Generally The World.
Generally The World.
The Live Active Atomic Bomb
In The Falsely Active Volcano.
Readers: This report is about The Live Active Atomic Bomb that is intentionally
put into A Non Active Volcano that does make The Non Active Volcano
"APPEAR" to be Active. By doing this makes for An Active Volcano False Set Up.
The Non Active Volcano Is Not Active at all. It is The Live Active Atomic Bomb
that has been put into The Non Active Volcano that does make The Non Active
Volcano "APPEAR" Active.
Readers: This is very dangerous, hidden, under handed, criminal, Atomic Dealings,
right here.
put into A Non Active Volcano that does make The Non Active Volcano
"APPEAR" to be Active. By doing this makes for An Active Volcano False Set Up.
The Non Active Volcano Is Not Active at all. It is The Live Active Atomic Bomb
that has been put into The Non Active Volcano that does make The Non Active
Volcano "APPEAR" Active.
Readers: This is very dangerous, hidden, under handed, criminal, Atomic Dealings,
right here.
1. People who are involved in The Atomic Field have "Done This For Eons Of Time."
Readers: What The Atomic People do is the following.
2. The Atomic People find a volcano somewhere.
3. Whether the volcano is active or not active does not matter.
4. The volcano just has to suite The Atomic People's needs=ends.!
Readers: 1 thing that The Atomic People do is:
The Atomic People use the hole in the middle of the volcano as An Atomic
Garbage Dump.
5. At times Live Atomic Bombs are dumped into this Volcano Atomic Garbage Dump
and in processes of time The Atomic Bombs do blow up.
the volcano.
Readers: The Atomic People do for know this blow up will happen and they do this
minded people.
Readers: The Atomic People just say to the world that another volcano blew up by
to anything or to anyone ever did take place.
Readers: Remember that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did say, do say, that These Atomic
People Are Crazy Criminally Minded People.
Readers: Another criminal thing that The Atomic People do with The Volcano Atomic
1. The Atomic People do all of The Atomic Garbage Can Scene With The Volcano.
2. Then The Atomic People Intentionally Put A Live Atomic Bomb Into The Volcano
the birds etc. are blow up that lived nearby The Volcano.
The Atomic People then tell the world that once again by natural causes a volcano
did blow up and killed a lot of people off and other living things did die also but that
is what happens when a volcano does blow up. The Atomic People also do say that
the land around about the volcano is also ruined by rivers of lava etc. ...
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say, The Atomic People do not tell "The General
Public" very much truthful knowledge about Atomic Energy at all.
The Atomic People who have done this blowing up of the volcano=volcanoes have
done this all over the entire world.
There does seem to be an unexplained volcano problem located in the north of
South America. The volcano problem is happening right now In The Year Of Our
Lord 2014 Anno Domini.
This South American volcano problem does appear to be in The Nations Of
Venezuela and Colombia.
I do believe that these volcano problems in these countries should be looked into
"Very Carefully And Very Seriously."
"A Big Volcano Eruption Can Do Great Damage" to those nations and to South
America in general.
Readers: The following statement is absolutely the truth. Very possibly the
following disaster will take place against South America. There will also
be bad trauma geological turn overs in other directions as well, like terrible disaster
striking into The Caribbean Areas.
It is known by geologists that the western side of all of South America has been
hollowed out underneath the continent of South America Itself. Should there be
a very serious really big terrific explosion like the blowing up of a volcano in the
north of South America the effect of that explosion could slide all of South America
south into The Southern Ocean and sink the entire continent of South America below
the surface of The Southern Ocean.
This report right here about the possible loss of The Entire Continent Of South America
is very real.
There are some geologists through-out the world at large who do know about this. Not to many geologists do know about this but some of them do.
The Atomic People use the hole in the middle of the volcano for An Atomic Garbage Dump.
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