The next three notes of this report are about atomic bombs that are in Nanaimo,
British Columbia, Canada. These bombs were designed to have Nanaimo City
as the atomic bomb headquarters.
1. this atomic bomb is located right at Malaspina College. Right
on top of Malaspina College Hill. Right in Nanaimo City.
2. this atomic bomb has been in location for a long time. Since
about the middle 1950's
3. this atomic bomb is very powerful
4. if this atomic bomb blows up it will definitely blow up Nanaimo
City. Also Vancouver Island will blow up to pieces and the
remains of Vancouver Island will be blown out into The
Pacific Ocean. There will be nothing left of Vancouver Island
or of the smaller islands around and about Vancouver Island.
Victoria will be blown away down south and land on top of
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
5. this atomic bomb is what is called "an atomic crude"
6. this atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude" because the
atomic compounds that make up this bomb are put into a
certain kind of oil that does not alter the atomic compounds
in any way and then the atomic compounds and the certain
kind of oil that the atomic compounds are put into are put
into storage tanks like gasoline storage tanks at a gas station.
You might use a different kind of metal to make the gas tanks
out of though
7. also this kind of all atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude"
because of the mess that the bomb can make when it is in
storage before being used
8. also this kind of oil atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude"
because of the mess that this bomb does make when it blows
up. It is the biggest mess maker atomic bomb that is known
9. because this atomic bomb is messy in its manufacture and
messy in its upkeep it has spread itself all over the city of
Nanaimo and all over the municipality of Nanaimo
Readers: remember:
That atomic compounds are put into a certain kind of oil
in order to make this "ATOMIC CRUDE OIL BOMB,"
10. the atomic mess got all over Nanaimo City and Municipality
by car tires and people walking it about on their shoes and
also by the earth removal and building material, move about,
when Malaspina College was built. Also the wind and the
weather helped move the atomic compounds about by wind
blowing it about and also by rain water washing it about.
This is just an, one, example: This atomic bomb is located
right on top of Malaspina College Hill which is located right
in The City of Nanaimo. The rain simply did just wash the oil
and atomic compounds in the oil right down onto the City
of Nanaimo
11. Readers: remember: this atomic bomb that is located at
Malaspina College is "HUGE" and it does interconnect with
another two atomic bombs
12. This atomic bomb "Set" is still there at Malaspina College.
Because this original, first number one, atomic bomb has
soaked atomic compounds right down into the bed rock of
Nanaimo City itself, it makes little difference now whether
or not the original atomic bomb is still in place. For certain
there has been plenty enough leakage from the original
atomic bomb to make a second atomic bomb. The second
atomic bomb that has been made from leakage from the first
atomic bomb is much larger than the first one. It is true
though that the first atomic bomb is still in place and in very
good condition and very explodeable
13. how it is known that this atomic crude bomb has leaked
so very much atomic compounds around is by the fact
that this atomic crude bomb had to be topped up about once
a week to keep the atomic bomb oil holding tanks filled up
properly. The reason that these atomic oil tanks had to be
topped up once a week is because the tanks themselves had
leaks in them and the atomic crude oil leaked out into the
natural environment. This is how it is known that atomic crude
oil from this bomb leaked out and went everywhere. This has
been very carefully proven.
14. Just think for yourselves how much atomic crude oil was
spilled at this exact location when this "ATOMIC CRUDE
BOMB" had to be topped up once a week for a minimum of
50 years of time. Also the top up itself was not small. Each
week it took quite a lot of oil to keep this "ATOMIC CRUDE
BOMB" topped up. This has been already very carefully
proven to be the truth. The most reliable report is that there
has been a whole lot of "ATOMIC CRUDE OIL" spilled
into the natural environment over the last 50 years of time.
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