This is a continuation of what happened to me in Camp Meaford.
This is when I was used as an experimental soldier
1. I will begin this story by saying we are in the trucks heading
towards Camp Meaford.
2. We arrived at Camp Meaford and were sent to our barrack
block where we settled in and then went to the mess hall
for supper.
3. After we were at Camp Meaford a day or two we were told by
The Commander of our troop that there was and still is very
serious danger in Camp Meaford for our health and our very
nown lives.
The following is what the very serious problem was.
This is very secret knowledge and could not be spoken about to
anyone but because we were Canadian Army Troops Regular
and in Camp Meaford which was right on the sight of this terrible
problem we were told what it was.
4. What the terrible danger in Camp Meaford was is Military
Canada had brought in here what was called The Atomic
Cannon for research purposes and for general firing it off
5. The gunners who were respossible for the placement of The
Atomic Cannon did a good job on concealing its where abouts
it is quite interesting where they hid this Atomic Cannon
Where they hid it was right at the end of the parade square.
There was a natural ground fall off right at the end of the parade
square that could not be seen from the parade square itself. You
had to go to the end of the parade square and look down to see
where the send of the parade square went to. There I saw The
Atomic Cannon sitting.
remember: The troop Commander did ask me very individually to
keep my eyes and ears open and investigate what-ever
might be of disterbance in Camp Meaford and I did do
6. I'll write this up later but my doing what the troop Commander told
me to do got me into so much trouble that I almost died, well got
killed, doing it.
7. By observing The Atomic Cannon I did observe the crew that did
run it and I did manage to get a lot of information about what was
done with The Atomic Cannon.
8. It was soon proven to me that The Atomic Cannon was definitely
one of the things that did cause a lot of trouble in and about Camp
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