Sunday, 27 October 2019

#O23. Europe, Ukraine, Pripyat. The Chernobyle Explosion.

The Ukraine, Pripyat, Eastern Europe.

The Chernobyle Explosion, Europe!
One day when I Murray S. Fenwick, Eel-I-Yums Shadow, was talking to
? Man, ? Man more that just mentioned the following Atomic
Calamity. ? Man talked with me about this Atomic Calamity for most
of the day, at least 6 hours
Beside me sat Eel-I-Yum Himself and here and there he would ask ? Man
very pointed questions about this Atomic Calamity and then he would
resoundingly clap his hands together and say “this information sounds
like a Yum Yum to me.” Eel-I-Yum would constantly do this.
What this Atomic Calamity is about is the following:
1. one day when ? Man was at work in The White House two men approached
him over a very serious hatred scene that was going on and how they
planned to eliminate this hatred scene
2. the hatred scene is these two men had been greatly hurt by The Queen
of Spades named Queen of Black Hearts
3. how these two men planned to end this hatred scene was they tried to
hire ? Man to design a huge Atomic Bomb and put it into the Pyrenees Mountains
in a hidden location and to do this in total secrecy
4. these two men had the idea to blow this bomb up which would blow
France into England and push England, Scotland and Ireland into the
bottom of The North Atlantic Ocean. These two men thought that this
would get rid of their problem Queen of Spades. Also all of Europe
would be blown up and Italy would be pushed out into the Mediterranean
Sea, Spain and Portugal would land in the middle of The Central
Atlantic Ocean in pieces. Thus would end the problem of The Nobility
of Europe and of England, Scotland and Ireland

? Man turned the job down

5. but someone else did not turn the job down. Someone did hire
themselves out to these two men and did make that huge Atomic Bomb
and did put it right into the Pyrenees Mountains.
? Man found out about this and went to the Pyrenees Mountains and did review this
Big Bomb situation
it is ? Man who had some geologists study the under lying rock of all
of Europe to find out what would happen with the rock once the Big
Atomic Bomb Blew Up. The geologists said it is true that Italy would
go out into The Mediterranean Sea and that Spain and Portugal would be
broken into pieces at the bottom of The Mid Atlantic Ocean and that
England, Scotland and Ireland will receive a great thrust from the
under lying rock of the Continent of Europe which would drive them into
the bottom of The North Atlantic Ocean also all of Europe will be
broken to pieces. It is also true the rock from Europe will shear off
and go over top of Denmark squashing and crushing Denmark’s Nobility into
the rock of Denmark itself. Some rock may even be shoved as far as to
the hitting of southern Norway. There will be a crescent shape to some
of the rock going north over Denmark etc. like a semi circle.

when Eel-I-Yum really did like something he would chant Yum-Yum for
quite sometime. Over this specific issue Eel-I-Yum did chant for quite
sometime. Please remember that Eel-I-Yum is the hidden Golden 49′r
who the other Golden 49′rs did try to kill

The Chernobyle Effect!

1. The Chernobyl  Disaster happened on the 26 day of April 1986
2. The Chernobyle Disaster was a quite large nuclear accident
3. this atomic accident happened in The Ukraine near a town called Pripyat
4. somehow one of the atomic plants reactors blew up
5. when the explosions took place and fires happened a lot of dust and airborn debri went into
    the atmosphere and because of the way that the winds of the air did travel this now
    radioactive dust spread over most of Europe
6. a lot of people were evacuated from The Ukraine and other more severely atomic pollouted 
    location to more habitable locations in The Ukraine and in Europe in general and through-out
    the world at large
7. even though this reactor blew up there were still parts of the over-all plant that still did work 
    therefore some of the atomic plant continued to operate for some time to about the year 2000
8. because atomic energy is very dangerous to all life the pleople who ran The Chernobyle Plant 
    had to be more honest with the public in general about what really did happen when this plant
    in The Ukraine blew up and this did bring about a serious inquirey about overal atomic plant safety 
    and whether it was advisable to build another atomic plant at all 
9. some people have died because of being poisoned by the atomic compounds of The Chernobyle 
    Nuclear Atomic Plant

I Believe!
1. the atomic plant called Chernobyl could have manufactured the Pyrenees
Bomb and put it into position
2. the atomic plant called Chernobyl could be the actual detinators
that will blow off The Pyrenees Bomb

have you ever thought that a lot of different people have found out
about the great war potential of the atomic bomb itself
for example: North American Indians who have an argument with The Queen of Spades
or other Nobility of The Hand of Black Hearts
Maybe someone from The United States who did not like the Japanese. In
this case they did blow Japan up and in like manner they might blow The Pyrennes up.
I say that you have to be very careful with atomic kind of war knowledge
because of the terrible atomic war trouble and of types of trouble that
can happen should atomic bomb power and atomics in general fall into
the wrong hands.

thank you,
Murray S. Fenwick

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