when they opened the door that led to the gas filled companionway and knocked The Premiors
out cold and they all fell backwards down the steel flight of stairs and landed on their heads on
the steel decking. I do know that a person could die from this very easily!

I had a very nice talk with The Premiors right there and then The Premiors went forward to their
state rooms.

A little eyeful.
I think how the gas got to The Premiors is that the door right at the top of the stairs that did lead
to the companionway where the gas had been released at was for some reason left open and that
the illegal gas did drift out into the open stairway and that is how The Premiors did happen to
walk directly into the gas when they were in and about climbing the stairs in the stairwsay.

Remember readers that this gas is not necessarily a knock out gas only. Gas can be a very lethal
weapon and can cripple a person very easily for the rest of their lives. Gas can also kill people!

How long before I met The Premiors at the stair-well I do not know but I do know that The
Premiors had been hurt by this gas attack and their awful fall down those steel stairs was awful
hurtful to them. The Premiors had yet to recover themselves from this awful gas attack and every
one of them did still need a helping had to walk around and to climb the stairs again properly. The
Premiors did need to be helped along to their private state room.

I demand a complete investigation about this illegal gassing of The Premiors of The Province of
British Columbia!

This report is about a gas and poison scene that happened to me when I worked for The Government
in The Public Works Department in Victoria at Government House and The Law Courts down town.
I worked there for about 4 years continuously and this was about the years around 1977.

1. when I worked for The Public Works I was classed as a gardeners helper
2. generally I would work on the grounds of Government House helping gardeners do their work
3. at times though we would go into Government House on Rockland Avenue and move furniturre
    about to help the people in The House get ready for banquets etc.
4. at other times we would go into the green houses at Government House and help the gardeners
    do their work in them

It is in these green houses that I got gassed several times.

5. sometimes, at times, the gardeners woould fumigate the green houses in order to get rid of the
    insects that would bother the plants

It was this type of fumigation that at times got way out of control. As a matter of fact the
surrounding community of Rockland Drive would complain about to much gas was being used
in these green houses and was spreading all over the local area. It was even thought at times that
this gassing the general public in this area was intentionally done and that it was a type of gas made
for gassing people with not for just killing bugs in the green houses with. It was thought that the
gassing of the local people was simply staged in the green houses on Government House Grounds.
This caused constant trouble in this local community.

6. the gardeners would use far to much fumigation and without properly ventilating the green
    houses would send me into them to work
7. sometimes we the gardeners helpers would get bloody runny noses from inhaling to much
8. sometimes we gardeners helpers would vomit quite a lot from inhaling to much fumigation
9. I do rremember that on more than one occassion we gardeners helpers would pass right out
    and fall down onto the cement floor of the green houses from inhaling to much fumigation
10. even at times when we gardeners helpers were outside of the green houses we would be
      affected by the fumigation gas from the green houses and stagger and feel sick all of the
      work day

Many people in this area did complain about being made sick from this green house drifting gas!

11. this also happened to me in a similar fashion when I was forced to eat and have my coffee
      breaks in the room located in the basement of The Law Courts Building where open pesticide
      was stored and mixed and where pesticide spray cannisters were opened up in preparation
      for cleaning
12. Also at times pesticide was mixed and put into spray cans in my lunch room location right in
      the lunch room houses provided by The Government at Government House. I do think that I
      was affected by pesticide by getting poisoned by it in these lunch room locations. This pesticide
      poisoning happened to me in lunch rooms and in trucks when I was travelling with a wayward
      gardener. At times the pesticide was mixed up in the truck and the cannisters opened up in the
      truck and partly cleaned in the truck. I do believe that I was at times poisoned by this improper
      work procedure.

When I worked for The Public Works quite a number of times I did report this improper work
procedure to the superintendants. There were quite a number of investigations over this issue
but because the workmen involved in using pesticide were intentionally careless and abusive
in many ways this pesticide abuse did not ever get corrected.

Remember readers it was said and believed that poison gas, not pesticide, was spread all over this
local area.The local people did say this. There were even local people who did say that they were
going to take Government House to court and charge them by law over the illegal gassing of the
local people.

This report happened when I lived on Gabriola Island about the year 1980.

1. I woke up in the morning and a friend came to visit with me and told me that I should go to the
    park today because there is going to be a nice base ball soft ball game and also some some of my
    friends were going to the park for a nice sunny day outing at the beach. This nice park fronted
    right on to the ocean beach.
2. I got into sthe car and some of my friends got into the car also with their children and off we went
    to the beach
3. the park is located at one end of Gabriola Island. The park and the beach are located in the same
    place. People on Gabriola Island also got their water from a well in this park. The water supplies
    from individual property on Gabriola Island is not very good.
4. when we arrived there quite a number of people were already there

This statement here is important to know. I at this time owned a nice old milk van called a Divco
Step Van. It was quite nice and large and roomy.

5. I got the children out of the van and onto the beach and then went back to the van for their
    toys etc.

All of a sudden The Premiors of The Province showed up with a nice lot of cars and trucks
following behind them in a parade like fashion. I thought this looked very nice.

The following happened very quickly.

6. everyone in the park and on the beach got excited and wanted to see The Premiors and to shake
    their hands and meet all of The Premiors guests.

All of a sudden the "this time" poison gas hit all of us!

7. the people right there beside The Premiors own car who were right on the beach were all knocked
    out by a poison gas attack
8. then just as quickly the whole park full of people were knocked out

When I saw The Premiors and their guests drive up to the park by the entrance I walked up there
to see them and to shake their hands and say hello to them. Where The Premiors stopped their cars
was on a little higher ground therefore the gas did not hit me right there.

9. as I began to hear people shouting and as I began to see people falling down I took very
    careful note of this and did walk about and did look at this. Everyone was knocked out
    every where in the park and about the park perimeter
10. then I walked back to my van and just when I got there The Premiors and their guest coasted
      their vehicles down the little intrance road into the park and stopped right behind my van. There
      The Premiors and their guests parked their vehicles.
11. The Premiors then staggering from the gas got out of their cars and other vehicles and staggered
      over to my van

The Premiors did know me. Probably he knew me from when I worked at Government House
Grounds and The Law Courts and at The Parliament Buildings in Victoria.

12. The Premiors called out to me. They shouted dear Murray help us help us!

Remember readers this gas scene happened very fast.
I quickly realised that there was developing here a lot of trouble. This gas and trouble could mean
murder once again!

13. I quickly grabbed a hold onto The Premiors body, bodily, and escorted them into my quite large
      van aand set them down there and then I got out of the van and with very much intent to
      protect The Premiors I did close the van door so that no one knew where The Premiors were

At this terrible point of issues of this poison gas scene attack against The Premiors and their guests
the poison gas had not yet hit me off and knocked me right out like it had every one else.

14. I took up my guard position right at the door of my Divco Van that I had The Premiors of The
      Province locked up in

The next part here is so very hard said that it might get some people locked up for the rest of their
lives or out right killed. Yes it is true that at this time Gabriola Island did enact capital punishment!

Remember readers this attack against The Premiors of The Province and their guests happened
very fast.

15. Right immediatly into first the beach area and then into the park area ran a lot of Hippies. The
      Hippies were part of the people who did attack The Premiors and their guest. The Hippies had
      a fighting area given to them and it was right where my van was parked. I watched them run in
      and start their part of the overal park murder scene.
16. the Hippies were wild from taking drugs
17. some of The Hippies even had cocain injection needles in their hands aand were sticking them
      into their arms as they ran into the beach area and park area fighting
18. The Hippies were carrying two-by-fours in their hands
19. The Hippies were carrying for-by-four pieces of wood in their hands
20. The Hippies were carrying mainly axes in general about the size of a wood splitting axe in
      their hands. The axes were anything upto about a five pound wood splitting axe

The Hippies were shouting madly kill The Premiors off, kill The Premiors off!

Because I did live on Gabriola Island I did know some of these Hippies and I did know that they
were very dangerous especially one of them named "You Know Who?". "You Know Who?" did
live on Gabriola Island and was a school teacher at "You Know Who's School?" that "You Know
Who?" RAN! In the past I had already had big hard talks with "You Know Who?" about "You Know
Who?" using illegal drugs and growing them. "You Know Who?" would not quit using illegal drugs
or growing them so I would not talk to him anymore!

By this time the beach area and the park area was in a two-by-four and a four-by-four and a wood
spitting axe uproar. Innocent people were being murdered all over the place. Well low and behold
who walked right up to me right then, now, during the hieghts of this killing scene but "Mr. You
Know Who?" "HIMSELF?" and sure enough he was carrying a great big wood splitting axe in his

21. "Mr. You Know Who?" asked me if I was still doing alright and whether or not I had been
      gassed or not. "Mr. You Know Who?" showed right here a lot of concern for me and he did
      know that my friends had been gassed aand the four childrren had been gassed and were
      knocked out right there on the sandy beach

The Premiors of The Province blamed The Hippy Drug Addicts and others for this murder scene
talking place!
The Hippy DFrug addicts and others blamed The Premiors and their guests for this murder scene
taking place!

22. "Mr. You Know Who?" then asked me if I had seen The Premiors around anywhere. "Mr.
      You Know Who?" saaid that The Premiors and their guests had just released the gas that
      had knocked out everyone and that he, "Mr. You Know Who?" along with other Hippies
      wanted to kill The Premiors and their guests by chopping off their heads for hurting them
      so badly by this type of poison gas attack.
23. I stood my ground and protected The Premiors and would not say that right here in my old
      Divco van lies the knocked down, out cold, Premiors of The Province. Right at the door of
      the old Divco step van I stood and faced The Hippies supreme command demanding in a drug
      nuts way the where-abouts of The Premiors. Standing right behind "Mr. You Know Who?"
      was 1,000 drugged out of their mind Hippies all shouting "Kill The Premiors".

It does look like The Hippies were guilty of this murder scene.
The following few statements are why.
The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with 4 foot long two-by-fours
The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with 4 foot long four-by-fours
The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with axes
Get this: The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with freshly sharpened axes!
It ias obvious to me dthat The Hippies did come sto the park that day well prepared for this
murder scene.
Also it is a well known fact that Hippies cannot be properly organised into troop warfare
These Hippies that did come to this park were very well oranised and had Commanders present
who did run the whole side of The Hippies. I stood right there on this murder scene sight and
watched The Hippies do manouvers that were preorganised by their Commanders.The side of
The Hippies did have their side of this murder scene very well oranised.

24. I told "Mr. You Know Who?" that I did not know where The Premiors were located at
25. because "Mr. You Know Who?" was a professor at The Hippy School he had a lot of
      authourity with The Hippiesand he was right then in charge of a lot of them. "Mr. You
      Know Who?" then turned away from me The Searching Hippies and directed the drugged
      out of their mind Hippies to carry on their search in other areas of the park and beach areas.
      "Mr. You Know Who?" made sure that this searching for The Premiors was done in very
      acute detail. "Mr. You Know Who?" did make certain that the drug wild Hippies did look
      under every bush and along everay bit of water front quite closely.

This murder scene went on for quite some time. This searching for The Premiors went on for
quite some time.

26. No matter what went on or happened I still clung to my position of guard duty at the door
      of my old Divco step van
27. fortunatly for The Premiors I did manage to get "Mr. You Know Who?" and the drug wild
      Hippies away from my van and local area by directing them myself
28. then the poison gas did strike me down also
29. I passed out, out right out cold
30. I stayed passed out for 3 days straight

That is just how terribly strong that gas was. A lot of people did die as a result from this gas and
a lot of people were killed on both sides of this terrible murder scene.

During this time that I was passed out The Premiors and their guests did recover themselves enough
to scramble off out of this Beach Park area that was filled with gas.

This murder scene that follows here is so terrible that to this day I do not know why Work Point
Barracks was not called up to defend the rights and lives of the people who were hurt so badly as
the people who were located on the beach and in the park area were hurt. A lot of them were killed
in this gas and murder scene.

31. all the people who were knocked out who were located on the beach were either left right
      there where they fell down when the poison gas hit them off or were killed anad left right
      there on the sandy beach. Never-the-less all of these unfortunate people did float away in
      "The Now Rising Tide".
32. The people in the park who were knocked out by the poison gas were thrown off the rocks
      into the ocean. They also did float away in "The Now Rising Tide". Why some of these people
      were thrown off of rocks is there are some rocks at this park that do front the park to the ocean
      itself. That is where some of the people were thrown into the ocean at.

There were a lot of people killed in this gas and Wild Hippy attack. Just how many I do not know
but it was a lot of people.

33. A lot of women with their children were dragged from below high tide mark to above high tide
      mark by people who immediatly came to try and rescue everyone in the gas filled park from
      ceertain doom.
34. I was carrried forward to the water and immersed into the cold ocean water, repeatedly, for
      three days straight to try to revive me. Finally I woke up after being out cold for three days
      straight. This dunking me into the cold ocean water repeatedly did not revive me. I simply
      woke up after three days time.

As soon as I woke up I went every direction asking questions as to exactly what did happen this
day at the ocean beach and the park and exactly what I have written down here is exactly what

I know that I was knocked out on the sandy beach below high tide and that I would have floated
away in the rising tide and been killed by drowning if the rescue people did not drag me to ground"
above the high tide mark.

35. also to prove a point of issues I went to "Mr. You Know Who's" house and talked with him
      very carefully about the scene that happened in the park and on the beach
36. I very carefully talked with "Mr. You Know Who" about the axe that he had in his hands and
      the drug mad Hippies he was commanding in the park
37. "Mr. You Know Who" did admit that he did all of these things
38. "Mr. You Know Who" then went mad again and started shouting that he wants to kill The
      Premiors of The Province right off
39. "Mr. You Know Who" would not be quieted down about this terrible murder issue that he
      held against The Premiors of The Province.

Twice I went to "Mr. Yu Know Who's" home and talked to him about this murder scene that
took place in the park and on the sandy beach and both times our conversation ended up in
"Mr. You Know Who" shouting his head off about wanting to kill The Premors off.

40. By "Mr. You Know Who's" terrible axe performance in the park and on the sandy beach
      and because of the terrible shouting about how he wanted to kill The Premiors of The
      Province off those two times that I went to visit and talk with him about this terrible murder
      scene that had just happened I concluded that "Mr. You Know Who" was a murderer as well
      as a drug addict and illegal drug seller and illegal drug producer.

In general Gabriola Island talked about this park and sandy beach murder scene for awhile and then
let it go down.

It is note worthy to know that Hippy "You Know Who" was a teacher at The Hippy School but also
he was a good friend of The Dean of The Hippy School who was a known alcoholic. The alcoholic
Dean of The Hippy School was a very serious trouble maker all the years that he was at The Hippy
School. This alcoholic Deans influence on "Mr. You Know Who" made "Mr. You Know Who" even
a worse criminal than he would have been if he had been left to himself.

41. the accusations of "Mr. You Know Who" and the drug addict Hippies about The Premiors
      releasing this poison gas onto the park area and the sandy beach are completely false. All of
      Gabriola Island thought these Hippy accusations were completely false.
42. it is thought that the gas was released neaer where The Premiors Party parcked their cars and
      trucks when The Premiors were on the main road
43. it is thought that people released the gas near The Premiors and their guests in order to knock
      them out and then to kill them off by The Hippies crazy attack against them

Generally speaking the people of Gabriola Island thought that "Mr. You Know Who" who was in
charge of the drug addict mad Hippies didd release that poison gas and did try to kill The Premiors
and their guests off and did try to kill off the innocent people who were in the park and the sandy
beach area as well.

For certain "Mr. You Know Who" and The Drug Mad Hippies could not explain to anyone how
come they showed up on this scene so quickly with axes and prepared two-by-fours and prepared
four-by-fours to try to kill The Premiors and their guest off with. The people of Gabriola Island
reminded The Hippies and "Mr. you Know Who" that they took note also that even their axes were
well previously prepared by being all sharpened up. These drug addicts had no explanation for
their terrible actions what-so-ever!

It is believed that "Mr. You Know Who" and The Mad Drugged Hippies did plan this whole
terrible scene. Just one reason why it is thought to be this way is because this park and sandy beach
and The Premiors and their guests terrible situation happened so fast that the people who did do
these evil things had to be right on the sight at the time that they took place. The guilty people had
to be preseent and very well prepared to enact each of these murder scenes. For example: no-one
had time to go home to get their axe and return to this murder site. Once this murder scene began to
take place no-one but the people right on this murder site could have been involved in it. This
murder scene did happen to fast to bring in any outside people.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, says this following remark right here.
It is unfortunate that The Canadian Army Regular "leaders"at times do not look after their people
It is unfortunate that some Government Officials in The Resposible Positions that do look after
the well being of their own people do not look after their people at all, either.
I do request that The Canadian Army Regular people who are in charge of my situation
I do request that The Government Officials who are in charge of my situation
take a very close careful look at my report right here. That is all of my report right here.
I think that when you read all of this report it will make you "AGAST" at what has happened to
me. I was raised up in a certain manner so that I would protect our Military Commanders and
Government Officials and our country Canada and that is exactly how I got into these murder scene
after murder scene situations. I look forward to recieving help from our Military and Government
Officials in the near future and in recieving my pension that could now be called pensions from
all over the country and for all kinds of acts of bravery!

thank you very much
Murray S. Fenwick.

An illegal gassing that took place in Camp Borden.

One day when I and my troop were out on a little scheme of learning to see and to listen to certai;n
kinds of things in the wilderness area of Camp Borden I was asked to go into a little cement
building that looked like some kind of tunnel. The building was shaped like a short piece of
two-by-four wood. The building was there but no-one paid much attension to it.

I walked over to the building and entered the building like I was told to.

I was immediatly knocked out by gas that was in the building.

I later found out that the building was designed and built for the use of gas.

I was dragged out of the building by my troop and laid down on the ground about 50 feet away from
the gas building .

I was out cold for 3 days straight.

The troop thought that I was not going to wake up again but that I would die from being gassed
as bad as I was.

I was not given first aid. I was not seen by a Doctor. I was not rushed to the military hospital.

I believe that the people that did this illegal gassing to me have to be tried in court for murdering
people and very possibly executed by firing squad by The Army Itself or they should be put into
a military jail that has been designed for mentally retarded, insane, people.



this is part  of very secret top knowledge that I am not making known to anyone except those who must know these things about my case

this writing is about the death of a whole school full of people, the students and a lot of others

I. I will begin  this story by saying we are in the trucks heading towards Camp Meaford
2. We arrived at Camp Meaford and were sent to our barrack block where we settled in and then went to
    the mess hall for supper
3. After we were at Camp Meaford a day or so we were told by The Camp Commander of our troop
    that  there was and still is very serious danger in Camp Meaford for our health and our very own lives

the following is what the very serious problem was
this is very secret knowledge aand could  not be spoken about  to anyone but because we were
Canadian Army Troops Regular and in Camp Meaford which was right on the sight of this terrible
problem we were told what it was

4. what the terrible danger in Camp Meaford was  is  Military Canada  had brought into camp what was
    called  The Atomic Cannon  For Research Purposes  And  For General Fireing It Off

5. the gunners who were responsible for the placement of The Atomic Cannon did a good job on
    concealing its where abouts

it was quite interesting where they hid this Atomic Cannon

where they hid it was right at the end of the parade  square there was a natural ground fall off right at the
end of the parade square that could not be seen from ther parade square itself. You had to go to the end of
the parade square and look down to see where the end of the parade square went to. There I saw The
Atomic Cannon Sitting
please remember: the troop Commander did ask me very individually to keep my eyes and ears open and
investigate what ever might be of disterbance in Camp Meaford  and I did do this especially with the

movements of this Atomic Cannon

6. I"ll  write this up later but my doing what The Troop Commander told me to do got me into so much
    trouble that I almost died, well got killed, doing it . The military truth is I was not supposed to be any
    where near The Atomic Cannon but because of the severe trouble in  Camp I was ordered tp keep a
    sharp eye and ear on The Atomic Cannon

7. by my observing The Atomic Cannon I did  observe the crew that did run it  and I  did manage to get  a
    lot of information about What Was Done In Camp  And About  Camp With The Atomic Ca

8. it was soon proven to me that The Atomic Cannon was definitly one of the things that did cause a lot of
    trouble in and about Camp Meaford


this is a continuation of what happened to me in Camp Meaford
it will take a few pages to tell this story

this part is about The Atomic Cannon

I. when I was looking at The Atomic Cannon  the troops who kept The Atomic Cannon in good repair
    and who fired it off found me quite near it and looking at it
2. The Atomic Cannon Crew quite quickly beat me up very badly
3.  they hit me behind the head many times
4.  the back of my head and the back of my neck hurt very badly
5.  they got me down onto the ground and did kick me also
6.  well eventually they knocked me out
7.  they then dragged me off of the parade square aand layed me face down in tank tracks in the road that
     ran past the parade square
8.  by placing me in this location was an attempted murder against me because battle tanks and other
     vehickles were ussing the road
9.  eventually some paeople found me and dragged me out of the tank track aand off of the road
I0. they finaslly revived me back awake again
II.  I was partly carried because I was so abeat up that I could not stand up properly or walk properly
I2. I was taken into the mess hall for supper and the commander in charge of the mess hall got very
     mad that I was in the mess hall
I3. what had happed to me is it is true I got beat up awful bad but also because I was so near The
     Atomic Cannon and because I was put face down into the tank tracks I was literally immersed
     into The Atomic Compounds that were being used in The Atomic Cannon and also Spilled Atomic
     Compounds that were spilled about the immediate area of The Atomic Cannon as well as I was
     generally in the area of an Inernational Spill Of Atomic Compounds that had definitly taken place
     in the exact area where I was located

     please remember: I was asked to be in this location by The Troop Commander

I4. I was literally covered by Atomic Compounds all overa the place
I5. The Commander in charge of the mess hall would not have me in the mess hall because of my
      being so contaminated by Atomic Compounds
I6.  somehow I would have contaminated the hall and the food
I7.  I was immediatly ordered out of the mess hall
I8.  I was immediatly carried out of the mess hall and next door by the senior troops who saved my life
      and when they got me next door they stripped off my clothes anad washed me down in the shower
I9.  then I was led back to the mess hall
20. there was then another terrible fight about me being in the mess hall but The Mess Hall Commander
      did decide to let me into the mess hall and toi have soimething to eat
2I.  The Mess Hall Commander would not let me be in The Mess Hall on my own though and the
      senior troops did stay with me and did help me about having my supper
22. also I had to sit at the back of the mess hall
23. I was terribly beaten up, I was not allowed to do anything in the mess hall what-so-ever I Was
      Near Death

#21. On changing the colour of people permanently

this report is another atomic story
this story is not well known thrugh-out the history of mankind
this story is though ihe history of mankind and people in
general do not know about it

this story is about Africa

one day a long long time ago
let's say 250 million years ago
some African people, for what-ever reason,
wanted to make some atomic bombs

in order for them to make the atomic bombs
they had to first make a factory to make them in

unfortunatly for the African people
these African people who wanted to make some
atomic bombs did make the atomic bomb factory
to make the atomic bombs in

the atomic bomb factory was located on the east side
of the continent of Africa

the location of this atomic bomb factory was found
by teams of atomic trained people who were from
The White House in The United States of America

unfortunatly this atomic factory and the atomic bombs
made in this factory did ruin the African continent and
the African people

the trouble that this atomic factory and the atomic bombs made
still carries on to this day of A.D. 2012

it is believed today in A.D. 2012 that the medical problem in African
heads called crowns and the out of shape brain stem that is part
of the spinal cord is a direct result of the misforming of the human
being that can take place when a human being is in contact with
atomic compounds

it is also believed that the colour of a human being can change when
the human is subjected to atomic compounds. Atomic people do believe
that the African is black because of being in contact with atomic eneragy

The White House has done a very big study on this subject and I think
that all people on the earth should get that information out of The White
House and study it very carefully for the well being of mankind in general

this information which is my information comes from The White House Itself

Readers: Did you know? that The Negro Human Race that exists in The Continent of Africa all
have a very bad name for causing very serious trouble for other people. I am not talking about just
one Black Negro People in just one country inside of the boundaries of The Continent of Africa. I
am talking about something much more than that. I am talking about The Whole Continent of  Africa. It is the Black Negro People I am talking about. For many thousands of years now The Black
Negro People of The Entire Continent of Africa have had a very bad name for causing very serious
trouble for other ethnic peoples.

It seems to me that, when The African People who were involved in The Atomic Bomb Factory
did make The Atomic Bombs and did use them on other people did at the same time ruin themselves.
Those Africans ruined every African man, woman and child and everything else like animals etc. on
the entire African Continent. It does seem true that nothing properly survived that terrible Atomic
Compound Blow Down and Atomic Spread Around of Atomic Compounds on The Entire  African

caused this Atomic Fall Down to take place
certainly did cause
an entire collapse
of every man, woman, child and dog and cat
and everything else in The African Continent

Now readers I just generally speaking:
As far as you and I are concerned
Because Atomic Compounds go on active for what does seem forever
The Black Negro African Continent Atomic Break Down Problems of very serious trouble making
against other ethnic groups does seem to be going on for ever and for ever.

The Black Negro People of The Continent of Africa do make serious trouble even amongst themselves.

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