Sunday, 27 October 2019

#O22. The Middle East. The Dead Sea. "The Gem Amber."

The Middle East. The Dead Sea.

The following is another report about 
The Middle East. The Dead Sea.

The "Gem Amber."

The following report is about "The Gem Amber."
The following report is about "The Gem Amber" but
is "POINTEDLY" about "The Gem Amber" that is ore
mined in The Dead Sea, in The Middle East.

1. There is A Gem Named Amber.

2. Just one place that "The Gem Amber" is located and
    ore mined is The Dead Sea in The Middle East.

3. The quality of "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in
    The Dead Sea, in The Middle East, is of A High Quality.

Readers: This is something that you have to know about "The
               Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea, in
The Middle East.

Readers: There was A Natural Gas Pocket, Well, underneath The
                Dead Sea Area in The Days Of Abraham. The burning
up and explosions of This Natural Gas Pocket, Well, is what did
form The Depression In The Land that did fill up with water from
The Jordan River to form The Dead Sea in The Middle East.

Readers: Unfortunately since The Middle 1950's Anno Domini when
               The Huge Atomic Bomb was built into "The Bottom Of The
Natural Gas Cone" that made The Dead Sea in the days of The Book Of
Genesis when The Cities Named Sodom And Gomorrah were judged
by God to be evil and were burned up into fire dust by the gas pocket
that was located underneath The Dead Sea Area when "The On Fire Gas"
escaped up out of The Natural Gas Cone. The depression that is The Dead
Sea was formed by the high heat of this escaping, On Fire Gas And Local
Gas Explosions That Melted The Dead Sea Area down into a depression
that then filled up with water from The Jordan River to form The Dead Sea.

Readers: This building, putting, of That Huge Atomic Bomb down into
               The Bottom Of The Natural Gas Cone which is about 4 thousand
feet below The Bottom Of The Dead Sea is A Very Serious Polluting Atomic
Problem that has polluted The Entire Dead Sea and A Long Way Around
About The Dead Sea Area and This Atomic Compounds that do make up
That Big Atomic Bomb has also leaked Polluting Atomic Compounds into
The Local Water Systems that have carried Those Atomic Compound "BOTH
FAR AND WIDE." The distance that some of these water ways have carried
The Atomic Compounds away from That Big Atomic Bomb In The Dead
Sea is really a very long ways. It has been proven that The Atomic Compounds
that have leaked out of This Dead Sea Big Atomic Bomb have traveled in those
water ways at least 3,000 miles away from That Big Dead Sea Atomic Bomb.

Readers: What has happened here is that The Dead Sea Itself has been
                contaminated with Atomic Compounds that have leaked out of The
Big Atomic Bomb Installation that was put into The Bottom Of The Natural
Gas Cone that is right there in The Dead Sea in The Middle Of The 1950's
Anno Domini. This Atomic Polluting of The Dead Sea Itself is what I am
writing about right here.

Readers: Since The Entire Dead Sea Is Polluted With Atomic Compounds then also
                everything in The Dead Sea is also polluted. This does also include "The
Gem Amber."

Readers: Because of This Atomic Polluting Of  "The Gem Amber" this type of
                pollution being Atomic Compounds does make "The Gem Amber A
Atomic Polluted Gem." Therefore because "The Gem Amber Is Atomic Compound
Polluted" it has to be treated as a dangerous piece of Amber and is therefore also
considered valueless.

Readers: Since "The Gem Amber" in The Dead Sea has been proven to be Atomic
                Compound Polluted And Therefore Is Considered Valueless "ALL PEOPLE"
who are interested in collecting "The Gem Amber" have to stay completely away
from "The Once Very Good Quality Gem Amber That Was And Still Is Found In
Abundance In The Dead Sea" in The Middle East.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does know that A Golden Forty Niner does own a lot
                of "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea in The Middle East.
For certain The Golden Forty Niner's Money Investment in ore mining "The Gem
Amber" from The Dead Sea is "A TOTAL LOSS."

Readers: Remember that "The Gem Amber" that is ore mined in The Dead Sea in The
                Middle East is considered to be dangerous to own, to wear as jewelery and to
even be near to because The Atomic Compounds did pollute, The Good Quality Amber, "The Gem Amber," that has been ore mined in The Dead Sea in The Middle East for
thousands of years.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

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