Wednesday, 16 October 2019

#O64. Canada. Camp Meaford. Atomic Cannon Crew Beat Murray Up. ...

this part is about The Atomic Cannon

1. when I was looking at The Atomic Cannon the troops who kept
    The Atomic Cannon in good repair and who fired it off found me
    quite near to it and looking at it

you have to remember that The Troop Commander ordered me to do this

2. The Atomic Cannon Crew quite quickly beat me up very badly
3. they hit me behind the head many times
4. the back of my head and the back of my neck hurt very badly
5. they got me down onto the ground and did kick me also
6. well eventually they knocked me out
7. The Atomic Crew then dragged me off of the parade square and layed
    me face down in tank tracks in the road that ran past the parade square
8. by placing me in this location was an attempted murder against me
    because battle tanks and other vehicles were using the road
9. eventually some people found me and dragged me out of the tank track
    and off of the road
10. they finally revived me back awake again
11. I was partly carried because I was so beat up that I could not stand up
      properly or walk properly
12. I was taken into the mess hall for supper and the Commander in charge
      of the mess hall got very mad that I was in the mess hall
13. what had happened to me is it is true I got beat up awful bad but also
      because I was so near The Atomic Cannon and because I was put face
      down into the tank tracks I was literally immersed into Atomic Compounds
      that were being used in The Atomic Cannon and also spilled Atomic
      Compounds that were spilled about the immediate area of The Atomic
      Cannon as well as I was generally in the area of an Intentional Spill of
      Atomic Compounds that had definitely taken place in the exact area where
      I was located.

you have to remember that I was asked to be in this location by the troop
Commander to observe and report what was going on in camp

14. I was literally covered by Atomic Compounds all over the place
15. the Commander in charge of the mess hall would not have me in the mess
      hall because of my being so contaminated by Atomic Compounds
16. somehow I would have contaminated the mess hall and the food
17. I was immediately ordered out of the mess hall
18. I was immediately carried out of the mess hall and next door by the senior
      troops who saved my life and stripped off my clothes and washed me
      down in the shower stall
19. then I was led back to the mess hall
20. there was then another terrible fight about me being in the mess hall but
     The Mess Hall Commander did decide to let me into the mess hall and
     and to have something to eat
21. The Mess Hall Commander would not let me in The Mess Hall on my
      own though and the senior troopers did stay with me and did help me
      about having my supper
22. also I had to sit at the back of The Mess Hall
23. I was terribly beaten up. I was not allowed to do anything in The Mess
      Hall what-so-ever. I WAS NEAR DEATH!

By my being in Camp Meaford and by my being in close contact to the troops
who were running The Atomic Cannon I made good observations as to this
trouble making Atomic Set put into Camp Meaford by Ottawa. I kept busy
observing the troops about The Atomic Cannon and The Atomic Cannon
Itself. By doing this I did come to some knowledge of what The Atomic
Cannon Crew was doing with The Atomic Cannon Itself. The following is just
a little bit of what was done with The Atomic Cannon.

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