Friday, 18 October 2019

#O61. Canada. Camp Borden. Hand Grenade Range. Atomic Bomb.

The Hand Grenade Range

1. somehow we, the troop, got from The Atomic Bomb Explosion
    to the hand grenade range. As I said I do not know if it was on
    foot or in vehicles I was so dazed
2. I was told along with some other troops to open up the boxes
    of hand grenades
3. as we opened the lids of the hand grenade boxes all of the hand
    grenades blew up right into our faces

this was disasterous

4. along with some of the other troopers I was killed stone dead by
    the hand grenades exploding off right into our faces
5. along with the other dead troopers I was dragged across the hand
    genade compound and placed into the pile of dead troopers
6. it was found out that the hand grenade boxes had been booby
    trapped somehow and when we opened the boxes up all of the
    hand grenades blew right up into our faces
7. the hanad grenade explosion blew my helmet right off of my head
8. I was killed instantly
9. like I said I was put into the pile of the dead anad forgotten about
10. the troop officers, and the troops sargents and corporals and the
      troops themselves did examine me well enough and did say that
      I was dead therefore I was put into the pile of the dead
11. quite a number of troopers were killed in the hand grenade
      explosion, just exactly how many I do not know
12. well about 2 and 1/2 hours later I did begin to wake up
13. I did not know who I was or where I was
14. the troop just kept saying it's just Murray's nerves acting up, just
      leave him alone in the pile of the dead. What was happening here
      is as I began to wake up my body would twitch a little and people
      saw this but they thought that my body was just twitching a little
      bit and that I was really dead like I had been diagnosed to be
15. well eventually I did stand up and walk but the troopers caught me
      and dragged me back to the pile of the dead and there threw me
      down once again. This happened several times. The troopers would
      just say it's just Murray's nerves acting up he'll be dead still soon and
      dead cold as a corpse should be
16. we, eventually I did stay standing up
17. by the end of the day I was up onto my feet again but not by much
18. once back in the barrach block I did shower up and went and sat down

these terrible deaths at the hand grenade range were disasterous

I also do wear a medal of honour for dieing for Canada because of this
terrible situation happening to me

you must remember I was proclaimed dead by enough people to justify
putting me into the pile of the dead

something that might still be looked into about this, my death, is the fact
that I did not get any medical treatment from a qualified doctor over this
very serious death blow. This is held against The Canadian Armed Forces
to this day.

This was just another one of the times that I was killed in The Canadian
Army Regular.

1. it is my belief that the entire troop should have been immediately isolated
    right on the spot of where The Atomic Bomb went off at
2. then through military transport been medically taken to proper quarantine
    quarters in Camp Borden for immediate medical treatment
3. this action would have definitely stopped the deaths on the hand grenade
    range from taking place
4. I believe that this action would have been the right action to take because
    of the terrible trouble that The Atomic Bomb Explosion did bring to pass
    against the troop in general
5. everyone in my troop was definitely hurt by The Atomic Bomb Explosion
6. we all did need medical treatment
7. not one of us got medical treatment of any kind
8. it is my belief that we all should have been pensioned off right there on the
    spot of it and carefully sent out the main gate of the army camp to once
    again carry on our civilian lives
9. you must remember readers that we were all Atomic Hurt Right There On
    The Spot Of It, That Is, The Actual Sight Of The Atomic Bomb Explosion

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